《IELTS 9分 口语》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:PatrickHafenstein编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787560529127
  • 页数:207 页

IELTS Speaking Test Introduction and Sample Interviews(口试介绍与模拟示范) 1

Introduction 2

Introduction to the Speaking Section of IELTS(IELTS口试介绍) 2

Overview(口试流程) 2

Possible IELTS Band 9(9分) 3

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)(常见问题集) 10

Scoring(评分标准) 10

The Questions&Answers(关于问与答) 13

Examiners(关于口试官) 17

The IELTS Speaking Test(关于IELTS口试) 18

Preparation(关于考前准备) 20

The Candidate's Guide to An Examiner's Marking Criteria(口试评分标准——考生要诀) 22

Sample IELTS Interviews 24

Possible IELTS Band 4(4分) 25

Possible IELTS Band 5(5分) 29

Possible IELTS Band 6(6分) 33

Possible IELTS Band 7(7分) 37

Possible IELTS Band 9(9分) 40

DIY Study Guide for Speaking(口语能力——自学要诀) 48

Fluency&Coherence(流畅性及连贯性)  48

Lexical Resource(词汇量) 51

Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法运用范围与其正确性) 54

Pronunciation(发音) 56

The QPS Strategy and Note-Making Skills(QPS应考策略与实用笔记速记法) 59

Speaking Test:Part 1 60

QPS Strategy(QPS应考策略) 60

Types of Questions and How to Answer Them(各类型问题及答题方式) 61

Ability(能力) 61

Comparing(比较) 63

Conditionals(有前提的提问) 65

Describing(形容) 67

Negatives(负面问题) 69

Opinions(想法) 70

People/Places(人物/地点) 72

Preferences(喜好、选择) 74

Reasons(理由) 76

Suggestions(建议) 78

Specifying(具体提问) 80

Superlatives(最高级) 81

Time(时间) 82

Yes/No(是与非的提问) 84

Speaking Test:Part 2 86

Making Notes(记笔记) 86

Useful Notes(实用笔记) 89

Introductory Statements(开头句) 90

Sample Topics and Sample Answers(各类型问题及回答范例) 92

People(人物) 92

Places(地点) 97

Things/Objects(物品) 101

Activities(活动) 106

Time/Events(时间/事件) 110

Speaking Test:Part 3 114

QPS Strategy(QPS应考策略) 114

Types of Questions and How to Answer Them(各类型问题及答题方式) 115

Predicting(预测) 115

Past Development(过去的发展) 117

Causes of Problems(问题的原因) 118

Results(结果) 119

Solutions/Suggestions(解决方案/建议) 120

Advantages/Disadvantages(优点/缺点) 122

Comparing(比较) 124

Agree/Disagree(同意/不同意) 126

Identifying(确认) 128

How+adj.(How的提问) 129

Topic-Based Question Bank and Test Bank(主题分类问题集与题库) 131

Topic-Based Question Bank 132

Hometowns·Cities·Countries(家乡·城市·国家) 133

Work(工作) 137

Education(教育) 140

Crime(犯罪) 143

Entertainment(娱乐) 146

Environment(环境) 149

Media(媒体) 152

3C(Computers,Cameras&Communications)(3C产品) 154

Sports·Recreation(运动·休闲) 157

Food·Dining(饮食) 160

Health·Medicine(健康·医药) 163

Travel·Transportation·Holidays·Culture(旅游·交通工具·假期·文化) 166

Test Bank 170

Sample 1 170

Sample 2 172

Sample 3 174

Sample 4 176

Topic-Based Glossary 178

Cut-Up Study Notes 185