《实用社交英语短平快 入门篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李春尧主编;李春尧,屈桂芳,袁红,柳风霞编
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7533731603
  • 页数:336 页

Contents(目录) 1

Unit 1 Greetings 问候 1

Unit 2 Introduction 介绍 16

Unit 3 Parting 分别 30

Unit 4 Making an Appointment  约会 47

Unit 5 Invitation 邀请 61

Unit 6 Polite Rejection 婉拒 80

Unit 7 Getting Information 获取信息 97

Unit 8 Suggestions and Advice 建议与劝告 113

Unit 9 Getting or Expressing Opinions 征求或表达意见 133

Unit 10 Agreeing and Disagreeing 同意与不同意 145

Unit 11 Expressing Likes,Dislikes and Preferences 表达喜欢、不喜欢与偏爱 163

Unit 12 Expressing Anger and Impatience 182

表达生气与不耐烦 198

Unit 13 Asking for Permission and Offering Help 请求允许和提供帮助 198

Unit 14 Getting People's Attention and Interrupting Others 引人注意及打断别人 211

Unit 15 Conecture,Doubt,Uncertainty 推断,怀疑,犹豫 228

Unit 16 Complaints and Apologies 抱怨与道歉 241

Unit 17 Sympathy and Encouragement 同情与鼓励 263

Unit 18 Thanks and Reply 感谢与回答 279

Unit 19 Compliments 赞扬 293

Unit 20 Congratulations and Good Wishes 祝贺与祝愿 311

Key to Practice 325