A 1
Aarskog's syndrome 1
Aase-Smith's syndrome 1
A-Avitaminose 303
ABT-letterer's syndrome 178
Acanthosis nigricans and ade-nocarcioma 1
ACD syndrome 101
Achard syndrome 2
Achondroplasia rsyndrnme 2
Acquired lmmune deficiency Syndrome(A.I.D.S.) 3
Acrocephalosyndacotyly syn-drome 4
Acrocyanosi syndrome 5
Adair-Dighton's syndrome 299
Adamentiades-Behcet's syn-drome 28
Adams-Victor-Macall syn-drome 5
Addison's syndrome 6
Addison 氏病 6
Addison-Biermer syndrome 7
Addisonian syndrome 7
Adipositas-Hyperthermia Oei-gohypomenorrhea-parotitis syndrome 8
Adult ledig's cell failure 191
Agastric syndrome 8
Aglossia-Adactylia syndrome 9
A-Hypovitaminose 303
Aicardi's syndrome 9
Akureyri disease 9
Alactoflavinose 304
Albers-Schowberg's syndrome 10
Albright Syudrone 11
Aldrich-Dees syndrome 12
Aldrich syndrome 12
Allergic-dermal respiratory syndrome 13
Alopecia reflex syndrome 159
Alzheimer's syndrome 13
Alzheimer氏病 13
Amsterdam型侏儒症 62
Amsterdam型综合征 62
Ancell-spiegle氏圆柱瘤或头巾状瘤综合征 14
Ancell syndrome 14
Angioedema症 14
Angioke-F abry-Anderson's syn-drome 101
Angioneuotic edema 244
Angioostechypertrophcy syn-drome 15
Ankyloglossia diease 15
Ankylosis of the tongue 15
Antimongolism 117
Antimony(sb)poisoning 18
Aortic arch syndnome 15
Aphthosis generalizata(Tour-aine) 22
Arlt-Davidsen's syndrome 17
Arrbenoblastoma syndrome 17
Ar senic(AS)poisoning 17
Ascariasis症 19
Ascher's syndrome 18
Asharyons syudront 241
Athetoid's syndrome 19
Atrophia cutis Senilis病 19
Auriculo-temporal nerve syn-dome 20
Auriculo-temporal nerve syn-drome 21
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 21
Avellis-longh syndrome 22
Avellis syndrome 22
Avellis氏麻痹 22
B 22
Baader's dermato-Stomatitis 22
Baader's syndrome 22
Babington's syndrome 221
Bachelor's syndrome 23
Baelz's disease 23
Batverstedt氏淋巴细胞瘤 273
Batverstedt syndrome 273
Bakwin-Krida's syndrome 242
Ball holding Buot Sine 22
Balloonfish poisoning 23
Ballow's disease 24
Ballow's disease infanile Scurry 24
Bamberger氏病 195
Bardet's Synprtahe 172
Bardet-Biedl's syndrome 172
Barlow's syndrome 24
Barraquer-simon's syndrome 266
Barre-lieou's syndrome 25
Barthelemy's disease 25
Bartholin-patan's syndrome 25
Bastian's syndrome 317
Batt's syndrome 26
Battle's sign 26
Baylanger氏味觉性出汗 20
Bean syndrome 26
Beck's syndrome 27
Beckwith's syndrome 27
Beckwith-wiedemann氏综合征 27
Bedner氏鹅口疱 28
Bedner氏口疮 28
“Behcet”三联症 28
Behcet's syndrome 28
Behcet多发性症候群 28
Behcet氏复发性疾病 28
Behr syndrome 30
Bell氏麻痹 30
Bell's syndrome 30
Benign Lymphoepithelial Le-sion 206
Berardinelli-seip's syndrome 31
Beriberi like syndrome 31
Berlin's syndrome 31
Bernard-Saulier型家族性凝血酶形成缺乏病 251
Bernard's syndrome 32
Bertolotti-Garcin二氏综合征 113
Besnier—Boeck—Schaumann's syndrome 32
Besnier's prurigo 33
Besnier氏冻疮样狼疮 32
Bianchi's syndrome 33
Beidl-Bardet's syndrome 172
Biedl's syndrome 172
Biemond's syndrome 172
Bismuth(Bi)poisoning 33
Birsch-Hirschfeld's二氏综合征 33
Blackfan-Diamond's syndrome 34
Blatl's syndrome 34
Bloch-siemen's syndrome 35
Bloch-Stauffer syndrome 35
Bloom's syndrome 36
Bloch-Sulzberger's syndrome 35
Bloom-Torre-Machak三氏综合征 36
Blushing and Exytrophobia 37
Boeck氏类肉瘤 32
Bockhart氏脓疱病 37
Bockr Sedgwick's Sydrome 185
Bogorad's syndrome 38
Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome 38
Bonnier's syndrome 38
Book's syndrome 39
Bornacd-Horner's syndrome 147
Boubas 322
Bourneville's syndrome 39
Bourneville氏病 39
Bowen's disease 40
Brachmande-lange's syndrome 62
Brail sford-Morguio's syndrome 211
Branchial Arch Syndrome 41
Brandt's syndrome 41
Brauer's syndrome 42
Brissaud-Mare's syndrome 43
Brissaud-Meig's syndrome 43
Brissaud-Sicard's syndrome 44
Brissaud's syndrome 43
Brissaud氏Ⅱ型综合征 42
Brissaud氏Ⅲ型综合征 43
Brissaud氏Ⅳ综合征 44
Bristowe's syndrome 44
Brocq-Duhring's syndrome 92
Brocq-Pautrier's syndrome 44
Brooke-Fordyce氏毛发上皮瘤 14
