目录第1讲 野蛮女友 volcano sponge 1
第2讲 美妙的邂逅 do the honors grow on someone 3
第3讲 我来搞定她 leave it up to me down in the dumps 6
第4讲 相识满天下,知音能几人? level with someone to each his own 8
第5讲 斗转星移,物是人非 a horse of a different color the shoe is on the other foot 10
第6讲 一连串的成功 a string of hits pat someone/one-self on the back 13
第7讲 禁忌话题 stick one's foot in one's mouth be on the safe side 16
第8讲 没有情人的情人节 all's fair in love and war head over heels in love 19
第9讲 留不住的钱 burn a hole in one's pocket down-to-earth 22
第10讲 点石成金 write one's own ticket a stuffed shirt 24
第11讲 千年等一回 once in a blue moon no-touch facil-ities 27
第12讲 脱缰的野马 let something run wild the name of the game 29
第13讲 让爱做主 have no say in something break one's word 31
第14讲 天生好手 you're a natural come together 34
第15讲 光阴似箭,逝者如斯夫! catch up on something track something down 36
第16讲 分手总要在雨天 break up with someone cut the apron strings 39
第17讲 完全同意提高自己 polish up something all for something 43
第18讲 风雨中的美丽 keep something under one's hat start something off on the wrong foot 45
第19讲 脱光衣服了 give someone the shirt off one's back lose one's shirt 48
第20讲 勒紧腰带,奋发图强 tighten one's belt pull up one's socks 51
第21讲 生死由命,富贵在天 have deep pockets in someone's pocket 53
第22讲 不要把钱打水漂 pour money down the drain go together 55
第23讲 忍无可忍,无须再忍 speak up for someone come in handy 58
第24讲 忘记你我做不到 set someone in good stead go out of one's way 61
第25讲 今夜你会不会来 leave someone/something hanging stick up for someone/something 63
第26讲 坚持、坚持、再坚持 stick to something night owl 66
第27讲 我们应该支持正义 back up someone/something climb the ranks 68
第28讲 远在天边,近在眼前 squeeze in something un-der one's nose 70
第29讲 辗转反侧,难以入眠 hang over someone's head settle someone's estate 72
第30讲 都是美女惹的祸 make one's mouth water do to one's heart's content 75
第31讲 雨后春笋 pop up see to something 77
第32讲 精通股市 know a thing or two about something make sense out of 79
第33讲 难以抉择,所以放弃 pass on something take something well 81
第34讲 打破砂锅问到底 on earth look forward to 84
第35讲 我的悲惨世界 make a pig of oneself lose one's cool 86
第36讲 住嘴 knock it off hold back 89
第37讲 寻寻觅觅 seek one's fortune on the flip side 91
第38讲 柳暗花明又一村 turn something around in the nick of time 93
第39讲 打开天窗说亮话 call a spade a spade long for something 95
第40讲 男人简单就好 as easy as one,two,three boil down to 97
第41讲 最后一句话 the last word make someone tick 99
第42讲 当一天和尚撞一天钟 leave something to chance speak for yourself 101
第43讲 靠边站 put something on hold cut to the chase 104
第44讲 出尽风头 steal the show steal the spotlight 106
第45讲 相思无用 bring the curtain down on something in the limelight 108
第46讲 失去的不再来 pass away in store for someone/something 111
第47讲 如此快乐 get a kick out of something or someone soak up the sun 113
第48讲 难以忘怀 be hard pressed to do something go for a dip 115
第49讲 糟糕的天气,不适的身体 under the weather give someone the benefit of the doubt 118
第50讲 把事情搞砸了 mess things up tried-and-true 120
第51讲 红地毯待遇 red carpet treatment when in Rome,do as the Romans do 122
第52讲 找到窍门 get the hang of something keep some-one going 125
第53讲 真心付出 shell out hit the spot 127
第54讲 水深火热 in hot water it pays to do something 129
第55讲 坚持到底就是胜利 give way to put all one's heart and soul into something 131
第56讲 不尽财源滚滚来 cash in on something take a bite out of something 134
第57讲 我受够了 be fed up with something/someone pick on someone 136
第58讲 因为你,我在世界之巅 lay a finger on someone on top of the world 139
第59讲 机不可失,时不再来 jump on something pull someone's leg 141
第60讲 偶然相遇 butter someone up come across 143
第61讲 墙上的花没人采 wallflower once you go black you never go back 146
第62讲 鲜花还需绿叶衬 bring out something lay it on thick 148
第63讲 难以抗拒 live up to make someone an offer he/she can't refuse 150
第64讲 接受盛情邀请 take someone up on something show someone a good time 153
第65讲 大肆狂欢 paint the town red call it a day 155
第66讲 改过自新,求取赞赏 turn over a new leaf fish for compliments 157
第67讲 Baby,你就是我的唯一 put two and two together one's one and only 160
第68讲 她真是太美了 a perfect 10 kill two birds with one stone 162
第69讲 不要当电灯泡 two's company six of one and half a dozen of the other 165
第70讲 为什么你背着我爱别人 two-time someone once bitten,twice shy 167
第71讲 乱七八糟和百里挑一 at sixes and sevens one in athousand 170
第72讲 吻上九天云霄 in one's seventh heaven on cloud nine 172
第73讲 作最坏打算 keep something straight prepare someone for the worst 174
第74讲 骑在栅栏上的人 sit on the fence be keen to do something 176
第75讲 直面棘手的问题 a hard nut to crack face some-thing head-on 179
第76讲 欺人太甚 phase out walk all over someone 181
第77讲 信口开河 be joined at the hip shoot from thehip 183
第78讲 顺应众意,还是坚持观点 go with the flow stick to one's colors 186
第79讲 走捷径、抄近路 cross the line cut corners 188
第80讲 亲切的感受 take something for granted feel a connection to someone/something 190