《学英语从ABC开始 女将军赵织雯教授教你学英语》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵织雯编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7302054797
  • 页数:255 页

目录 1

Unit 1 Good Morning! 早上好! 1

Unit 2 This Is Colonel Wang 这是王上校 5

Unit 3 My Family 我的家庭 8

Unit 4 Is This Your Bike? 这是你的自行车吗? 11

Unit 5 What's Your Name? 你叫什么名字? 15

Unit 6 Are You Busy Now? 你现在忙吗? 20

Revision 1 复习1 24

Unit 7 Who Is That Man Over There? 那边的那个人是谁? 27

Unit 8 Welcome to China 欢迎到中国来 31

Unit 9 Let Me Introduce Myself 让我来自我介绍一下 36

Unit 10 Allow Me to Introduce You to Our Manager 41

请允许我把你介绍给我们的经理 46

Unit 11 Where Is the Nearest Post Office? 离得最近的邮局在哪里? 46

Unit 12 Our Classroom Is on the Third Floor 我们的教室在三层 51

A Brief Introduction to Phonetics 语音简介 56

Revision 2 复习2 61

Unit 13 What a Nice Building ! 多好的一座建筑物啊! 64

Unit 14 Do They Serve Chinese Food? 他们供应中国饭菜吗? 69

Unit 15 What Time Is It? 什么时间了? 74

Unit 16 When Is Your English Class? 你们的英语课在什么时间? 80

Revision 3 复习3 85

Unit 17 Shall We Give Him a Present? 咱们要不要送他一件礼物? 89

Unit 18 Don't Worry! 别发愁! 94

Unit 19 Does Your Wife Like Music,Too? 你的妻子也喜欢音乐吗? 98

Unit 20 What a Beautiful Day! 103

Revision 4 复习4 107

多美好的天气啊! 107

Unit 21 Everybody Is Working Hard 人人都在努力工作 110

Unit 22 What Are You Going to Do Tonight? 你今晚打算做什么? 115

Unit 23 Help Yourself,Please! 请随便吃 120

Unit 24 Let's Drink to Your Health! 为你的健康干杯! 126

Revision 5 复习5 131

Unit 25 May I Speak to Mary Smith? 我可以和玛丽·史密斯通话吗? 135

Unit 26 Did You Have a Pleasant Trip? 旅途愉快吗? 141

Unit 27 No Wonder You Speak English So Well 难怪你英语说得这么好 147

Unit 28 Are You Ready to Order Now? 你准备好点菜了吗? 151

Revision 6 复习6 157

Unit 29 I'll Send Someone There Immediately 我会很快派人去那儿 161

Unit 30 How Much Is the Jacket? 这件夹克多少钱? 167

Unit 31 I've Come to Say Goodbye! 我来告别了! 172

Unit 32 I Wish You Good Luck! 我祝你好运! 179

General Review 总复习 184

Appendix 1 100 Basic Sentences 交际英语100句 188

2.Good Morning 早上好 193

Appendix 2 Learning English Through Sing 英语教学歌曲12首 193

1.ABC Song 字母歌 193

3.How Are You? 你好 194

4.Goodbye 再见 194

5.Let's Sing Together 大家一起唱 195

6.There Is a Hole in the Bottom ofthe Sea 海底有个洞 195

7.Happy Birthday 生日快乐 196

8.Sailing 扬帆 196

10.We Shall Not Be Moved 决不动摇 197

9.Bread and Butter 黄油面包 197

11.The More We Get Together 欢聚 198

12.Edelweiss 雪绒花 199

Appendix 3 Classified Vocabulary 汉英分类常用词汇 200

1.数字 200

2.时间 201

3.位置 203

4.衣着 204

5.饮食 205

6.家居 207

7.休闲 208

8.人身 210

9.军事 211

10.科技 213

11.课堂 214

12.形容 216

Appendix 4 Word List 总词汇表 218