
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:戴继国编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810784927
  • 页数:209 页


Unit One The Value of Poetry 1

Unit Two Rhythm,Meter and Rhyme 5

Unit Three Epic 10

Beowulf 11

John Milton:Paradise Lost 15

Unit Four Ballad 22

Get Up and Bar the Door 23

Robert Burns:A Red,Red Rose 27

Unit Five Heroic Couplet 30

Geoffrey Chaucer:The Pardoner's Tale(Excerpt) 32

Alexander Pope:An Essay on Criticism(Excerpt) 45

Unit Six Sonnet 50

Thomas Wyatt:Farewell,Love 52

Henry Howard,Earl of Surrey:The Soote Season 55

Edmund Spenser:Amoretti Sonnet 70 58

William Shakespeare:Sonnet 18 61

Sonnet 29 62

Sonnet 73 64

John Donne:Death Be Not Proud 66

John Milton:On His Blindness 68

William Wordsworth:Earth Has Not Anything to Show More Fair 72

George Gordon Byron:Sonnet on Chillon 74

John Keats:On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 77

Elizabeth Barrett Browning:Sonnets From the Portuguese 43 79

Christina Georgina Rossetti:Remember 81

Algernon Charles Swinburne:Cor Cordium 83

Unit Seven Blank Verse 85

Christopher Marlowe 86

William Shakespeare:Hamlet's Soliloquy 89

William Wordsworth:Lines Written Above Tintern Abbey 93

Unit Eight Elegy 97

Thomas Gray:Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 99

Alfred Tennyson:In Memoriam(CXXX) 103

Unit Nine Ode 106

Percy Bysshe Shelley:Ode to the West Wind 108

John Keats:Ode on a Grecian Urn 116

Unit Ten Dramatic Monologue 122

Alfred Tennyson:Ulysses 125

Robert Browning:My Last Duchess 130

Thomas Stearns Eliot:The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 138

Unit Eleven Miscellaneously Patterned Poems 150

John Donne:Song:Go and Catch a Falling Star 152

William Blake:The Chimney-Sweeper 156

The Tyger 157

William Wordsworth:The Daffodils 160

The Lost Love 162

Samuel Taylor Coleridge:Kubla Khan 165

George Gordon Byron:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 169

Don Juan:The Isles of Greece 173

Robert Browning:Meeting at Night 180

Parting at Morning 181

Algernon Charles Swinburne:A Child's Laughter 182

Alfred Edward Housman:Is My Team Ploughing 185

Unit Twelve Free Verse 188

Poetical Books in The Bible:The Song of Solomon 190

Matthew Arnold:Dover Beach 193

William Butler Yeats:The Second Coming 198

Wystan Hugh Auden:Musee Des Beaux Arts 203

Ted Hughes:The Thought-Fox 206

References 210