《精通Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)拜耶斯著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书上海出版公司
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7506283352
  • 页数:714 页
图书介绍:本书专为高级用户编写,是一本编排全面合理的参考用书,用详解的表述方式帮助你全面掌握Windows SharePoint Services。

Part Ⅰ Overview and Concepts 3

Chapter 1 Introducing Windows SharePoint Services 3

Chapter 2 Introducing SharePoint Portal Server 41

Part Ⅱ End-User Features and Experience 65

Chapter 3 Using SharePoint Built-In Features 65

Chapter 4 Using SharePoint with the Microsoft Office System 97

Part Ⅲ Designing Sites and Pages with a Browser 139

Chapter 5 Creating SharePoint Sites and Pages 139

Chapter 6 Designing Lists,Libraries,and Pages 171

Part Ⅳ Creating and Designing Sites Using FrontPage 2003

Chapter 7 Opening,Creating,and Copying SharePoint Sites 211

Chapter 8 Creating and Formatting Web Part Pages 233

Chapter 9 Creating and Modifying Basic Site Features 263

Chapter 10 Creating Data Sources and Data Views 301

Chapter 11 Working with List Views and Data Views 333

Chapter 12 Using Advanced Web Part Features 355

Part Ⅴ Installing SharePoint at the Server 383

Chapter 13 Planning and Installing Windows SharePoint Services 383

Chapter 14 Backing Up,Restoring,and Migrating SharePoint Sites 435

Part Ⅵ Administering SharePoint Services 473

Chapter 15 Administering a SharePoint Server 473

Chapter 16 Managing Site Settings 523

Chapter 17 Administering Your SharePoint Site 539

Chapter 18 Advanced Design Techniques 577

Part Ⅶ Developing Web Parts in Visual Studio.NET 601

Chapter 19 Beginning Web Part Development 601

Chapter 20 Creating Basic Web Parts 625

Chapter 21 Creating Custom Administration Tools 659