
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:田森主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7504620440
  • 页数:193 页

On Building of the Smallest Democratic Entity Lei Jieqiong 1

General Preface to Contemporary Sociology Series TianSen 1

丛书总序 田森 1

建设好最小的民主体制 雷洁琼 1

深入全面研究家庭问题 于光远 4

Make a Thorough Research on Family Issues Yu Guangyuan 4

正确对待小生产和家庭经济 王郁昭 7

Towards a Correct Assessment of Small Scale Production and Family Economics Wang Yuzhao 7

论当今的中国家庭 田森 16

On China's Family of Today TianSen 16

前言 田森 18

Preface Tian Sen 18

在首都知名人士家庭问题学术座谈会上的主旨讲话 田森 21

The Guiding Speech at the Forum on Family Issues Sponsored by the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society for Notable Persons Tian Sen 21

Challenges Faced by the Family in China TianSen 24

面临挑战的家庭问题 田森 24

联合国国际家庭年负责人索科尔斯基致中国当代社会研究中心的贺电 27

Congratulatory Fax Sent to the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society by Henryk J. Sokalski, Coordi-nator for the International Year of the Family 27

Congratulatory Fax Sent to the Chinese Centre for Research -of Contemporary Society by Zhao Puchu, Vice President of the China Peoples Political Consultative Council 28

全国政协副主席赵朴初致中国当代社会研究中心的贺电 28

Congratulatory Letter Sent to the President of the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society Professor Tian Sen by Wei Yu, Vice President of the State Education Commission 29

国家教委副主任韦钰致中国当代社会研究中心主席田森教授的贺函 29

重视破裂家庭对未成年人犯罪的影响 田森 33

The Effect of Family Break--up on Juvenile Crime Tian Sen 33

社会与家庭 王大珩 39

Society and the Family Wang Daheng 39

科学技术、生产力、现代家庭——我的几点思考 路甬祥 42

My Views on Science Technology, Productive Forces and the Modern Family Lu Yongxiang 42

漫谈“家” 胡启恒 45

Discourse on the Family Hu Qiheng 45

The Impact of the Advancement of Science and Technology on Family Gao Chao 47

科技进步与家庭 高潮 47

科学技术与妇女、家庭问题——一献给国际家庭年 何祚庥 50

Science and Technology and its Relation to Women' s and Family Issues He Zuoxiu 50

A Few Thoughts on Family Issues Zheng Zhipeng 54

关于家庭的几点看法 郑志鹏 54

Speech to the Forum Sponsored by the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society for Notable Persons Chen Haosu 58

关于家庭问题的三句话 陈昊苏 58

Let the Science of Education Enter the Home Han Zuoli 60

让教育科学走进家门 韩作黎 60

The Family Should Attach Importance to Science Education Zhang Taichang 64

家庭要重视科学教育 张泰昌 64

Parents Should be Helped in their Effort to Strengthen and Improve Education of their Children Zhao Youli 69

必须帮助家长加强和改善对子女的教育 赵友丽 69

Health and the Family Gu Fangzhou 76

健康与家庭 顾方舟 76

A Doctor's Perspective on the Family Zeng Zhaoqi 81

从一个医生角度看家庭问题 曾昭耆 81

Let Family Forces come More into Play Wu Xiang 89

重视发挥家庭的作用 吴象 89

Towards a More Cultured Family, and a more CivilSociety Guan Tao 95

重视家庭文化建设,促进社会文明进步 关涛 95

A Few thoughts on the "DINK" Family Gao Fang 99

关于“丁克”家庭现象的思考 高放 99

On Moral and Ethical Problems of the Family--with Special Regard to the "Third Party" Wei Yingmin 108

论家庭伦理、道德建设——兼评所谓第三者问题 魏英敏 108

Research on Marriage Morals in Beijing Wang Wei 120

北京市婚姻道德的调查与研究 王伟 120

The Family and Children's Mental Health Zhu Jiqun 127

家庭与儿童健康心理——再没有比溺爱更愚蠢的了 朱及群 127

On the Healthy Development of Disabled Children and the Family Chen Yunying 136

残疾儿童的成长与家庭 陈云英 136

On the Conflict of Roles for Professional Women in the Family Xia Jianzhi 144

职业女性角色冲突与家庭 夏剑豸 144

The Family and Physical Education*Sun Mingzhi 153

家庭与体育 孙民治 153

A Few Remarks on the Family in America Zhu Qizhen 156

谈谈美国的家庭 朱启祯 156

Will the Vicissitudes of Marriage and the Family in America be Repeated in China in the Future? Yuan Yayu 158

美国婚姻、家庭经历的变化会是中国婚姻、家庭演变的未来吗? 袁亚愚 158

The British Family of Today David Crook 164

漫谈英国今日的家庭 (英)大卫·柯鲁克 164

The Serious Problems Faced by the Family in Germany Today Li Changfang 166

德国面临的严重家庭问题 李昌芳 166

On the Family in France Ding Yifan 176

论法国的家庭问题 丁一凡 176

The Japanese Family Viewed from All Sides Chen Zhijiang 185

日本家庭面面观 陈志江 185

Love and Marriage Yang Guang 192

爱情与婚姻 杨光 192