《陶行知全集 第6卷》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:21 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陶行知著
  • 出 版 社:成都:四川教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7540815159
  • 页数:762 页


Education In China 1924 3

China  46

The New Mass Education Movement 104

China's New Language 108

China:The Mass Education Movement 113

Outline Of Speech At Canadian Congress 116

Outline Of Chinese People's Education 118

War In China Struggle For Liberty Or Slavery 122

The People's Education Movement In China 124

China 143

Yu Tsai School For Talented Refugee Children 162

Education For All 169

War Clique Blamed For Nanking Attack 179

Annex—An Appeal To The American People 183

Chinese Peace Organizations Congratulate American People On Independence Day 187

论著(中译文) 189

民国十三年中国教育状况 191

中国 221

新的大众教育运动 265

中国新文字 268

中国大众教育运动 272

在加拿大国会的讲演提纲 274

中国人民教育大纲 276

中国的抗战是不自由就受奴役的斗争 280

中国的大众教育运动 282

中国 296

培养难童中人才幼苗的育才学校 310

全民教育 316

就南京“下关事件”对外国记者发表谈话 324

附:告美国人民书祝贺美国独立纪念日——中国人民团体致美国人民 331


My RésuméAnd My Plan Of Life Career 335

Requested To Send Representatives To China 338

Asked To Forward US?100 To Nat'l Salvation Ass. 339

Cheque For US?200 For Nat'l Salvation Ass.&All-China Students Union 340

Draft For US?300 For 2 Patriotic Organizations 341

To Leave Los Angeles For San Francisco 342

Itinerary Abroad Arranged 343

"Join The Fight For National Freedom!" 344

Defeat Of Jap Imperialism Inevitable 345

Additional Strength For Life's Struggle Needed 347

John Dewey's Statement 349

Annex—J.Nehru's Reply To JOHN DEWEY'S STATEMENT 350

Arrangement For Trip To India Acknowledged 352

Thanks For"Introducing Me To Your People"Expressed 354

Informed Of Arranged Visit To India 356

Informed Of Visit To India 357

"Anticipating The Joy Of Seeing You Again" 359

Wish To Understand Most Important Work In India 360

Object Of Visiting India"Is To Learn" 361

Answers To Questions About Yu Tsai School 362

Urged To Appropriate US?2,000 As Monthly Subsidy For Yu Tsai 367

Encl.(1) Report On The Activities Of Yu Tsai School During The Period Of Jan.—Mar.,1943 369

Encl.(2) Report On The Activities Of Yu Tsai School During The Period Of Apr.—Jun.1943 372

Requested Not To Base Increase In Subsidy On Enrolling New Students 376

Annex—Receipt For US?1,000 From C.A.C. 378

British Postcards Interest Young Artists of CAFA 379

Seeking Financial Aid From Foreign Friends For Yu Tsai School 380

Estimate Of Request For 1944-1945 Explained 383

Seeking Support From Home&Abroad For Yu Tsai School 385

Asked To Help Simplify Procedure For Carrying Books Abroad 387

Budget For Project Of Enrolling 100 New Refugee Children 389

Encl.(1) Budget For The Project Of Enrolling 100 New Gifted Refugee Children 391

Encl.(2) Monthly Pay On&Before Arrival Of New Students 393

Thanks For Support To Yu Tsai Enrolling 100 New Refugee Children 395

3-Point Note On Chen Yi-shin's Autobiography 397

Thanks Expressed For Securing Scores In India 399

Urged To Forward Tonics To Chungking By Air 400

Requested To Subsidize Yu Tsai 402

Report On Preparations For Enrolling 100 New Students 406

Seeking Funds For Starting New Departments Of Yu Tsai 408

On"Creative Relief" 411

Requested Not To Base Appropriation On Arrival Of New Refugee Children 415

Encl.Current Expenses Before The Complete Arrival Of New Refugee Children 417

Estimates For 2 New Depts Of Yu Tsai&An Inst. 418

Encl.(1) Estimates For Founding The Agriculture Department Of Yu Tsai School  419

Encl.(2) Estimates For Founding The Industrial Arts Department Of Yu Tsai School 420

Encl.(3) Estimates For Developing The Morning Village Research Institute 421

World Famous Violinist Ma Sze-Tsung To Give Concert To Raise Money For Yu Tsai 423

Appreciation Of YMCA's Generosity Expressed 425

Appreciation Of Foreign Friend's Presents For Yu Tsai's Children Expressed 426

Report On Selection Of Refugee Children 427

Educational Plan Mapped Out For Int'l Home 429

Encl.Int'l Home For Refugee Children 430

Requested To Help Set Up Int'l Home 432

Financial Report Of Yu Tsai For 1944 434

Encl.Monthly Food Cost Of Yu Tsai School For New Refugee Children Already Arrived 435