Brown-Spot syndrome 11
Bruck-DelangeⅡ型Syndorme 44
Brueghelsyndrome 45
Brudzinski's sign 45
Brunauer's syndrome 45
Buccal-lingual-masseter syn-drome 45
Buhl氏病 46
Burkitt氏淋巴瘤 46
Burkitt氏肿瘤 46
Buschke氏Ⅰ型综合征 46
Buschke氏Ⅱ型综合征 171
C 47
Caffey-Silverman syndrome 47
Coffey-Smith's syndrome 47
Calcinosis-Raynaud's phenom-enon,Sclerodactyly-Telang-iéctasis syndrome 48
Canada-Cronkhite二氏综合征 66
Candner's syndrome 48
Cannon's syndrome 49
Capdepont's syndrome 50
Cardiovasorenalsyndrome of Ruiter-Pompen 101
Carcinoid syndrome 50
Carotidynia syndrome 51
Cat cry syndrome 52
Cat eye syndrome 52
Cauhepe-Fieux's syndrome 53
Centrofacial lentiginosis 53
Cervico-occipital neuralgia syndrome 53
Cestan氏Ⅱ型综合征 53
Cestan-Chenais syndrome 53
Chancroid uecus molld 54
Charlin's syndrome 54
Chauffard's Syndrome 104
Chauffard-Still二氏综合征 104
Chaude Bernard氏综合征 32
Cheadle-Moeller-Barlow's syn-drome 24
Chediak-Higashi's syndrome 55
Chediak—Steinbrinck—Higashi氏异常 55
Cheilitis granulomatosa 205
Chinese restaurant syndrome 120
Chondroectodermal dysplasia syndrome 55
Chorda lympani syndrome 56
Choristoma—convulsions-men-tal retardation syndrome 56
Chorlin's syndrome 57
Chronic granulocytopenia in childhood 59
Chromosome 8三体综合征 57
Chromosome 9三体综合征 58
Chromosome 17部份重复综合征 58
Chronic granulocytopenia in childhood症 59
Chvostek氏症 59
Chvostek氏症状 59
Citelli's syndrome 59
Claude Bornard-Horner's syn-drome 147
Cleidocranial Dysostosis Hulk-crantg氏骨形成不全 196
Cockayne's syndrome 59
COFS syndrome 60
Cole's syndrome 324
Cole-Rouschkolb-Toomey syn-drome 324
Collet-Sicard's syndrome 60
Collet's syndrome 60
Comby氏症 61
Congenital hypertrichosis lan-uginosa 61
Congenital gigantic hair Symp-tome 61
Conradi syndrome 62
Conradi病 62
Congenital facial diplegia 209
Cook syndrome 120
Copper(Cu)poisming 69
Corelia de lange's syndrome 62
Ccrneliu-Delange's syndrome 63
Cori氏Ⅱ型糖原沉着病 237
Corpus laysi syndrome 63
Costen's syndrome 63
Couillard氏征 64
Cowden's syndrome(或病) 214
Cpilepsy 65
Craniostenosis 65
Cridu Chat syndrome 52
Crist Siemen's Syndrome 314
Crist-Siemen's-Touraine's Syn-drome 314
Crohn's diseae 66
Cronkhite's syndrome 67
Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 66
Crooked limbs syndrome 67
Crouzon's syndrome(或病) 67
Cryptococcosis症 68
Cryptophalmo-syndactyly syndrome 69
Csillag syndrome 131
Curths Syndrome 69
Curtius syndrome 70
Curtius's syndrome Ⅰ 70
Cushing's syndrome 70
Cushing's syndrome Ⅰ 70
Cushing's syndromeⅡ 71
Cutaneous behavior disorders 71
Cutancous-Intestinal-Oro-Pha-ryngeal ulceration syndrome 72
Cyclic agranulocytic angina syndrome 72
Cyclic neutropenia syndrome 73
Cyclopia 74
Cysticercosis cutis症 74
D 41
Danbolt-Closs syndrome 41
Dandy-Walker二氏综合病征 74
Danlos syndrome 94
Darier病 75
Darier's syndrome 75
Darier white's syndrome 75
Davison syndrome 76
Debre-semelaigne's syndrome 76
Degos syndrome 76
Degos病 76
Degos-Delort-Tricot syndrome 76
Degrouchy-Royer-Sasmon-La-my氏综合征 126
Deiter's syndrome 38
Dejan's syndrome 77
Dejerine-Klumpke's syndrome 77
Dejerine-Klumpke'二氏麻痹 77
Dejerine-Rou ssy syndrome 78
Dejerine's洋葱皮样感觉缺乏综合征 78
Dejerine's锥体舌下神经综合征 79
Dejerine's syndromeⅡ 78
Delange's syndrome Ⅰ 62
De licious food syndrome 79
Demarquay's syndrome 79
Dental pulp-Periodontal syn-drome 80
Dentobronchial syndrome;De Sanctic-Cacchione's Syndrome 80
Determann's syndrome 81
De-Tonisirerman Caffey syn-drome 47
Detoni-Debre-Fanconi's Syn-drome 180
Diabetes mellitus症 81
Di-Guglielmo病 83
Dienzephale parotitis recidi-vans bilateralis 8
Diffuse Angiokeratosis 101
Digeorge syndrome 82
Di-Guglielmo's syndrome 83
Dilantin gingival fibrous hy-perplasia 83
Diphasic postcardiotomy syn-drome 84
Disseminated lupus erythema-tosus 85
Disturbences syndrome of tem-poro-mandibularjoint 85
Diphtheria 84
Dolichostenomelia 195
Donohue syndrome 88
