目录 1
able,capable,enable 1
Aa 1
abolish,cancel 2
accelerate,quicken 3
accuse,charge 4
acknowledge,admit,confess 4
acquire,enquire,inquire,require 5
adapt,adept,adopt 6
address,speech 7
adorn,decorate 8
advice,counsel 9
affair,business,matter,thing 10
affect,effect 11
affect,influence 12
afford,equip,furnish,provide,supply 13
aggression,invasion 14
agree,assent,consent 15
alike,like 16
alive,live,living,lively 17
alone,lone,lonely 18
aloud,loud,loudly 19
although,though 20
alway,always,all way,all ways 21
ambition,enterprise 22
amid(st),among,between 23
anger,fury,indignation,rage 24
announcement,notice 25
anyhow,somehow 26
apparatus,machine 27
appear,emerge,loom 27
appliance,device,equipment,facility,instrument,instrumentation 28
appreciate,enjoy 30
approach,attitude,manner 31
area,district,region,zone 32
argue,debate,discuss,dispute,refute 33
arms,weapon 34
arrest,capture,catch,seize 35
artificial,fake,false 36
assembly,conference,meeting,session 37
assure,ensure,guarantee 38
at once,immediately,instantly 39
attempt,effort,endeavor,try 40
attract,fascinate 41
await,expect,wait 42
awake,awaken,wake,waken 43
award,reward 44
banner,flag 47
Bb 47
base,basis,foundation 48
beat,defeat,win 49
beat,hit,strike 50
belief,confidence,faith,trust 51
believe,believe in 52
beloved,darling,dear 53
birthday,date of birth 54
blend,mingle,mix 55
boast,brag 56
bungalow,cabin,cottage,house,hut,shed 57
but,however,nevertheless 58
case,circumstance,condition,situation,state 59
Cc 59
calculator,computer 59
casual,chance,unexpected 61
celebration,celebrity 62
chance,occasion,opportunity 62
charge,fare,fee 63
cheerful,gay,glad,happy,joyful,merry 64
childish,childlike 66
China-born,Chinese-born 67
clean,cleanly 67
client,customer,guest,passenger 68
climate,weather 69
close,near 70
combat,battle,fight,struggle 71
combination,connection,mixture 72
combine,connect,link 73
compare...to,compare...with 74
compel,enforce,force 75
complement,compliment 76
complement,supplement 77
complex,complicated 78
compliment,congratulate 79
comprehensible,comprehensive 80
concept,idea,thought 80
confidant,confident,confidential 81
conquer,defeat,overcome 82
consecrate,dedicate,devote 83
considerable,considerate 84
contain,include 85
contend,content 86
continual,continuous,constant 87
conversation,dialogue 88
country man,countryman 89
court,yard 89
credit,honor 90
crippled,laame 91
cry,sob,weep 92
custom,habit 93
damage,demolish,destroy,ruin 94
Dd 94
dark,dim,gloomy 95
dead,deadly 96
decide,determine,resolve,settle 97
defend,guard,protect,safeguard 98
define,describe,explain,interpret 99
defy,disregard,ignore 100
delay,detain 101
delicate,fine,slender,slim,thin 102
denote,indicate,mean,imply 103
depart,die,pass away,perish 104
depend,rely 105
desirable,desirous 106
desire,yearn 107
despise,disdain,scorn 108
destructive,disastrous 109
detail,elaborate 109
device,devise 110
direct,directly 111
disable,harm,hurt,injure,spoil 112
disable,unable 113
disarmed,unarmed 114
disclose,unclose 115
discomfortable,uncomfortable 116
discover,uncover 117
disinterested,uninterested 117
dislike,unlike 118
distinct,distinctive,distinguishable,distinguished 119
disuse,misuse,ill-use 121
doubt,suspicion 122
dress,wear 122
Ee 124
earnest,serious,sincere 124
economic,economical 125
educational,educative,educated 126
effective,effectual,efficient,efficacious 127
