儒家“仁爱、和谐、诚信、中庸”等基本价值观念在创建和谐世界中的普世意义&吴光 1
实证主义与近代中国&何锡蓉 10
论中西哲学的会通&俞宣孟 26
论中国古代哲人的生存智慧&郭齐勇 51
世界视野的中国参照与人类文明和谐发展——以蒙田、伏尔泰等思考中国为例&钱林森 66
“文化自觉”与“全球化”发展——费孝通“文化自觉”思想再阐释&方李莉 82
构建当代和谐社会理论的历史借鉴&周山 96
近代中国与世界互动之影响&汪朝光 113
梁启超的中华民族精神论&郑师渠 123
从“迁厂逃资”的沪商到“戒急用忍”的台商:以1949年以后迁台的上海企业家为例&谢国兴 148
公共空间与大众文化:以近代成都少城公园为例&李德英 182
《申报》与海派京剧&姚小鸥 194
西方人对中国开封犹太人的调查始末&耿昇 207
"Who Are We?And Where Are We Going?"&Liu Changyuan&Wang Song 235
Buddhist Refugee Relief Activism in Wartime Shanghai,1937-1945&Jan Kiely 253
The March of the Chinese Spirit&Tran Van Doan 306
Tradition,Text and Interpretation in Chinese Philosophy&Vincent Shen 336
Eternal Peace-Eternal War:Some remarks on Kant,Heraclitus and Sunzi&G.Wohlfart 372
Why Gongfu,and Not Just Action,or Worse,Only Theory?&Peimin Ni 387
Non-Communist Peasant Movement in China from 1901 to 1949&Lucien Bianco 414
Reflections on the Current Situation of Sinology in Europe&Bernhard Fuehrer 448
The Analects of Confucius&Tu Weiming 467
Man and Nature in the Confucian Tradition:Some Reflections in the Twenty-first Century&Chun-chieh Huang 489
From Moral Harmony to Global Peace:An Integrative Approach&Chung-ying Cheng 522
Urban Integration:Midsize Cities in the Lower Yangzi&Xin Zhang 561
Fashioning a New Psychology&Michael Harris Bond 591
Cosmopolitan Patriotism:Containing the Will to Power in the Age of Globalization&Claes G.Ryn 611