Down综合征相反型 89
Down's syndrome 89
Down氏病 89
Dressler's syndrome 90
Drummond syndrome 90
Drusenfieber syndrome 91
Duane's syndrome 91
Duane氏先天性眼球后缩综合征 91
Dube 322
Duchenne-Landouzy Types 92
Duchenne's syndrome 92
Duchenne氏进行性延髓麻痹 92
DuchenneⅡ型syndrome 92
Duct症 92
Duhring-Brocq syndrome 92
Duhring病 92
Dupuy's syndrome 20
Dyskeratosis Congenita 324
Dyskinesia intermitrens angio-spastica 81
E 93
E—三体性综合征 93
Eagle's syndrome 281
Ear-Mandibular hypoplasia syndrome 93
Eaton-Lambert syndrome 93
Ectodermosis crosiva pluriori-ficialis 106
Eddowe's syndrome 299
Edward's syndrome 93
Egg white syndrome 94
Ehlers-Danlo's syndrome 94
Eisenlohr's syndrome 95
Elfin-face Syvndrome 95
Ekman's syndrome 299
Ellis-van Creveld's syndrome 55
Ellis-Van Creveld氏先天性畸形综合征 95
Encephalofacial amgiomatusis 280
Engenan's syndrome 324
Eosinophilic granulorma 96
Epidemic hemorrhagi fever症 97
Epidemic parotitis症 97
Erb-Goldflom's syndrome 98
Erb's syndrome 98
Erb-Goldflam's syndrome 98
Erb-Goldflam病 98
Erosion症 99
Escamiua-Lisser syndrome 99
Estren-Dameshek syndrome 100
Evan's syndrome 100
Exomphalos-Macro-glossia-Gi-gantism.(E.M.G.)syndrome 27
Extensive's syndrome 238
Eye and pharyngal muscular malnutrition syndrome 101
Eye-Ear-Mouth-Kidney-Red cell productive obstacle症 101
Eyelid-malarmandible syndrome 41
F 137
Faber氏贫血 137
Faber氏综合征 137
Fabry's syndrome 101
Fabry氏综合征 101
Fabry-Anderson's syndrome 101
Familial heper-chylomicronae-mia Syndrome 102
Fanconi's syndrome Ⅱ 103
Fanconi's syndrome 180
Fat—brain—eye and aberrant bone syndrome 103
Faver-Racouchat's syndrome 103
Feer氏病 104
Feer's syndrome 104
Felty syndrome 104
Fetal alcohol syndrome 105
Fetal anormaly's syndrome 105
Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter's syn-drome 249
Fiessinger-Leroy syndrome 249
Fiessinger-Rendu's syndrome 106
Fisher's syndrome 107
Fisker-Evan's syndrome 100
Fluorine(F)poisoning 106
Focal dermal hypoplasia syn-drome 121
Foix's syndrome 107
Foix's syndromeⅡ 107
Folling syndrome 108
Forchheimer's sign 108
Fordyce's disease Fordyce's氏斑; 109
Fordyce氏颗粒 109
Foville氏小脑脚综合征 109
Fothergill氏病 109
Fothergill syndrome 109
Fothergill's neuralgia 109
Foville's syndrome 109
Franceschetti-jedssohn's syn-drome 215
Franceschetti-klein syndrome 110
Franceschetti syndrome 41
Franceschetti—Zwahlen syn-drome 110
Francois-Haustrate's syndrome 111
Francois syndrome 130
Frankl-Hochwart syndrome 111
Franklin's syndrome 112
Freeman-Sheldon's syndrome 112
Fremerey-Dohna syndrome 130
Frey-Baillarger's syndrome 20
Frey's syndrome 20
Friedreich氏病 70
Fuchs(2)syndrome 112
Fuchs-lycll二氏综合征 113
Fuller-Albright syndrome 11
G 113
Ganssleu's syndrome Ⅱ 113
Garcin's syndrome 113
Garcin-Guillain二氏综合征 113
Gardener-Diamond's syndrome 114
Gardner's syndrome 114
Garland-Moorhause syndrome 270
Garpenter syndrome 115
Gasperini's syndrome 115
Gasperinisches's syndrome 53
Gaucher syndrome 115
Gaucher氏脾肿大 115
Gaustad's syndrome 116
G-deletion(Ⅱ)syndrome 117
G-deletion(Ⅰ)Syndrome 117
Generel telangiectasis-cataract syndrome 118
Gerlier syndrome(或病) 118
Gianotti's syndrome 118
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 118
Gilbert's syndrome 28
Gilles de la Tourette's syndr-ome 42
Glanzmann's syndrome;Glanz-mamn's血小板无力症或遗传性血小板无力征 119
Glucagonoma syndrome 119
Glutamic acid overintake syn-drome 120
Godtfredsen's syndrome 120
Goldenher's syndrome 121
Goldsteins syndrome 221
Goltz syndrome 121
Goltz-Gorlin syndrome 121
Gopalan syndrome 122
Gorham's syndrome 122
Gorham氏病 122
Gorlin Chaudhry-Moss's syn-drome 123
Gorlin-Goltz's syndrome 123
Gougerot-Ruiter's syndrome 123
Gougerot氏三联症 123
Gougerot氏四联症 123
Gougerot-Houwers-Sjogren syn-drome 267
Gougerot-Sjogren's syndrome 267
Gower's手足搐搦样舞蹈病 319
Gradenigo's syndrome 124
Gradenigo-Launois's syndrome 124
Granulosa cell tumor症 124
