《21世纪大学英语读写教程课课通 第2册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:齐世和,张颖主编
  • 出 版 社:东营:石油大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7563610782
  • 页数:200 页

Unit One 1

单元内容概述 1

Text A Winston Churchill—His Other Life 1

Contents 1

Text B Little Sister of the Poor 8

Text C Diana,Princess of Wales:1961~1997 12

实践训练 14

Unit Two 19

单元内容概述 19

Text A Why They Excel 19

Text B Methods of Education:East and West 28

Text C Cheating as Culture:Insights for Foreign Teachers 30

实践训练 32

单元内容概述 35

Text A The Tale of a Cultural Translator 35

Unit Three 35

Text B A Multicultural Person 41

Text C A Lifetime of Learning to Manage Effectively 44

实践训练 46

Test Paper One 49

Unit Four 57

单元内容概述 57

Text A Turning Failure into Success 57

Text B Failure?No!Just Temporary Setbacks 63

Text C Heart of a Champion 67

实践训练 69

Unit Five 73

单元内容概述 73

Text A Holding Onto a Dream 73

Text B The Soft 5ell 86

Text C Workin’for A Livin’ 91

实践训练 93

单元内容概述 96

Text A A Brief History of Stephen Hawking 96

Unit Six 96

Text B Inventor of the Future 105

Text C The New Frontier of Beauty 110

实践训练 112

Test Paper Two 115

Unit Seven 123

单元内容概述 123

Text A Thinking:A Neglected Art 123

Text B How to Teach Your Child fo Think 133

Text C Developing Your Thinking 137

实践训练 139

单元内容概述 143

Text A Unwritten Rules 143

Unit Eight 143

Text B A Traffic Light Is a Brainless Machine 151

Text C In Ourselves We Trust 154

实践圳练 155

Unit Nine 158

单元内容概述 158

Text A Get Ready for Some Wild Weathe 158

Text B Study Finds Good Effects of El Ni?o 164

Text C What’s Wrong with Our Weather 168

实践训练 169

Unit Ten 173

单元内容概述 173

Text A The Next 30 Years 173

Text B Our Forecasts 30 Years Later 181

Text C The 21st Century:Information and Man 188

实践训练 189

Test Paper Three 194