《化学 第2册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:课程教材研究所编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7107166492
  • 页数:311 页

Chapter 1 Nitrogen Group Elements 1

1.1 Nitrogen and Phosphorus 2

1.2 Ammonia and Ammonium Salts 10

1.3 Nitric Acid 16

1.4 Balancing Redox Equations 21

1.5 Stoichiometry of Chemical Equations 25

Summary 31

Review 33

Chapter 2 Chemical Equilibrium 36

2.1 Chemical Reaction Rate 37

2.2 Chemical Equilibrium 44

2.3 Effects of Conditions on Chemical Equilibrium 50

2.4 The Synthesis Conditions of Ammonia 58

Summary 64

Review 66

Chapter 3 Ionization Equilibrium 68

3.1 Ionization Equilibrium 68

3.2 Ionization of Water and pH Values of Solutions 73

3.3 Hydrolysis of Salt 79

3.4 Acid-base Neutralization Titration 85

Summary 92

Review 94

Chapter 4 Several Important Metals 97

4.1 Magnesium and Aluminum 99

4.2 Iron and Its Compounds 111

4.3 Metal Smelting 119

4.4 Principle and Applications of Primary Battery 124

Summary 133

Review 135

Chapter 5 Hydrocarbons 139

5.1 Methane 140

5.2 Alkanes 146

5.3 Ethene Alkenes 152

5.4 Ethyne Alkynes 158

5.5 Benzene Arene 164

5.6 Petroleum Coal 170

Summary 179

Review 180

Chapter 6 Hydrocarbon Derivatives 183

6.1 Bromoethane Halohydrocarbons 184

6.2 Ethanol Alcohols 189

6.3 Determination of Organic Compounds' Molecular and Structural Formulas 195

6.4 Phenol 201

6.5 Ethanal Aldehydes 206

6.6 Ethanoic Acid Carboxylic Acids 210

Summary 218

Review 220

Chapter 7 Carbohydrates,Fats,Proteins—Human's Important Nutriments 224

7.1 Glucose Sucrose 225

7.2 Starch Cellulose 231

7.3 Oils and Fats 236

7.4 Proteins 242

Summary 247

Review 248

Chapter 8 Synthetic Materials 251

8.1 Introduction of Organic High Polymer Compounds 252

8.2 Synthetic Materials 256

8.3 Novel Organic High Polymer Materials 264

Summary 268

Review Exercises 269

Students' Experiments 278

Experiment 1 Preparation and Properties of Ammonia Identification of Ammonium Ion 278

Experiment 2 Rate of Chemical Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium 280

Experiment 3 Eleetrolyte Solution 282

Experiment 4 Neutralization Titration 284

Experiment 5 Properties of Mg,Al and Their Compounds 286

Experiment 6 Principle of Primary Cell Properties of Iron and Its Compounds 287

Experiment 7 Preparation and Properties of Ethylene 289

Experiment 8 Properties of Bromoethane Properties of Ethanol 291

Experiment 9 Properties of Phenol Properties of Acetaldehyde 293

Experiment 10 Preparation of Ethyl Acetate Preparation of Soaps 294

Experiment 11 Properties of Glucose,Sucrose,Starch and Cellulose 296

Experiment 12 Properties of Proteins 298

Experiment 13 Experimental Exercises 299

Selective Experiment 1 Interesting Experiments 300

Selective Experiment 2 Electrochemical Corrosion of Metals 303

Selective Experiment 3 Preparation of Bromoethane 304

Selective Experiment 4 Preparation of Urea-formaldehyde Resin 305

Selective Experiment 5 Properties of Synthetic Organic Macromolecule Compounds 305

Appendix Ⅰ Some Terms in the Book with Chinese Translation 307

Appendix Ⅱ Table of Solubility of Some Acids,Bases and Salts(20℃) 310

Appendix Ⅲ Mass Percent and Density of Solutions of Some Acid and Base Solutions 311