Grauhan's syndrome 125
Gregg's syndrome 125
Greig's syndrome 125
Grist-Siemens's syndrome 266
Grist-Siemens-Touraine三氏综合征 266
Grob舌颜面发育不良 221
Groenblad-Strandberg syn-drome 126
Groenblad-Strandberg-Tourane's syndrome 126
Grouchy-Lamy-Thiffry syn-drome 126
Grouchy-Royer-Salmon-Lamy syndrome 126
Gubler's syndrome 126
Guerin-Stern's syndrome 127
Guillain-A1ajouanine-Bertrand d-Garcin's syndrome 127
Guillain-Barre's syndrome 128
Guillain-Barre-Strohl's syn-drome 128
Guinon's syndrome 42
Gunn syndrome 194
Gunther syndrome 128
Gunther氏病 128
H 129
Haber's symdrome 129
Hageman's syndrome 129
Hagner氏病 195
Hair-tooth-bone syndrome 130
Hallermann-streiff's syndrome 130
Hallervorden-Spatz's syn-drome 131
Hallopan氏变异型 132
Hallopeau's syndrome Ⅰ 131
Hallopeau's syndrome Ⅱ 132
Hallopeau-Siemen's syndrome 132
Halushi-Behcet's syndrome 28
Hammond's syndrome 19
Hanot氏肝硬化 135
Hand-mouth Syndrome 133
Hand-Schuller-Christian's syn-drome 133
Hane-Whistle-Smile sign 135
Hanot syndrome 135
Hand foot and mouth syn-drome 132
Hanhart syndrome 135
Harler氏病 136
Harlequin color change,Particou-lored babies syndrme 136
Hart氏病 136
Hatchcock's sign 137
Hayem Farber's syndnome 137
Head-Riddoch's syndrome 138
Heerfordt氏病 138
Heerfordt-Mytius二氏综合征 138
Heerfordt's syndrome 138
Heidenhain Phenomenon 139
Helemholtz Harrington syn-drome 140
Hemuihypertrophy of face 274
Hemophilia syndrome 140
Henangiectasia hypertrophican syndrome 15
Henck-Assmann syndrome 10
Heraditary episodic adynamia syndrome 141
Hereditary hemolytic ovalocy-tosis 141
Herpes gestationi s 105
Herpes Simplex 142
Heryng's sign 141
Herpes zoster 142
H.H.H.O Syndrome 239
Hilger's syndrome 143
Hippocratic facies sign 144
Histidinemia 144
Histoplasmosis 144
H2O syndrome 115
Hoct-Qram's syndrome 146
Hoffmann's syndrome Ⅰ 115
Hoffmann's sgndrome Ⅱ 145
Hoffmann's syndrome 145
Hollander's syndrome 266
Holtmuener-wiedemann's syn-drome 145
Homocystinuria syndrome 146
Hooft syndrome 147
Hoppe-Goldflam's syndrome 98
Horner's syndrome 147
Horner's teeth 147
Horton's头痛 57
Horton's syndrome 148
Howes-Pallister-Landor's syn-drome 279
Hughling jackson's syndrome 158
Hulkerantz氏骨形成不全 149
Hunermann synrome 62
Hunterian glossitis syndrome 150
Hunter-Russll's syndrome 149
Hunter syndrome 149
Hunt's syndrome Ⅰ 150
Hurler's syndrome 151
Hurler氏病 151
Hutchinson-Boeck's syndrome 32
Hutchinson-Gilford's syndrome 151
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome 151
Hutchinson's syndrome 152
Hutchinson's Triad 152
Hufchinson-weber-Peutg's syn-drome 232
Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae 182
Hyperkeratosis palmoplantaris and periodontoclasia 226
Hyperplastic epidermolysisbu-1 losis 154
Hypertensive diencephalic syn-drome 154
Hyperventilation syndrome 224
Hyperviscosity syndrome 153
Hypoparathyroidism syndrome 155
I 155
latrogenic hypertrichosis 155
Idiopathic gingival fibromato-sis hypertrilosis 155
Impotent Neutrophil syndrome 156
Infantile papular acrodermatitis 118
Infantiler Skorbut 24
Infections monoucleosis症 156
Infratemporo-fossa syndrome 156
Inner catotic aneurysm syn-drome 157
Intestinal infantilism syndrome 157
Intestinal polyposis with mel-anin pigmentation 232
J 158
Jacob氏病 158
Jacobsen-Brodwall syndrome 159
Jacquet's syndrome 159
Jackson-Mackenzic's syndrome 189
Jackson's syndrome 158
Jacob's syndrome 122
Jacod's syndrome 159
Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syn-drome 159
Jadassohn-pellizzari's syn-drome 160
Jadassohn氏斑萎缩 160
Jadelot's sign 160
Jaffe-1ichteu stein'ssyndrome 160
Jahnke's syndrome 280
Jakayasn's syndrome 15
Japanese restaurant syndrome 120
Jaw-winking syndrome 194
Jogher's syndrome 232
Jessner-Kanof's syndrome 161
Job's syndrome 161
Jollifre syndrome 161
Jourdain's disease 162
Jreacher-collims syndrome 110
