Contents 1
LESSON 1 Improving Health among the Elderly People 1
LESSON 2 The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 9
LESSON 3 An Elective in Nepal Reveals a New Way of Life 16
LESSON 4 Deadly Top Nine 28
LESSON 5 Infection-control Recommendations for Smallpox Disease 37
LESSON 6 Avian Influenza,also Known as The Bird Flu 46
LESSON 7 Prenatal Development 56
LESSON 8 Benefits of Breast-feeding 65
LESSON 9 Peptic Ulcer 74
LESSON 10 Four Trends in Health Care 82
LESSON 11 The Search for New Drugs 90
LESSON 12 Liver Transplantation 98
Appendix 1 常用医学名词 107
Appendix 2 英语医学科研论文的格式和要求 112
Appendix 3 医学术语中常用的前缀和后缀 119
Vocabulary 122
参考文献 134
专业英语(下册)教学基本要求 135