目录 1
海洋油气勘探概况及石油地质学动向 金庆焕 1
Tectonic Evolution of the Pearl River-Mouth(Zhujiangkou)Basin and Hydrocarbon Potential Feng Zhiqiang and Pow-Feng Fan 10
Formation and Evolution of the South China Sea and Their Relation to Hydrocarbon Potential He Liansheng 32
Crustal Structure of the South China Sea Basin Yao Bochu and wang Guangyu 49
台湾浅滩南盆地的初探及油气资源的展望 王光宇 姚伯初 缪宛岑 66
南海珠江口盆地地质构造特征和含油气远景 冯志强 缪宛岑 74
The Characteristics of the Faulting Activities on the Continental Margin in the Northern Part of the South China Sea Liang Dehua 81
南海北部海区珠江口盆地前渐新统找油的新领域 寇才修 90
多旋回的板块构造运动与南海新生代构造 何廉声 98
The Characteristics of the Geological Structures of the Tertiary Basins on the Continental Margin in the Northern Part of the South China Sea Wu Jinmin 109
珠江口盆地珠五井有机地球化学特征及其油源探讨 郭连生 林旭志 128
Characteristic Features of the Heat Flow Profile on the Conti-nental Margin in the Northern Part of South China Sea and Their Geological Significance Qian Yipeng 141
试谈西沙海槽的发展演化及地球物理场特征 陈圣源 陈永清 149
珠江口盆地的构造演化与南海之形成 冯志强 曾维军 161
应用地震地层学方法对古珠江三角洲沉积体系的初步分析 李妙霞 张祥兰 周昌范 邱燕 173