Jungling's syndrome 32
Juvenile pemphigoid syndrome 162
K 162
Kala-azar症 162
Kalisher's syndrome 280
Kallman syndrome 163
Kaposi's syndrome 163
Kaposi氏肉瘤 163
Kartagener's syndrome 163
Kasabach-Merritt's syndrome 164
Kast's syndrome 189
Kawasaki's disease 211
Kagnelson氏综合征 137
Kinner-wilson syndrome 319
Kleebiattschadel氏三叶草形头颅 145
Klauder's Syndrome 164
Klein syndrome 165
Klein-waardenburg's syndrome 309
Klinger Syndrome 166
Klinefel ter's syndrome 165
Klippel-Feil's syndrome 167
Klippel-Trenaunay's syndome 167
Klippel-Trenaunav-Weber's Syn-drome 167
Klumpke's syndrome 77
Klumpke-Dejerine's syndrome 77
Kocker-Debre-Semelaigne syn-drome(KDS syndrome) 76
Kohlmeier's syndrome 76
Koplik's spots 168
Kostmann's syndrome 168
Krabb's Ⅱ syndrome 280
Krause's syndrome 168
Krause-Reere-Blodi(克.里.布)三氏综合征 168
Krisovski's syndrome 169
Kurph-Drachman 101
L 169
Laborde's method 169
Laffer-Ascher's syndrome 18
Lahding disease 169
Lambert-Eaton's syndrome 93
Landouzy-Dejerine's syndrome 170
Landouzy-Dejerine肌营养不良症 170
Landry's麻痹 128
Landry-Guillain-Barre's syn-drome 128
Landry syndrome 128
Lange's syndrome 170
Lannois-Gradenigo's syndrome 124
Lanzieri syndrome 171
Larsen's syndrome 171
Lauford's syndrome 280
Launois-Bensaude's syndrome 171
Laurence-Biedl's syndrome 172
Laurence-Moon-Biedl's syn-drome(简称L.M.B syndrome) 172
Lawrence-Seip syndrome 172
Lazy leukocyte syndrome 173
Lead(Pb)poisoning 174
Lei shmania tropical 175
Lenoble-Aubineau's syndrome 174
Lennox氏三联症 176
Lentiginosis profusa syndrome 176
Lennox Gastant syndrome 176
Lenz syndrome 317
Leopard 176
Lepoutre's syndrome 177
Leprosy 175
Lesch-Nyhan's syndrome 177
Letourniguet syndrome 118
Letterer-Siwe's syndrome 178
Leyden syndrome 313
Lhermitte-Cornil-Quesnel's syn-drome 179
Lhermitte-Mealpine syndrome 179
Lichenoid chronic dermatosis's syndrome 180
Lichtenstein-Jaffe's syndrome 96
LMBB 172
Lignac's syndrome 180
Lignac-Fanconi's Syndrome 180
Lindberg's syndrome 181
Linear-Sebaceous syndrome 181
Lipoid proteinosis 182
Lipschütz's溃疡 182
Live-Lorain二氏病 43
Lobstein's syndrome 299
Local dy splasia teeth 182
Locked-in syndrome 183
Loeffler's Syndrome 183
Lorain型侏儒症 43
Lorain-Live syndrome 43
Lortat-Jacob-Degos syndrome 184
Loss of taste syndrome 184
Louis Bar's syndrome 185
Lowenberg-Hill's syndrome 185
Lubarsch-pick's syndrome 186
Lucatello's征 186
Ludwig氏咽峡炎 186
Luetscher's syndrome 187
Lundborg-Unverricht syndrome 187
Lutz-Mischer's syndrome 188
Lyell's Syndrome 188
Lymphocytic infiltration of skin syndrome 161
M 158
Mackenzie's syndrome 158
Madelung's syndrome 171
Madelung氏病 171
Madelung氏瘤 171
Madida's syndrome 189
Maffucci syndrome 189
Magitot's di sease 190
Majocchi's syndrome 190
Majocchi氏病 190
Makai's syndrome 190
Malabsorption syndrome 191
Male climacteric syndrome 191
Malherbe氏钙化上皮瘤 192
Malignent hyperthermia syndr-ome(M.H.) 192
Manganese(Mn)poisoning 193
Mannkopf's Sign 194
Mannkopf-Rumpf's Sign 194
Marchesani syndrome 194
Marie-Bamberger's syndrome 197
Marcus-Gunn现象 194
Marcus-Gunn syndrome 194
Marfan's syndrome 194
Marfan-Archar's syndrome 194
Marie—sainton's syndrome 196
Marie-Bamberger's syndrome 195
Marie's syndrome 197
Marin Amat's syndrome 197
Marinesco-sj?gnen syndrome 270
Maroteaux-Lamy's syndrome 198
Maroteaux-lamy's Ⅱ syndrome 198
Massive-osteolysis 123
Matsoukas syndrome 198
Maxtorell's syndrome 15
Mccune-Albright syndrome 11
Measles rubeola 199
Meckel syndrome 200
Median cleft face syndrome 200
Medulla's syndrome 200
Medullary syndrome 200
Meekein-Ehlers-Danlo's syn-drome 94
Meglin's point 200
Meleda病 201
Melkersson-Rosenthal's syn-drome 201
Melkersson syndrome 201
Mendes da Costa syndrome 201
Mendes da Costa氏红斑角皮病 201
Mende's syndrome 309
Menke's syndrome 202
Menkes氏捻转毛综合征 202
Menkes氏钢毛综合征 202
Menopausal syndrome 203
Mercury(Hg)Poisoning 204