Revision Of Yu Tsai's Budget Requested 437

Requested Grant-aid For Yu Tsai Budget('45—'46) 441

Encl.Budget Request Form(1945—1946) 443

New Project Under Way Dem.Ed.For 450m People 447

Annex—Miss M.Price's Reply To Dr.Tao's Cable 448

Asked To Help Find A Meeting Place 451

Annex—Mr.Peter Townsend's Reply 451

书信(译文) 453

我的学历及终身志愿 455

敦促国际和平会议速派代表来华 458

汇100美元请转交救国会 459

汇200美元请转交救国会和全国学联 460

汇300美元请转交救国会和全国学联 461

明天到旧金山去 462

国外行程安排 463

参加红十字会,为民族自由而战  464

日本帝国主义必败  465

增添生活斗争的力量  467

陶行知代拟《杜威声明》 468

附:印度国民大会党复杜威函 468

函谢为访印作安排 471

为介绍本人给印度人民表示感谢 472

将从新印度学习到首要的一课 473

希望当面领教 475

函告将到印度拜会 476

希望了解新印度 477

访印目的在于学习 478

就育才学校情况回答罗格夫人提问  479

为育才学校申请每月资助2000美元 483

原信附件一:1943年1—3月期间育才活动报告  484

原信附件二:1943年4—6月期间育才活动报告 486

请勿以招收新生作为增加补助的条件 489

函请馈赠英国画明信片给儿童美术馆 491

吁请外国友人资助育才学校 492

为1944—1945年度育才学校概算作解释 495

为维持和改进育才学校向国内外呼吁支援 496

请代设法在渝预检印刷品 498

育才学校增收100名难童的计划及预算 499

原信附件一:关于招收100名具有特殊才能的难童计划预算表 500

原信附件二:新生月开支表 502

为获准资助新招100名难童表示感谢 503

关于陈贻鑫自传的三点说明 505

为在印代购乐谱致谢 507

函催营养品运渝并委托在印购物 508

向中学救济委员会申请补助 509

为育才招收新生100名作准备的情况 512

为创办育才农业组和工艺美术组申请拨款 514

关于“创造性的救济” 516

请求不要对新来难童按人头计算拨款 519

原信附件:育才学校新难童全部到达之前的日常费用 520

为育才学校及晓庄研究所申请拨款 521

原信附件一:开办育才学校农业组概算 522

原信附件二:开办育才学校工艺美术组概算 522

原信附件三:发展晓庄研究所的概算 523

请邀盟国友人参加马思聪小提琴演奏会 525

为免收租金差额致谢 526

为育才受赠礼物向外国友人致谢 527

关于选拔难童的情况 528

关于国际难童学校教育实施计划 529

原信附件:国际难童学校 530

吁请帮助建立国际难童学校 532

育才学校1944年度财务报告 534

因物价上涨为育才新来难童申请增加拨款 536

为育才1945—1946年度预算请求资助 539

实施中的民主教育新计划 544

附:毕来思致陶行知函 545

请借用或代租用开会地点 547

附:唐森先生回复 548


Look In Vain 551

Three Famous Chinese Stories 553

(Ⅰ)Tong Fang Soh,the Humorist 553

(Ⅱ)The Spear and the Shield 554

(Ⅲ)The Kingfisher and the Clam 554

Special Trenches 556

Anatomy School Rector May Execute Criminals 557

Mencius(1) 558

Mencius(2) 560

The Tiger And The Donkey 562

The Appointment Of Kuan Yu For The Defence Of Chingchow 564

POEMS AND SONGS(Translated from Chinese) 567

Wood Orchid 569

A Stanza Of The Short Songs 575

Home-coming 577

Night Meditation 578

Drink Alone Under Moon Light 579

Departure 581

The Bride 583

A Traveler 584

Chrysanthemum 585

Bamboo And Snow 586

Rock Bamboo 587

On Congee 589

New Year Snow 591

Cloth-selling 592

Little Cabbage 594

All Rise 596

Growing Up 598

Miss Autumn Fragrance,The Lonely Shepherdess 599

A Farmer's Picture Of Confucius 602

Self-independence 603

Dancing Of The Hoe(1) 604

Dancing Of The Hoe(2) 606

The Song Of The Dancing Of The Sickle 609

The Little Workers'Song 612

Hands And Brain Unite 614

Children's Day 616

Little Teachers 620

Feng Yang Song 622

New Leadership 624

Summer Of 1925 625

Full Moon 627

Work 630

Study 631

Teaching 632

Resist Japan 633

Two Sisters 634

The Scholar Ghost 636

Peace Power 638

Love What The People Love 641

Petticoat—A Gift To A General 644

All China Unite 646

译诗 647

一位美国博士之自述 649

我决定 650

箭与歌 651

言论自由 652

今天 653

你的任务 654

和气的说吧 657

命运(前途) 659

自家人 661

坚强起来 663

黄昏 664

苹果 665

鹰 666

风信子 667

光阴,您这吉卜西老人呀! 668

送给西丽雅 670

斑鸠 672

阿布本阿第亨 673

林肯的心 675

当我们别离 677

珍钟 679

译文 683

1913年中华民国之将来 685

美国大统领罗斯福传 694

1921年未来之中国 710

孟禄在苏州第二女子师范的讲演 717

1922年孟禄博士在南京讨论会中之谈话 723

共和与教育 728

孟禄博士与苏州教育界之谈话 732

旧教育与新教育的差异 736

学理与应用 741

孟禄博士与无锡教育界谈话 746

1923年“德谟克拉西”的教育 748

1942年一八六二年之白宫厨房 754

1945年手 756

学习怎样运用自由 759

林肯凯梯司堡演词 761