
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:牛毓梅著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787500476269
  • 页数:192 页


1.1 Significance of the Study of Temporality 1

1.2 Significance of the Present Study 3

1.3 Outline of the Book 7


2.1 Temporal Semantics and the Tense-aspect System 9

2.1.1 Time Specification and Expressions of Temporal Relations 10

2.1.2 The Tense-Aspect Morphology of Past in English 18

2.2 Lexical Aspect:The Inherent Temporal Properties 21

2.2.1 Lexical Aspect versus Grammatical Aspect 22

2.2.2 Inherent Aspectual Classification of Verbs on Time Schemata 23

2.2.3 Inherent Semantic Aspectual Properties of Verbs 27

2.2.4 Distinctions of Lexical Aspects by Semantic Properties 29

2.2.5 Diagnostic Tests of Lexical Aspectual Categories 31

2.3 Chapter Summary 40


3.1 Studies on Acquisition Stages of Temporality 43

3.1.1 Developmental Stages of Temporal System in L1 43

3.1.2 Developmental Stages of Temporal Acquisition in L2 45

3.2 Studies on Acquisition Order of Past Morphology:A Formal Perspective 52

3.2.1 Acquisition of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology 52

3.2.2 The Principle of Saliency 55

3.3 Studies on Lexical Aspect:A Semantic Perspective 59

3.3.1 The Defective Tense Hypothesis 60

3.3.2 The Primacy of Aspect Hypothesis 62

3.3.3 The Aspect Hypothesis 63

3.3.4 Principles Underlying Tense-Aspect Acquisition 67

3.4 Review of Research Methodologyin Temporal Studies 73

3.4.1 Longitudinal versus Cross-sectional Studies 73

3.4.2 Individual versus Group Data 75

3.4.3 Data Elicitation Tasks 76

3.5 Chapter Summary 78


4.1 Research Hypotheses 81

4.2 Participants 84

4.3 Data Elicitation 86

4.3.1 The Task 86

4.3.2 Elicitation Procedure 87

4.4 Data Coding 87

4.4.1 Identification of Obligatory Simple Past Contexts 88

4.4.2 Coding for Features of Phonetic Saliency 90

4.4.3 Coding for Lexical Aspectual Categories 92

4.4.4 Coding for Verb Type 96

4.5 Data Analysis 97

4.5.1 Selection of Data for Analysis 98

4.5.2 Tests for Bias of the Selected Data 104

4.5.3 Division of Participants for the Cross-sectional Study 108

4.5.4 Data Processing 110

4.6 Chapter Summary 111


5.1 Results from Analyses of Phonetic Saliency 112

5.1.1 Results from the Overall Descriptive Study:Evidence for Hypothesis 1 112

5.1.2 Results from the Cross-sectional Study Across the Five Proficiency Groups:Evidence for Hypothesis 2 123

5.2 Results from Analyses of Lexical Aspect 137

5.2.1 Results from the Overall Descriptive Study:Evidence for Hypothesis 3 138

5.2.2 Results from the Cross-sectional Study:Evidence for Hypothesis 4 142

5.3 Chapter Summary 149


6.1 The Effect of Phonetic Saliency 151

6.1.1 The Irregular versus Regular Constraint 152

6.1.2 The Constraint of Saliency on Irregular Variants 155

6.1.3 The Constraint of Saliency on Regular Variants 157

6.2 The Effect of Lexical Aspect 159

6.3 A General Discussion 163

6.4 Chapter Summary 165


7.1 Major Findings 166

7.2 Pedagogical Implications 169

7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 171


APPENDIX Data Collection Task 189


Table 2.1 Tense and Adverbial Relations 12

Table 2.2 Possible Combinations of Tense and Aspect in English 18

Table 2.3 The Relationship Between the Semantic Properties and the Aspectual Categories 31

Table 3.1 The Spread of Past Morphology from 0-inflection to Target-like Acquisition 65

Table 3.2 Distribution of Past and Present Inflections by Aspectual Class for Both L1 and L2 Learners Following the Aspect Hypothesis 67

Table 4.1 The Saliency Hierarchy of Phonetic Features of the Simple Past Morphology 92

Table 4.2 Inter-rater Reliability Test for Classification of Lexical Aspect 96

Table 4.3 Distribution of Samples by Length of Composition Before Selection 98

Table 4.4 Distribution of Accuracy Rates by Classification of Phonetic Saliency Before Selection 101

Table 4.5 Distribution of Appropriacy Rates by Classification of Lexical Aspect Before Selection 102

Table 4.6 The Use of Past Morphology by Male and Female Participants(by classification of phonetic saliency) 104

