
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王育红,胡小平编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810785257
  • 页数:306 页

Chapter One Economics 经济学 1

Text A Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 1

目录 1

Text B The Income-Expenditure Model 7

Text C Economics Basics:Production Possibility Frontier(PPF)and Opportunity Cost 13

Chapter Two Development Economics 发展经济学 21

Text A What Is Development Economics? 21

Text B The Harrod-Domar Growth Model 27

Text C Tsunami Could Throw Nearly 2 Million Additional People into Poverty in the Affected Countries 32

Chapter Three International Economics 国际经济学 40

Text A What is International Economics? 40

Text B The International Economy 45

Text C Factor-Endowment Theory 53

Text A Absolute Cost Theory 62

Chapter Four International Trade Theories 国际贸易理论 62

Text B Comparative Cost Theory 66

Text C The World Trade Organization 75

Chapter Five International Trade Policies and Measures 国际贸易政策措施 83

Text A Free Trade or Protectionism? 83

Text B Free Trade in Asian Style 92

Text C Trade Policy Tools 100

Chapter Six International Trade Practice 国际贸易实务 110

Text A Introduction to Incoterms 2000 110

Text B MNCs are Gradually Monopolizing China's Markets 117

Text C Letter of Credit(L/C) 122

Chapter Seven International Business Negotiation 国际商务谈判 127

Text A A Beginner's Guide to International Business Negotiations 127

Text B United States Business Etiquette 133

Text C Eight Steps To Success In Negotiating-Importance of Business Negotiating 141

Chapter Eight International Finance 国际金融 149

Text A The IMF's Role at a Glance 149

Text B Exchange Rates 155

Text C Effort to Balance International Payments 163

Chapter Nine Monetary Banking 货币银行学 168

Text A Money and Banks 168

Text B Who Needs a Swiss Bank? 178

Text C The Dollar Is Down,but Should Anyone Care? 189

Chapter Ten International Investment 国际投资 200

Text A Trends and Recent Developments in Foreign Direct Investment 200

Text B What's New 207

Text C Weak Dollar Fails to Lure M A Flows into US Market 213

Text A Accounting and Auditors 218

Chapter Eleven Accountancy 会计学 218

Text B Marsh to Make Payments More Transparent 226

Text C Accounting for Advertising Costs 235

Chapter Twelve International Business Law 国际商法 244

Text A Formation of Agency 244

Text B Contracts Law 251

Text C What Is Consideration? 256

Chapter Thirteen Marketing 市场营销 262

Text A What is Marketing? 262

Text B What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers'Habits? 270

Text C Customer Retention:The Key to Growth and Profit 279

Chapter Fourteen Economic Management 经济管理 286

Text A Virtual Economic Management 286

Text B Less Government Better for Business?Not if History Provides a Guide 293

Text C Social Security Crisis?Not if Wealthy Pay Their Way 301