《新世纪 英语介词用法词典》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:童之侠主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆;国际有限公司
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7801032462
  • 页数:582 页

上篇:常用介词用法例解 3

abaft 3

aboard 3

about 4

above 7

according to 10

前言 11

across 11

across from 12

afore 12

after 12

体例说明 13

against 17

ahead of 21

a la 22

along 23

along with 25

alongside 25

alongside of 26

amid/amidst 26

among/amongst 26

apart from 28

apropos of 30

around 30

as 32

as against 35

as for 35

as from 35

as of 35

as regards 36

as to 36

as opposed to 36

as per 36

aside from 37

aslant 37

astraddle 38

astride 38

at 38

at the back/rear of 47

at the beginning of 47

at intervals of 47

at home in 47

at the bottom of 48

at the end of 48

at the time of 48

at the top of 48

at variance with 48

away from 49

athwart 49

atop 49

B 50

back of 50

bar 50

barring 51

because of 51

before 51

behind 54

below 55

beneath 57

beside 58

besides 59

between 59

beyond 63

but 65

by 66

but for 66

by dint of 74

by means of 74

by virtue of 74

by way of 75

C 75

circa 75

close to 76

con 76

concerning 76

considering 76

contrary to 77

cum 77

D 77

depending on 77

down 78

despite 78

due to 81

during 81

E 82

ere 82

except 82

except for 84

excluding 85

excepting 85

exclusive of 86

F 86

failing 86

following 86

for 87

for fear of 95

for the sake of 95

from 96

fore 96

given 101

G 101

I 102

in 102

in accordance with 116

in addition to 116

in between 116

in case of 117

in comparison with 117

in connection with 117

in consequence of 117

in contrast to/with 118

in disregard of 118

in favour of 118

in for 118

in lieu of 119

in league with 119

in front of 119

in keeping with 119

in light of 120

in line with 120

in place of 121

in point of 121

in regard to 121

in relation to 121

in respect to 121

in spite of 122

in terms of 122

in the front of 122

in the middle/midst of 122

in with 123

including 123

in view of 123

in the wake of 123

inside 124

instead of 125

into 125

irrespective of 128

L 129

less 129

like 129

M 130

minus 130

N 130

near 130

next to 131

next 131

near to 131

nigh 132

notwithstanding 132

O 133

of 133

off 140

on 142

on account of 153

on behalf of 153

on board 154

on the eve of 154

on the ground of 154

on the point of 154

on the strength of 154

onto 155

opposed to 155

on top of 155

opposite 156

other than 156

out 156

out of 157

outside 160

outside of 160

over 161

over against 164

owing to 164

P 165

past 165

pending 166

per 166

preparatory to 167

plus 167

previous to 168

prior to 168

pro 168

pursuant to 168

Q 168

qua 168

re 169

rather than 169

R 169

regarding 170

regardless of 170

respecting 170

round 170

S 171

save 171

T 172

subsequent to 172

than 172

since 172

save for 172

thanks to 173

through 174

throughout 177

till 177

times 178

to 178

toward/towards 186

U 189

under 189

underneath 192

unless 192

unlike 192

until 193

unto 193

up 194

up for 196

up against 196

up to 197

up until 198

upon 198

V 199

versus 199

via 199

vice 200

vis-a-vis 200

W 201

wanting 201

what with 201

with 201

with regard to 210

with respect to 210

with the aid of 210

within 211

with the exception of 211

without 212

without regard to 214

worth 214

下篇:常用词与介词搭配 217

A 217

B 246

C 262

D 335

E 353

F 365

G 378

H 388

I 400

J 413

K 416

L 418

M 426

N 438

O 442

P 447

Q 459

R 461

S 484

T 534

U 551

V 554

W 557

X 569

Y 569

Z 571

附录一:介词的位置 574

附录二:介词短语的构成 577

附录三:介词短语的句法功能 580