Table 4.7 The Use of Past Morphology by Male and Female Participants(by classification of lexical aspect) 105

Table 4.8 The Use of Past Morphology by Different Length of English Study(by classification of phonetic saliency) 106

Table 4.9 The Use of Past Morphology by Different Length of English Study(by classification of lexical aspect) 107

Table 4.10 Distribution of Participants by Rate of Past Tense Use Based on Classification of Phonetic Saliency 108

Table 4.11 Distribution of Participants by Rate of Past Tense Use Based on Classification of Lexical Aspect 109

Table 5.1 Distribution of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology(overall study;token analysis) 113

Table 5.2 Distribution of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology(overall study;type analysis) 114

Table 5.3 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology of Irregular Variants(overall study;token analysis) 115

Table 5.4 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology of Irregular Variants(overall study;type analysis) 116

Table 5.5 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology of Regular Variants(overall study;token analysis) 118

Table 5.6 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology of Regular Variants(overall study;type analysis) 119

Table 5.7 A Summary of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;token analysis) 120

Table 5.8 A Summary of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;type analysis) 121

Table 5.9 The Overall Developmental Tendency of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;token analysis) 121

Table 5.10 The Overall Developmental Tendency of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;type analysis) 122

Table 5.11 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology(token analysis) 124

Table 5.12 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology(type analysis) 125

Table 5.13 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Irregular Variants of the Simple Past Morphology(token analysis) 127

Table 5.14 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Irregular Variants of the Simple Past Morphology(type analysis) 130

Table 5.15 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Regular Variants of the Simple Past Morphology(token analysis) 133

Table 5.16 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of Regular Variants of the Simple Past Morphology(type analysis) 135

Table 5.17 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(overall study;token analysis) 138

Table 5.18 Comparison of the Past Tense Use of Statives and BE(token analysis) 139

Table 5.19 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(BE excluded from Statives)(overall study;token analysis) 140

Table 5.20 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(overall study;type analysis) 141

Table 5.21 A Comparison of the Past Tense Use of Statives and BE(type analysis) 141

Table 5.22 Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(BE excluded from Statives)(overall study;type analysis) 141

Table 5.23 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(token analysis) 144

Table 5.24 Results from the Cross-sectional Study of the Distribution of the Simple Past Morphology by Lexical Aspect(type analysis) 147

Figure 2.1 Classification of Aspectual Oppositions 17

Figure 3.1 Relationship Between the Development of Cognition and Temporal Expression 46

Figure 3.2 Extension from Prototype to Marginal Members for English Past Morphology 71

Figure 3.3 Extension from Prototype to Marginal Members for English Progressive Morphology 72

Figure 4.1 Distribution of Samples by Length of Composition Before Selection 99

Figure 4.2 Distribution of Samples by Length of Composition After Selection 100

Figure 4.3 Distribution of Accuracy Rates by Classification of Phonetic Saliency Before Selection 100

Figure 4.4 Distribution of Accuracy Rates by Classification of Phonetic Saliency After Selection 102

Figure 4.5 Distribution of Appropriacy Rates by Classification of Lexical Aspect Before Selection 103

Figure 4.6 Distribution of Appropriacy Rates by Classification of Lexical Aspect After Selection 103

Figure 5.1 A Summary of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;token and type analyses compared) 121

Figure 5.2 The Developmental Tendency of the Simple Past Marking Across All Variants by Phonetic Saliency(overall study;token and type analysis compared) 122

Figure 5.3 Distributional Pattern of Irregular Past Variants in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 129

Figure 5.4 Developmental Trend of Each of the Irregular Past Variants Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 129

Figure 5.5 Distributional Pattern of Irregular Past Variants in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 131

Figure 5.6 Developmental Trend of Each of the Irregular Past Variants Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 132

Figure 5.7 Distributional Pattern of Regular Past Variants in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 134

Figure 5.8 Developmental Trend of Each of the Regular Past Variants Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 134

Figure 5.9 Distributional Pattern of Regular Past Variants in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 136

Figure 5.10 Developmental Trend of Each of the Regular Past Variants Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 136

Figure 5.11 Distributional Pattern of the Simple Past Marking by Lexical Aspect in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 145

Figure 5.12 Developmental Trend of Each of the Lexical Categories Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;token analysis) 145

Figure 5.13 Distributional Pattern of the Simple Past Marking by Lexical Aspect in Each Proficiency Group(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 148

Figure 5.14 Developmental Trend of Each of the Lexical Categories Across Proficiency Groups(cross-sectional study;type analysis) 149