Meyer-schwickeruth's syndrome 205
Miescher-Melkersson-Rosethal syndrome 201
Miescher's Ⅱ syndrome 205
Miescher's syndrome 205
Mikulicz氏病 206
Milian's sign 207
Millard Gubler's syndrome 207
Millard Gubler二氏瘫痪 207
Miller's syndrome 280
Minimal brain dy sfunetioyn-ns drome(简称M.B.D) 208
Minot-Von Willobrand's syn-drome 308
Mirchamp's sign 208
Mobius syndrome 209
Moeller氏舌乳头炎 209
Moeller氏舌炎 209
Moersch-Woltmann's syndrome 209
Mohr syndrome 221
Mohr-Claussen syndrome 210
Mondonesi's reflex 210
Monge's syndrome 210
Moon'氏征 211
Morgagni's Symdrome 292
Morgagni-Turner syndrome 295
Morquio's syndrome 211
Mortiner's syndrome 32
Moursou's sign 211
MPS-V 260
Mucocutaneous Ocular syndrome 112
Muco-Cutaneous-Lymph node syndrome(M.C.L.S.) 211
Muller's sign 212
Multiple basal cell nevus syn-drome 213
Multiple hamartoma syndrome 214
Multiple X syndrome 215
Mu tational dysostosis syn-drome 196
Myofascial pain-dysfunction syndrome 215
N 215
Naegeli’s syndrome 215
Naegeli氏载色体痣 215
Neck-tongue syndrome 216
Negri-Jacod's'syndrome 159
Neill-Dingwall's syndrome 60
Neumann's syndrome 216
Neumann氏变型 216
Naumann's Ⅱ syndrome 276
Neurocutaneous syndrome 217
Neuropolyendocrine syndrome 217
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome 213
Nevoid basal cell epithelioma syndrome 213
Nieden syndrome 217
Nitritoid syndrome 218
Niemann-Pick氏病 218
Noonan-Ehmke's syndrome 295
Noonan's syndrome 295
Normann-Tingey's syndrome 218
O 219
Obstruction-Sleep-apnea syn-drome(O.S.A.S) 219
Ocular myopathy syndrome 219
Oculodentodigital dysplasia(ODD syndrome) 205
Oculo-glandular syndrome 228
Ohngren氏区分法 220
Oculopharyngeal syndrome 219
Oliva anterior syndrome 220
Oliva posterior syndrome 220
Ollier-Klippel syndrome 15
Oral-facial-digital syndromeⅠ 221
Oral-facial-digital syndrome Ⅱ 221
Osler's syndrome 300
Osler氏病 221
Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome 221
Osteodystrophia fibrosa syn-drome 11
Osteoma Cutis 223
Ota's syndrome 223
Ota痣 223
Over Ventilation syndrome 224
P 224
Page's syndrome 224
Paget氏骨病 225
Paget's syndrome 225
Palatal myoclonus syndrome 226
Papillon-Leage-et psauma syn-drome 221
Papillon-Lefever's syndrome 226
Parak-Duranle's syndrome 229
Parapharyngeal space syndro-me 228
Paratrigeminal syndrome 245
Parinaud氏眼—腺综合征 228
Parinaud结膜—腺炎综合征 228
Parinaud氏结膜—腺—腮腺三联症 228
Parkes-Weber syndrome 15
Parkinson's syndrome 229
Parry-Romberg's syrdrome 255
Parotitis-herpangina-coxsac-kie virus syndrome 229
Paroxysmal noctual hemoglo-binuria(P.N.H.) 230
Passavant氏嵴 230
Passavant氏隆起 230
Patan's syndrome 25
Paterson-Brown-kelly syn-drome 236
Paterson-Kelly's syndrome 236
Paterson syndrome 236
Pelizacus-Merzbacher's syndr-Pemphigus vulgaris 230
Penfield syndrome 231
Periodontosis syndrome 231
Peter's syndrome 232
Pe8tz-Jegher's syndrome 232
Peutz's syndrome 232
Pfaundler-Hurler's syndrome 151
Pfeifer-Weber-Christian syn-drome 313
PHC syndrome 39
Phlebectasia of Jejunum-oral cavity and scrotum syndro-me 233
Phosphorus(32p)poisoning 234
Phytophotodermatitis 234
Pian 322
Pick-Wernicke's syndrome 317
Pickwick's syndrome 235
Pierre Robin's syndrome 235
Pink syndrome 104
Plummer-Vinson's syndrome 236
Poland's syndrome 237
Polyneuriti s cerebralis menie-riformi s 111
Pompe's syndrome 237
Popliteal pterygium syn-drome 238
Postteeth-extraction syn-drome 238
Postmyocardial infarction syn-drome 90
Potter's syndrome 239
Prader-labhart-willi-Fancon-i's syndrome 239
Prader-willi's syndrome 239
Premenstrual tension syn-drome 240
Pringle-Bourneville syn-drome 39
Progressive osteolysis 122
Pseudobulbar Palsy 240
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 126
Pterygopalato-fossa syndrome 241
Pubertal Menstruation Pregna-ncy gingivitis 242
Puente's disease 242
Pyle氏病 242
Pyoderma faciale 243
Q 114
Qsteomatosis-Intestinal Polyposis Svndrome 114
