一、前言Preface 1
二、第三系杂类化石地层层序Stratigraphical sequence of the miscellaneous fossils 7
三、分类描述Classified description 14
1.鱼类Fish(姚益民、李玲俐编写) 14
2.瓣鳃类Lamellibranchia(向维达编写) 42
3.有孔虫类Foraminiferas(姚益民编写) 47
4.昆虫类Insects(向维达编写) 49
5.枝角类Cladocera(李玲俐编写) 54
6.枝管藻类Cladosiphonia(姚益民编写) 57
7.蠕虫动物和遗迹化石类Worm and trace fossils(姚益民编写) 58
8.瓶状化石类Lagenalis(李玲俐编写) 61
9.菱角状化石类Trapelites(向维达编写) 67
10.种子化石类Plant seeds(向维达编写) 70
11.爬行类和哺乳类Reptilia and mammalia(姚益民编写) 73
四、杂类化石组合及石油地质意义Assemblages and significance to the petroleum geology of the miscellaneous fossils 75
英文摘要 Abstract 81
参考文献 References 86
图版说明和图版(1~28)Plates(1~28)with explanation 88
杂类化石拉汉学名对照表 Latin-Chinese index of the miscellaneous fossils 99