
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林叙仪编译
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7560518338
  • 页数:177 页

目录 2

第一篇 基本会话公式 2

1....all right,but... 虽然……,但 。 2

2.V+or...,……,否则…… V+and…,那么 4

3.Which would you rather...or...? 你愿意……或 呢? 6

4.Whether...or not 是否 。 8

5....,because... ……是因为……。 …that is(the reason)why... 这就是 的理由。 10

6.so...that... such a...that... 因为太……而 。 12

7.It happens that... 碰巧 。 13

8.It?that... 似乎 。 14

9.You look... 你好像……。你看起来 。 16

10.I should like to... 我想 。 18

11.I want you to... 我要你 。 20

12.Is it all right for you to...? 做……没关系吧?做 对你方便吗? 22

13....right away...right now. 立刻……。马上 。 24

14.Don't you think…? 你不认为 吗? 26

15.Don't...不要 。 28

16.No wonder… 难怪 。 30

17.I wonder if... 我不知道是否……。  I'm wondering if… 我想知道是否 。 32

18....be badly in need of... ……非常需要 。 33

19.Do you have to...? 你必须 吗? 34

20.Do you mind if...?(Would you mind if…?) 你介意……吗?  Do you mind…ing?(Would you mind…ing) 请 好吗? 36

21.be supposed to...应该 38

22.I don't think... 我认为 不。 40

23.I'm afraid... 我恐怕 。 42

24.It is worth...ing. 值得 。 44

25.?+过去分词... 已经 了。 46

26....used to... ……从前(本来)……。常常 。 48

27.No use...ing. 就 也没有用。 50

28.How long...? 要多久? 52

29.How far is it from A to B? 从A到B有多远? 54

30.How many...do you...? 你……多少 ? 56

31.How do you...?你怎么……? How can you…?你怎能 ? 58

32.Let me...让我 。 60

33.Thank you for...谢谢你 。 62

34.Leave...to...把……交给……。 Leave…alone.不要管 。 64

35.Give me...给我 。 66

36.?...to...要 68

37.how to...如何 69

38.Have...请人 。 70

39.May I...?我可以 吗? 72

40.What makes you...? 什么事让你 ? 74

41.What's? with...? What happened to...? 怎么了? 76

42. ?一定 。 78

43.I'm...ing...我在……。 I'm going to...我正要去 。 80

44.Are you going to...? 你预备……吗? ...are you going to...? 你预备去 吗? 82

45.Shall I...?要我 吗? 84

46.too...to...太……而无法 85

47.Would you?to...?你想……吗? I would like to...我想 。 86

48.Why don't you...?你何不 呢? 88

49.Will you...?你能……吗? Will you?你能告诉我 吗? 90

50.Shall I have...?要我 ? 92

51.Will you have...? 你能不能请……做 呢? 94

第二篇 实用会话公式 97

1.开始话题常用语 Well,let me see...嗯,让我想想 。 97

2.谈论话题时 Speak of…In talking about... 谈到 的话。 99

3.表白或承认时 To tell the truth,... 说真的;老实说, 。 100

4.要求别人谈论……话题时 Tell me something about...,please.  请告诉我一些有关 的事。 101

5.要引起对方注意时 Listen,...Look,...Say,... 103

6.急速转变话题 By the way,...哦,对了, 。 105

7.听不懂对方的意思时 I'm sorry,I can't follow you. Will you speak more slowly? 107

8.不知对方所说是什么意思时 What do you mean by…? I mean 108

9.举例,比喻时 for instance,for example 109

10.附议时 That's an idea. That's a good idea. 111

11.对别人的话怀疑时 Is that so?是那样的吗?真的吗? 112

12.阻止他人的介入或干涉 That's none of your business. That's not your business. That's my business. 113

13.选择两者之中任何一方时 Which do you like better,A or B?  你喜欢A还是B? I like B better than A. 我比较喜欢B,比较不喜欢A。 115

14.选择两者之中任何一方都可以时 make no difference all the same 117

15.谈天气时 It's...,isn't it? Yes,it is. 118

16.提醒别人时 Don't forget to... 119

17.提醒对方注意时 You know.You see. 121

18.命令或提醒别人时 Remember,...记住,……。(命令) Remember,...?记得 吗?(提醒) 123

19.邀请别人时 If you please,... 125

20.当你愿意为别人服务时 Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? What can I do for you? 127

21.表示惊讶时 What a surprise! 129

22.劝人进食的时候 Please help yourself to...  请自己用 。 130

23.劝诱与婉拒 Would you like a cigarette? 131

24.表达意愿 I feel liike...ing.我想……。I don't feel like...ing.我不想 。 133

25.婉拒别人的要求 I wish I could,but... I am sorry... 135

26.假设还未实现的事 If I were a...,I would... 136

27.劝告或提出警告时 You had(You'd)better...  你最好 。 137

28.表示抱歉时 I'm sorry to trouble you,but...  Excuse me,but...  Pardon me for disturbing you,but... 139

29.谢谢别人赞美时 Thank you for your compliments. 141

30.向别人请教问题时 Excuse me,...对不起 143

31.询问地点时 Where can I find...? 在哪里? 145

32.询问价钱的时候 How much is this? 147

33.询问对方花了多少钱时 How much do...pay for...? 149

34.询问意见常用语 What do you say to...?  你认为如何? 151

35.询问对方的意见时 Will this do?这样好吗? 153

36.询问对方原因或理由时 For what?(What for?What...for?) 为什么? 155

37.介绍两方认识时 Let me introduce...to you.  May I introduce...to you? 让我为您介绍 。 157

38.介绍时的客套话 How do you do?您好? I'm gladto?you. 很高兴认识你。 159

39.见到多年未碰面的朋友时 I haven't seen you for a long time. 161

40.久别后的寒暄 How have you been?这一向可好? 163

41.问候对方近况 How is...coming(along with you)? 165

42.平时见面的寒暄话 How are you? 167

43.送行或迎接 Thank you very much for your coming to see me off. 168

44.安慰别人 Please take good care of yourself,and I hope you will get well soon. 169

45.询问病人状况 How do you feel today? 170

46.表高兴或遗憾I'm?to hear that... 听到 我很难过(高兴)。 171

47.表示庆幸祝贺之意 Congratulations on...! 173

48.询问对方是否知道某事...,do you know? 174

49.告辞时 Now,I must say,“Good bye”. 175