Quincke水肿 14
Queyrat氏增殖性红斑 243
Quinck's capillary sign 243
Quinck氏脉 243
Quincke's edema 244
Quinck's syndrome 244
R 244
Rabies 244
Racine's syndrome 245
Racine's premenstrual sali-vary syndrome 245
Radovici's sign 245
Raeder旁三叉神经麻痹综合征 245
Raeder's syndrome 245
Ramadier's syndrome 270
Ramasay-Hunt's syndrome 150
Rathbun's syndrome 246
Raymond-Cestan's syndrome 53
Raymond's syndrome 247
Raynaud's syndrome 247
Raynaud氏现象继发性综合征 247
Rebeitz-Kolodny-Richardson's syndrome 248
Recklinghausen Ⅰ syndrome 307
Reese syndrome 248
Reese-Ellsworth syndrome 249
Reicher氏肾性骨软化性甘氨酸盐尿性糖尿病综合征 180
Reichert syndrome 249
Reifenstein-Albright's syn-drome 165
Reiter's syndrome 249
Remak syndrome 174
Remlinger's sign 251
Revol's syndrome 251
Richner syndrome 135
Riehl氏黑变病 252
Riboflavin deficiency 304
Riehl's syndrome 252
Rieger's Syndrome 252
Rieger氏异常 252
Riga氏病 252
Riley-Day syndrome 253
Riley-Smith's syndrome 253
Ring chromosome(Ⅰ)syn-drome 254
Ritter病 254
Ritter syndrome 254
Ritter-Von-Rittershain病 254
Robin's syndrome 245
Rochon-Duvigneaud 255
Rochon-Duvigneaud氏感觉运动性眼肌麻痹综合征 255
Roger's reflex 254
Roger's syndrome 254
Rollet's syndrome 255
Romberg's syndrom e 255
Rosenthal's syndrome 256
Rosenthal Kloepfers'syndrome 257
Roske-Detoni-Caffey syn-drome 47
Rossele-urbach-wiethe's syn-drome 35
Rothmann-Thomson先天性皮肤异色病 35
Rothmund syndrome 35
Rubella German Measles症 257
Rubinstein's syndrome 258
Rubins tein-Tabyi syndrome 268
Ruds syndrome 258
Ruiter-Pompen's syndrome 258
Russell-Silver's syndrome 259
Rutherford syndrome 232
S 259
Saint Appoionia's disease 259
Saint Vitu's dance 284
SAS syndrome 318
Saunder's sign 259
Savill's syndrome 259
Scarlet Fever 259
Schachenmann syndrome 52
Schafer's syndrome 260
Schaumann's syndrome 32
Scheie's syndrome 260
Scheresherkii-Turner XO syn-drome 295
Scheuthaurer's syndrome 196
Schirmer's syndrome 280
Schmidt's syndrome 261
Schmidt(A)'s syndrome 261
Schridde's sign 261
Schuller-Christian's syn-drome 133
Schultz's syndrome 261
Schultz氏三征(黄疸、坏疸性口炎,白细胞减少症) 261
Schultze's sign 261
Schwartz-Jampel's syndrome 262
Scleroderm a syndrome 262
Scurvy病 23
Scueeley-Klionsky syndrome 101
Seckel syndrome 263
Selective B12 malabsorption syndrome 263
Selfer's syndrome 104
Senear-Usher syndrome 264
Seroche syndrome 210
Sezary网状细胞瘤 264
Sezary syndrome 264
Shelly's sign 265
Sicard-Collet's syndrome 60
Sicca syndrome 265
Sideropen氏吞咽困难综合征 236
Siemens syndrome 314
Signorelli's sign 265
Silex氐症 266
Silver's syndrome 259
Simonart氏带 266
Simonart氏线 266
Simonart氏粘连线 266
Simon's syndrome 266
Si?gren's syndrome 178
Sj?gren syndrome Ⅰ 269
Sj?gren syndrome Ⅱ 269
Si?gren-Larsson's syndrome 270
Sluder's syndrome 267
Sluder氏神经瘤 270
Sluder氏下半头痛 270
Smallpax variola 271
Smith-Lemli-Opitzsyndrome 272
Sorsby syndrome 272
Sotos's syndrome 272
Spaet-Dameshek syndrome 273
Spiegler-Fendt氏肉样瘤 273
Spiegler-Fendt's syndrome 273
Spurway's syndrome 299
ST.Anthong氏热 274
Steiner syndrome 247
Steinert-Curschmann病 275
Steinhardt syndrome 275
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 276
Stickler syndrome 277
Stiffman syndrome 209
Stilling's syndrome 91
Steinhardt氏症 275
Stilling-Turk-Duane's syn-drome 91
Stomatitis medicametosa症 278
Strachan's syndrome 279
Straus's sign 279
Striocortical syndrome 279
Stryker-Halbeisen's syndrome 279
Sturge-Kalisher-Weber's syn-drome 280
Sturge-weber-Dimi tri's syn-drome 280
Sturge-weber'ssyndrome 280
Stylo-hyoid syndrome 281
Sulzberger-Garbe's syndrome 281
Sulzberger-Garbe氏慢性苔藓样皮肤病 281
Superior vena cava syndrome 282
Supravalvular aortic stenosis syndrome 318
Sutton's syndrome 282
SVAS syndrome 318
Sweet's syndrome 283
Swift-feer syndrome 104
Swift's disease 283
Sydenham's chorea 284
Sydenham dance sy ndrome 284
Sylvian point 284
Symptomatic porphyria 284
