Chapter Ⅰ Pragmatics and pragmatic aspects of language use 1
1.1 A historical overview of the term“pragmatics” 1
1.2 Pragmatics as a branch of linguistics 6
1.3 Pragmatic aspects of language use 9
1.3.1 Appropriacy 9
1.3.2 Indirect meaning 11
1.3.3 Indeterminacy 14
1.3.4 Context 15
1.4 The scope of pragmatics 19
Exercises and reviewing questions 20
Further reading 21
Chapter Ⅱ Deixis 22
2.1 The notion of deixis 22
2.2 Deictic usage vs.non-deictic usage 23
2.3 Types of deixis 25
2.3.1 Person deixis 26
2.3.2 Time deixis 30
2.3.3 Place deixis 34
2.3.4 Discourse deixis 38
2.3.5 Social deixis 41
Exercises and reviewing questions 45
Further reading 48
Chapter Ⅲ Implicature and cooperative principle 49
3.1 The notion of conversational implicature 49
3.2 Cooperative principle in theory of conversational implicature 50
3.3 Types of conversational implicature 55
3.3.1 Standard conversational implicature via observing maxims 55
3.3.2 Particularized conversational implicature via flouting maxims 58
3.3.3 Generalized conversational implicature 67
3.4 Features of conversational implicature 72
3.5 Importance of Grice's theory of conversational implicature 77
3.6 Conventional implicatures 81
Exercises and reviewing questions 84
Further reading 86
Chapter Ⅳ Relevance theory 87
4.1 General introduction 87
4.2 Cognitive environment and mutual manifestness 89
4.3 Relevance and cognitive principle of relevance 94
4.3.1 Relevance 94
4.3.2 Cognitive principle of relevance 99
4.4 Relevance and communication 102
4.4.1 Optimal relevance 102
4.4.2 Communicative principle of relevance 105
4.5 Ostensive-inferential communication 108
4.5.1 Ostensive communication on the part of the communicator 110
4.5.2 Inferential communication on the part of the audience 112
4.6 Context in relevance theory 113
4.7 Explicatures and implicatures in verbal communication 118
Exercises and reviewing questions 125
Further reading 126
Chapter Ⅴ Presupposition 127
5.1 Philosophical background 127
5.2 Semantic presupposition 130
5.2.1 Presupposition triggers 133
5.2.2 Defeasibility 139
5.2.3 The projection problem 142
5.3 Pragmatic presupposition 145
Exercises and reviewing questions 151
Further reading 153
Chapter Ⅵ Speech act theory 154
6.1 Introduction 154
6.2 Austin's speech act theory:origin and foundation 155
6.2.1 Constatives and performatives 155
6.2.2 Felicity conditions 158
6.2.3 Features of performatives 161
6.2.4 Three kinds of speech act 165
6.2.5 Austin's classification of illocutionary acts 166
6.3 Searle's speech act theory:revision and development 169
6.3.1 The redefinition of speech act 170
6.3.2 Reclassification of speech act 171
6.3.3 Searle's felicity conditions 173
6.3.4 Reclassification of illocutionary acts 177
6.3.5 Indirect speech acts 183
6.4 The late development of speech act theory 187
6.4.1 The study on perlocution 188
6.4.2 The applied study of speech acts 191
Exercises and reviewing questions 194
Further reading 197
Chapter Ⅶ Conversation analysis 198
7.1 Introduction 198
7.2 Turn-taking 201
7.2.1 Definition and features of turn-taking 201
7.2.2 The turn-taking system 204
7.3 Adjacency pairs 210
7.4 Conversation structure 212
7.4.1 Overlap,pause and backchannel item 212
7.4.2 Pre-sequences,insertion sequences and post-sequences 217
7.5 Preference organization 224
7.5.1 Preference in repairs 224
7.5.2 Preferred and dispreferred second turns 227
Exercises and reviewing questions 233
Further reading 234
References 235
Appendix:transcription conventions 244