electric,electrical,electronic 128
emigrant,immigrant 129
emotion,feeling 129
employee,employer 130
enormous,huge,immense,vast 131
ensure,insure 132
enthusiasm,zeal 133
entire,whole 134
environment,environs,surroundings 134
error,mistake 135
especially,specially 136
eternal,permanent 137
even,evenly 138
every day,everyday 139
every one,everyone 139
example,sample 140
excellence,excellency 141
exceptionable,exceptional 142
execute,sentence 143
expense,fare,fee 144
expert,skilled,skillful 145
Ff 146
farther,further 146
fiction,novel 147
fierce,savage,violent,wild 147
fix,mend,repair 149
forever,for ever 149
fortunate,lucky 150
funny,humorous,witty 151
fragrance,perfume 151
Gg 153
guide,lead 153
Hh 154
habitable,inhabitable,habitual 154
handwork,hand work,handicraft,handiwork 155
height,high,highly 156
hint,inference 157
hill,mountain 157
historic,historical 158
hoist,lift,raise 159
holiday,leave,vacation 160
homage,respect 160
home,house,housing 161
homework,housework 162
hope,want,wish 163
hotel,inn,restaurant 164
hotel,hostel 164
hurt,injure,wound 165
Ii 167
idea,ideal 167
idle,lazy 168
ill,sick 168
imaginable,imaginary,imaginative 169
include,involve 170
industrial,industrious 171
induce,lure,tempt 171
information,news 172
inheritance,heritage 173
inhuman,unhuman 174
rnquire,inquire of,inquire about 174
instant,minute,moment 175
interfere,intervene 176
introduce,recommend 177
irony,sarcasm,satire 178
invaluable,valueless 178
Jj 180
join,take part in 180
jump,leap,spring 180
Kk 182
kill,murder,slaughter 182
kind,sort 182
Ll 184
lamp,light 184
lend,loan 184
lifelong,livelong 185
lightening,lightning 186
like doing,like to do 187
limit,limitation,restriction 187
lovable,lovely 188
lumber,timber,wood 189
machine,machinery 191
manner,method,way 191
Mm 191
material,matter,substance 192
mature,ripe 193
mean time,meantime 194
memorable,memorial 195
memory,recollection,remembrance 196
miserable,wretched 196
moderate,temperate 197
motion,movement 198
mound,mount,mountain 199
move,remove 200
must,have to 201
Nn 203
nation,people,race,nationality 203
natural,normal 204
naught,nil,zero,zilch 204
near,nearly 205
noise,sound,voice 206
observance,observation 208
Oo 208
oral,spoken 209
orientation,direction 209
outdoor,outdoors 210
overlook,oversee,oversight 211
Pp 213
percent,percentage 213
personal,personnel 214
pitiable,pitiful,piteous 215
physician,physicist 215
placable,placeable 216
pleasant,pleased 217
popular,populous 218
presumptive,presumptuous 219
principal,principle 219
product,production,productivity 220
purse,wallet 221
raise,rise 223
Rr 223
relation,relationship 224
relax,release,relieve 225
resource,source 226
respectable,respectful,respective 227
responsible,responsive 228
Ss 229
scene,scenery 229
sense,sensation,sensitivity 230
shade,shadow 231
sensible,sensitive 231
sociable,social 232
some time,sometime,sometimes 233
sporting,sportive 234
stationary,stationery 235
still,yet 236
subject,topic 236
suit,suite 237
sunlight,sunshine 238
Tt 239
technical,technological 239
telegram,telegraph 240
therefor,therefore 240
tired,weary 241
try,manage 242
try doing,try to do 243
upward,upwards 244
Uu 244
Vv 245
valuable,valued 245
variable,various,varied,variety 246
Ww 248
war,warfare 248
weigh,weight,weighty 248
wooded,wooden,woody 249
worth,worthwhile,worthy 250