《揭示时空奥妙和本质规律 四维球理论》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许昆明著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7561523467
  • 页数:136 页
图书介绍:本书从简到繁逐步地、系统地剖析了时间与空间的几何与物质结构特征,创造性地发展出了四维球理论,与经典物理学、相对论和量子化学相统一,并把它用于定义惰性原子中的电子轨道和波方程,提出了2p 电子轨道的新几何模型,对电子运动和原子结构进行准确的描述和高度的概括。全书分两部分共八章,第一部分以严密的逻辑和数学推导阐述了时空的卷曲机制、电子的感应旋转和循环振荡现象,揭示了三角函数、复数和微积分的内在联系。第二部分基于合理的假设,探讨了统一物理量和自然规律的方法和可能性,论述了四维球理论在生物学、统计学和哲学的普遍意义。


1.Space,Time,And Duality 3

1.1 Conventional spacetime concept 3

1.2 Two-dimensional spacetime 5

1.3 Duality in helium 8

1.4 Introduction to quaternity worldview 12

2.Quaternity Spacetime 14

2.1 Introduction 14

2.2 Orthogonal geometries 14

2.3 Calculus in four-dimensional space 17

2.4 Quaternity spacetime 19

2.5 Principle of rotation operation 22

2.6 Electronic orbitals in neon shell 24

2.7 Dimension convolution and gateway communications 28

2.8 Compatibility and integration 32

2.9 Geometries of 2p-electrons 34

3.Webs And Wavefunctions 38

3.1 Introduction 38

3.2 Duality web 38

3.3 Schr?dinger's equation 40

3.4 Quaternity web 43

3.5 Wavefunctions in helium 46

3.6 Wavefunctions in neon 48

3.7 Wavefunctions in argon 50

4.Quaternity,Relativity,And Quantum Theory 55

4.1 Introduction 55

4.2 Scope of views 55

4.3 Quaternity on EPR paradox 57

4.4 Special relativity in quaternity 61

4.5 Summary 64

5.The Atomic Structure 67

5.1 Wavefunctions of 3d-electrons 67

5.2 Calculus on super-complex functions 70

5.3 Electronic ropes 72

5.4 Wavefunctions of 4f-electrons 75

5.5 Quaternity periodic table of elements 78

5.6 Waves and message communications 82

5.7 Summary 84


6.Physical Quantities And Natural Laws 88

6.1 Quaternity physical quantities 88

6.2 Classical physical quantities 89

6.3 Quaternity interpretation of electromagnetic quantities 91

6.4 On the unification of physical quantities 95

6.5 Thermodynamic quantities 97

6.6 Summary 100

7.Orbital Motion And Central Force 104

7.1 Introduction 104

7.2 Circular orbitals and elliptical orbits 104

7.3 Kepler's laws in quaternity 107

7.4 Central force 110

7.5 Comments 113

8.The Philosophy Of Quaternity 114

8.1 Introduction 114

8.2 Oscillation in nucleotides 114

8.3 The structure of life 117

8.4 Probability,mutation,and evolution 121

8.5 Waves and biostatistics 125

8.6 Gyroscope and quaternity law 126

8.7 Concluding remarks 131

References 133

Index 134

About The Author 136