第一章 写在前边 1
目录 1
Chapter 1 Foreword 1
专家的纪念与评述文章 2
Memory and Review Articles by Experts 2
Explanation of Edition 14
编制絮语 14
Review of the Forbidden City 18
故宫回眸 18
第二章 北京中轴线与紫禁城概述 21
Chapter 2 Introduction of the Forbidden City and Beijing Central Axis 21
北京城的中轴线 22
Central Axis in Beijing City 22
以故宫为中心的三重城 28
Three Rings Walls around the Forbidden City 28
第三章 皇城与紫禁城大门序列测绘 33
Chapter 3 Mapping of Imperial City and Forbidden City Gate 33
天安门 34
Tian'anmen 34
西三座门东三座门 50
Three West Gates 50
Gate of Sheji Street and the Waiting Area 56
社稷街门及朝房 56
端门 60
Gate at the Extreme End 60
Left-side Gate 72
社左门 72
Right-side Gate 74
阙右门 74
午门 76
Meridian Gate 76
Watchtowers 82
角楼 82
Chapter 4 Central Architectural Mapping of the Outer Court in the Forbidden City 95
第四章 故宫前朝中心建筑测绘 95
太和门 96
Gate of Supreme Harmony 96
Gate of Harmony 102
协和门 102
Introduction of Three Grand Halls 104
三大殿概述 104
Hall of Supreme Harmony 122
太和殿 122
Central-left Gate 140
中左门 140
体仁阁 146
Tower of Manifest Benevolence 146
左翼门 156
Left-side Gate 156
中和殿 158
Hall of Complete Harmony 158
保和殿 166
Hall of Preserving Harmony 166
Left Back Gate,Ghost Hall,Warehouse 176
后左门及崇楼、库房 176
第五章 故宫前朝两翼建筑测绘 183
Chapter 5 Mapping of the Architectures at Both Side of Outer Court in the Forbidden City 183
West Flowery Gate 184
西华门 184
Hall of Military Prowess 198
武英殿建筑群 198
Hall of Literary Glory 216
文华殿建筑群 216
Chapter 6 Mapping of Imperial Ancestral Temple and Altar of Land Grain 231
第六章 左祖右社测绘 231
Imperial Ancestral Temple 232
左祖——太庙 232
Altar of Land and Grain 274
右社——社稷坛 274
Chapter 7 Mapping of Timing Building in the Inner City of Beijing 295
第七章 北京城报时建筑测绘 295
Drum Tower 296
鼓楼 296
Bell Tower 306
钟楼 306
Chapter 8 Appendix 311
第八章 附录 311
Preparation Work and Directory of the Craftsmen for Building the Forbidden City 312
附录A 营建故宫的准备工作及著名工匠人名录 312
Introduction of Architectural Structure and Roof Typein the Forbidden City 314
附录B 故宫的建筑结构与屋顶形式概述 314
List of the Emperors in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty 318
附录C 明、清两代皇帝一览表 318
Architectural Drawings for the Existing Buildings along the Central Axis of Beijing in 1941 319
附录D 1941年北京城中轴线建筑实测图现存项目图纸统计 319
Examples of Wooden Architectural Structure Analysis 323
附录E 木构技术分析举例 323
Postscript 330
后记 330
References 332
参考文献 332