
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:池英主编;王满良,赵国华,柴原芝副主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司西安公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7506232820
  • 页数:279 页

Contents 3

Unit One:Exposition(说明文) 3

Lesson 1 VW Owners(拥有大众车的人) 3

Lesson 2 Teacher's Faults(老师的错) 5

Lesson 3 Applying to a Graduate Program(申请上研究生) 7

Lesson 4 Preparing to Go Abroad to Study(准备去国外学习) 9

Lesson 5 Sources of Energy(能源) 11

Lesson 6 The Three Major Influences on My Life(对我生活的三种主要影响) 13

Lesson 7 The Successful Interview(成功面试的秘诀) 16

Lesson 8 The English Language(英语) 19

Lesson 9 The Missing 4 Million in Taxes(丢失的四百万税款) 22

Lesson 10 Five Evidences of an Education(教育的五个方面) 26

Lesson 11 The U.S.A.——Many Countries in One(美国——多国的融合体) 29

Lesson 12 Advantages of Being the Oldest and Only Girl in the Family(做长女和独生女的好处) 32

Lesson 13 Native American Influences on Modern American Culture(美国土著文化对现代美国文化的影响) 35

Lesson 14 Americans'Concept of Time(美国人的时间观) 38

Lesson 15 Friendship(友谊) 40

Lesson 16 Femininity(妇道) 42

Lesson 17 A Jerk(讨厌的人) 44

Lesson 18 What is Freedom?(何谓自由?) 46

Lesson 19 The Bright Child and the Dull Child(聪明的孩子和愚笨的孩子) 49

Lesson 20 Japan and the U.S.A.:Different but Mike(日本和美国:既不同又相似) 51

Lesson 21 Trying to Decide Which College to Attend(选择上哪一所大学) 54

Lesson 22 Two Medical Jobs(两份医务工作之差异) 57

Lesson 23 Swimming Pools and Rivers(游泳池和河流) 59

Lesson 24 Cats and Dogs(猫和狗) 62

Lesson 25 Dorms and Apartments(宿舍和公寓) 64

Lesson 26 A Sewage Treatment Process(污水处理) 67

Lesson 27 How to Make Chili(如何制作辣酱) 69

Lesson 28 How to Make Friends in a Foreign Country(在国外如何交朋友) 71

Lesson 29 Taking Care of Your Records(唱片的保养) 73

Lesson 30 How to Change the Oil in Your Car(如何更换汽车机油) 76

Unit Two:Argumentation(议论文) 80

Lesson 31 Why I Decided Not to Get Married(我为什么决定不结婚) 80

Lesson 32 A Speech to the United Nations(在联合国大会上的发言) 83

Lesson 33 Africa Can Help Itself(非洲能够自救) 86

Lesson 34 Is Craft Dead?(手工艺消失了吗?) 89

Lesson 35 Soap(香皂) 91

Lesson 36 Losing Sight of Students(学生应当受到重视) 94

Lesson 37 Benefits of Computers(计算机的好处) 97

Lesson 38 Why a Liberal Arts Major Makes Business Sense(为什么文科学生在商界备受青睐?) 100

Lesson 39 What Is Intelligence,Anyway?(究竟什么是聪明?) 103

Lesson 40 Don't Drop the School Paper(不要放弃校报) 106

Lesson 41 College Fraternities(大学生联谊会) 108

Lesson 42 Down with the Greeks(取缔联谊会) 110

Lesson 43 The Welfare Scam(福利懒汉) 113

Lesson 44 Fireplace Insert(壁炉插门) 115

Lesson 45 Problems of Fleming High School(弗莱明中学存在的问题) 118

Lesson 46 Limiting Handguns(限制个人持枪) 121

Unit Three:Description(描述文) 125

Lesson 47 Subway Station(地铁车站) 125

Lesson 48 My Home(我的家) 128

Lesson 49 My Favorite Place(我最喜欢的地方) 131

Lesson 50 My First Impressions of a City(我对一城市的第一印象) 133

Lesson 51 A Visit to My Old School(重访母校) 136

Lesson 52 The Dentist's Waiting-Room(牙科医生候诊室) 139

Lesson 53 Returning to College(重返大学) 141

Lesson 54 Good Old Brinkley High(古老而美丽的布鲁克林中学) 145

Lesson 55 A New Dumpster Ls Needed for the Apartment(公寓需要新垃圾桶) 148

Lesson 56 The Planets(行星) 150

Lesson 57 My Favorite Activities(我最喜欢的活动) 152

Lesson 58 A Funfair(娱乐园) 154

Lesson 59 Night Football Games(夜间足球赛) 157

Lesson 60 A Rock Concert(摇滚音乐会) 160

Lesson 61 My First Rock Concert(我第一次参加摇滚音乐会) 162

Lesson 62 The Accidents of Charles Mclaughlin(查尔斯的意外事故) 165

Lesson 63 The Three New Yorks(三种纽约人) 167

Lesson 64 A Man to Remember(一个值得怀念的人) 170

Lesson 65 Father's Idealism(父亲的理想) 172

Lesson 66 Mother(母亲) 174

Lesson 67 My Twin and I(我和我的双胞胎兄弟) 177

Lesson 68 Indira Gandhi(英迪拉·甘地) 179

Lesson 69 My Visitors from Outer Space(天外来客) 182

Lesson 70 If I Had Seen My Fianc?e Last Week(假如我上周见到了未婚妻) 184

Unit Four:Narration(记叙文) 187

Lesson 71 A Short Autobiography(自传) 187

Lesson 72 My First Trip Abroad(第一次出国) 190

Lesson 73 The Crow and The Oriole(乌鸦与黄鹂) 193

Lesson 74 The Lion Who Wanted to Zoom(想飞的狮子) 196

Lesson 75 Christmas Spirit(圣诞精神) 198

Lesson 76 A Mountain Climbing Expedition(一次爬山旅行) 202

Lesson 77 The Change(变化) 205

Lesson 78 Power Cut in New York(纽约停电) 208

Lesson 79 A Coin(一枚硬币) 210

Lesson 80 The Last Tram(最后一辆有轨电车) 212

Lesson 81 Stuck in Mud(陷入泥沼) 214

Lesson 82 My Friend Paul(我的朋友保尔) 216

Lesson 83 The Lost Gun(丢失的枪) 218

Lesson 84 A Piano Recital(钢琴演奏会) 221

Lesson 85 Grandpa's Return(爷爷归来) 224

Lesson 86 Humiliation(惭愧) 226

Lesson 87 The Spelling Bee(拼字比赛) 228

Lesson 88 A Nice Experience(一次美好的经历) 231

Lesson 89 Home Plate(“本垒”) 233

Lesson 90 Being Wronged(蒙冤) 235

Lesson 91 Injury at Six(六岁受伤) 238

Lesson 92 Working at the Laundry(在洗衣店打工) 240

Lesson 93 Confessions of an Erstwhile Child(离开父母的孩子的自白) 243

Unit Five:Practical Writings(应用文) 246

Lesson 94 Application to Teach English In China(申请在中国教英文) 246

Lesson 95 Recommendation for Timothy E.Carter(推荐卡特先生) 249

Lesson 96 Résumé(简历) 252

Lesson 97 A Letter to a Friend(给朋友的一封信) 256

Lesson 98 A Note(便条) 258

Lesson 99 An Invitation(邀请函) 260

Lesson 100 The Précis(摘要) 262

Key to Exercises 265