Syndrome of multiple odonto-genic tumer 285
Syphilis 285
Systemic Scleroderma 286
T 287
Takahara's syndrome 287
Telangiectasis-calcium deposit syndrome 287
Telangiectasia hereditagica 221
Tetanus 288
Thalamic syndrome 78
Theimich's sign 288
The thirteenth syndrome 288
Thomsen syndrome 289
Ticdouloureur 109
Tongue phenomenon 289
Tooth、Eye and skin syndrome 289
Tou raine氏口疮病 28
Touraine氏鹅口疮 28
Touraine's症 289
Touraine-Solente-Gole's syn-drome 290
Tourette's syndrome 42
Traumatie dyspnea syndrome 290
Treacher-Collins syndrome 41
Trelat's sign 291
Trenaunay syndrome 15
Tresilian's sign 291
Trichorbino-phalangeal syn-drome 291
Trigeminal Trophic syndrome 292
Trigeminocervica reflex 292
Trimble's sign 292
Trisomy-22 syndrome 292
Trisomy-Zo 60
Trotter's syndrome 292
True muscular hypertrophy syndrome 293
Tuberculosis 293
Turk-Stilling's syndrome 91
Turner's syndrome 295
Turner氏男性表型 295
Turner-Ulirich sy ndrome 295
Turner-Uarvy syndrome 295
U 205
Ullrich-Feichtiger's syndrome 205
Ullrich-Fremery-Dohna's syn-drome 130
Ullrich syndrome 130
Ullrich-Turner's syndrome 38
Unna's Syndrome 296
Unverricht肌阵挛性癫痫综合征 187
Unverricht-Lundborg-Lafora三氏病 187
Unverricht氏病 187
Uraemia 297
Urbachsyndrome 297
Urbach-Wiethe's syndrome 298
Uveoparotitics 139
V 298
Vagoaccessary hypoglossal syn-drome 298
Vagoaccessory syndrome 261
Vagoaccessory-hy poglossal syndrome 298
Vail's syndrome 298
Van Bogaert-Hozay's syndrome 299
Van-Der-Hoeve's syndrome 299
Vaquez-Osler's syndrome 299
Vaquez's syndrome 300
Varicella chickenpox 300
Vernet's syndrome 301
Vidaine神经痛综合征 298
Villaret's syndrome 302
Vincent氏咽峡炎 302
Vincent氏口炎 302
Vincent氏龈炎 302
Vincrinstin arose Antidiureti-cal dyssecrefsis综合征 303
Viral hepatitis 303
Virchow氏尖头综合征 67
Virchow-Seckel syndrome 263
Vitamin A-Deficiency syn-drome 303
Vitamin B2-Deficiency syn-drome 304
Vitamin B2-Vitaminose 304
Vitamin-deficiency—gingivitis 305
Vitamin K Defficiency 305
Vogt syndrome 306
Von der Hoeve-Halbertsmen—Waardenburg's syndrome 309
Von Frey's syndrome 20
Von Herrenschwand's syn-drome 306
Von mikulicz's syndrome 206
Von Recklinghau sen's I syn-drome 307
Von Sallmann—Paton-w itkop syndrome 308
Von Willebrand-Jurgen's syn-drome 308
Von Willebrand's syndrome 308
Von Zambrusch's syndrome 131
Vrolick's syndrome 299
W 309
Waardenburg's Syndrome 309
Waelsch's syndrome 249
Wagner syndrome 309
Wagner-Unverricht syndrome 310
Waldenstrom氏巨球蛋白血症 310
Waldonstrome's sy ndrome 310
Waldenstrom-Kjellberg syn-drome 236
Waldeyer's tonsillar ring 312
Walker clodius syndrome 312
Wallenberg's syndrome 312
Ward's syndrome 213
Weber-Christian syndrome 313
Weber-Christian氏脂膜炎 313
Weber-Dimitri's syndrome 280
Weber-Guble's syndrome 313
Weber(H)'s syndrome 313
Weber-(PF)'s syndrome 15
Weber's syndrome 167
Wedderburn's syndrome 314
Wegener syndrome 166
Wegner氏肉芽肿 314
Wegner氏肉芽肿病 314
Weir Mitchell Ⅱ syndrome 266
Weisenburg's syndrome 316
Weiss(魏斯)氏征 316
Werner syndrome 316
Wernicke氏失语综合征 317
Wernicke(K)'s syndrome 317
Werther's(结节性坏死性皮炎)syndrome 123
Westphal假性硬化 319
Westphal-Strumpell's syn-drome 319
Weyer's syndrome 205
Whistling face syndrome 112
White's syndrnme 75
Wiedemann's(Ⅰ)syndrome 317
Wiedemann's(Ⅱ)syndrome 318
Wildervanck syndrome 318
Willebrand-Jürgen's syndrome 308
Williams's syndrome 318
Williams-Barrt syndrome 318
Willi-prader's syndrome 239
Wilson's syndrome 319
Wise's syndrome 319
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 12
Wiskott syndrome 12
Wissler's syndrome 320
Witt's贫血 137
Wolf's syndrome 320
Wyburn-Mason's syndrome 321
X 321
Xanthurenic aciduria syndrome 321
Xeroderma症 321
XO syndrome 38
XXX syndrome 322
XYZ syndrome 165
Y 322
Yaw's disease 322
Yellow nail 323
Z 323
Zagari's disease 323
Zahorsky syndrome 323
Zinsser's syndrome 324
Zinsser-Engman-Cole syn-drome 324
Zinsser-Fanconi syndrome 324