汉文篇 1
在“藏传佛教后弘期上路弘传历史艺术文化专题研讨会”上的致辞&拉巴平措 1
阿钦沟石窟的佛传壁画——兼谈古格王国早中期佛传壁画的不同版本&张建林 3
西藏西部象泉河流域穹隆遗址的考古调查&霍巍 20
吐蕃王朝飞马使印章考释&陈庆英 邹西成 35
岩魔女·女国·古象雄——由西藏岩画神鸟“穹”(khyung)图形引发的思考&张亚莎 40
阿里王统分析——疑义辨析之一&张云 55
阿底峡与藏传佛教上路弘传&班班多杰 62
11世纪的上部阿里与下部阿里(论文摘要)&巴桑旺堆 75
汉文篇 77
江孜紫金寺历史研究(论文摘要)&郑堆 77
我们为什么欣赏阿里&马丽华 81
西喜马拉雅课题的跨学科研究介绍&斯坦因凯勒 84
从10世纪塔布壁画构想益希沃的世界&黛博拉·克林伯格索特 88
西部西藏地区甘珠尔传承&海尔默特·托舍 布鲁诺·雷恩 139
《甘珠尔》、《丹珠儿》文本中摘录的藏文题记&催可华 164
用多学科方法建立古藏文写本的类型学(论文摘要)&克里斯汀娜·施考伯 乔治·博纳尼 173
藏传佛教后弘期上路弘传历史艺术文化专题研讨会总结&张云 174
英文篇 185
Lhagpa Phuntshogs introductory speech at the seminar 185
The Seminar on the History and Art Culture of Tibetan Buddhism&Zhang Yun 189
Why mNga'ris is important&Ma Lihua 195
Methodological perspectives:Trans-disciplinary research in the Western Himalayas&Ernst Steinkellner 199
The Seal of the Flying Horse Herald in the Tubo Kingdom&Chen Qingying and Zou Xicheng 203
A Historical study of rTse chen Monastery of rGyal rtse&Dramdul 207
Archaeological survey of the Khyung lung Site in the Glang chen gtsang po valley in Western Tibet&Huo Wei 211
Imagining the world of Ye shes'od.10th-century painting in Tabo&Deborah Klimburg-Salter 231
Ati?a and the Upper-Route Preaching of Tibetan Buddhism(stod brgyud kyi'dul ba)&Palbar Dorje 287
The mNga'ris stod and mNga'ris smad of the 11th century&Pasang Wangdu 297
英文篇 299
Establishing a typology of the old Tibetan manuscripts:a multidisciplinary approach&Cristina Scherrer-Schaub and George Bonani 299
Western Tibetan Kanjur tradition&Helmut Tauscher and Bruno Lainé 339
Tibetan inscriptions with excerpts from Kanjur and Tanjur texts&Kurt Tropper 363
Analysis of the genealogy of the mNga'ris Kingdom&Zhang Yun 371
A study on the Buddhist wall paintings of the Aqin Valley Caves in mNga'ris and on the Various Versions of Buddhist wall paintings of the Guge Kingdom&Zhang Jianlin 377
Rāk?asī·Women Country·Zhangzhung.Reflections on the Khyung images in Tibet&Zhang Yasha 399
Postscriptum 415
后记&周源 417