Lu Xun's Lehrjahre in Japan and His Philosophical Quest Xu Guozhang 1
Contents 5
Foreword Wang Zuoliang 5
On and Around the Dream—A Survey of Recent Scholarship on Hongloumeng Zhou Jueliang 7
The Globe and the Pear Garden—Some Parallels in Stagecraft Between Shakespeare and Beijing Opera Wu Qianzhi 20
China's New Interest in Foreign Literature—A Survey of Translation Periodicals Qian Zhaoming 29
Malraux et la révolution chinoise Emmanuel Roblès 36
Emmanuel Roblès en Chine Shen Dal 44
On the Causes of the Fall of Men in Paradise Lost Jin Fashen 47
Individualism in the American Novel:from Melville to Hemingway Annette T.Rubinstein 55
Scottish Twentieth-Century Poetry Iain Crichton Smith 65
Die Reduktions?sthetik des Kahlschlags—Wolfdietrich Schnurre als Repr?sentant einer literarischen Str?mung im Nach kriegsdeutschland Xue Siliang 86
It's a Fixed Word Order Language Is English M.A.K.Halliday 102
Достижения и проблемы стилистики текста русского языка Сяо Минь 115
Impresiones sobre la pronunciación,la entonación y el habla madrile?as Cen Chulan 124
A1gumas análises sintáctico-sem?nticas sobre os verbos estativos em portugu?s Wang Zengyang 129