《新起点大学基础英语教程 1 听说教程教师用书》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王晓明,吴之昕,方小兵编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787560072821
  • 页数:201 页

Unit 1 It's Wonderful to Go Out外面的世界真精彩 1

Part One Warm-up Activities 2

Part Two Dialogs 5

Dialog One Very Pleased to Meet You见到你很高兴Dialog Two Nice Meeting You幸会,幸会Dialog Three Well Begun Is Half Done良好的开端是成功的一半Part Three Passages 15

Passage One Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧Passage Two How to Address Them怎样称呼他们Unit 2 Every Country Has Its Customs异乡异俗 23

Part One Warm-up Activities 24

Part Two Dialogs 27

Dialog One Yard Sale庭院市场Dialog Two When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do入乡随俗Dialog Three I Like China我喜欢中国Part Three Passages 36

Passage One Man's Best Friend人类最好的朋友Passage Two Politeness Costs Nothing礼无不答,礼至不争Unit 3 A Stepping-Stone to Success通往成功之路 43

Part One Warm-up Activities 44

Part Two Dialogs 47

Dialog One Ways to Success成才之路Dialog Two What's the Matter,Monica莫尼卡,你怎么了Dialog Three From a Naughty Boy to a College Student从顽皮男孩到大学生Part Three Passages 56

Passage One Education:A Stepping-Stone to Success教育是通往成功之路Passage Two Education Is Lifelong Learning教育是终身的学习Unit 4 Choose the Job,Love the Job干一行,爱一行 63

Part One Warm-up Activities 64

Part Two Dialogs 67

Dialog One I Want to Get a Raise我要加薪Dialog Two Working as a Gatekeeper当个看门人Dialog Three I'd Like to Have My Own Business自己当老板Part Three Passages 76

Passage One What Jobs Will Disappear in the 21st Century 21世纪,哪些职业会消失Passage Two Tips for a Job Interview求职面试小知识Unit 5 Smell the Flowers劳逸结合 85

Part One Warm-up Activities 86

Part Two Dialogs 89

Dialog One Just for a Change放松一下Dialog Two Never Too Late to Start起步不怕晚Dialog Three A New Year Film贺岁片Part Three Passages 96

Passage One All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy劳逸要相宜Passage Two You Are Wonderful你很棒Unit 6 Never Judge from Appearances人不可貌相 101

Part One Warm-up Activities 102

Part Two Dialogs 105

Dialog One Please Help Me请帮帮我Dialog Two How Do You Know These你如何知道的Dialog Three My New Girlfriend我的新女友Part Three Passages 111

Passage One I Pay That Man to Think我付他钱就是让他思考Passage Two It Turned Out to Be a Masterpiece居然是杰作Unit 7 Swifter,Higher,Stronger更快、更高、更强 117

Part One Warm-up Activities 118

Part Two Dialogs 121

Dialog One Everyone Has His Likes萝卜青菜,各有所爱Dialog Two Like Parents,Like Children爱好体育之家Dialog Three Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way有志者,事竟成Part Three Passages 129

Passage One Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会Passage Two Physical Education体育课Unit 8 Computer:Both Sides of a Coin计算机:让人欢喜让人愁 137

Part One Warm-up Activities 138

Part Two Dialogs 141

Dialog One I Miss My Family我想家了Dialog Two Every Beginning Is Difficult万事开头难Dialog Three Where Is the Internet Cafe网吧在哪里Part Three Passages 149

Passage One Message from God上帝的召唤Passage Two A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing一知半解,害人害己Unit 9 We Enjoy Our Traveling a Lot尽情享受旅游的快乐 155

Part One Warm-up Activities 156

Part Two Dialogs 159

Dialog One It's Really a Nice Place真是一个好地方Dialog Two I've Come Here at the Right Time来得正是时候Dialog Three You Must Have Enjoyed Yourself玩得一定很开心Part Three Passages 168

Passage One Riding a Bicycle Across Asia骑车穿越亚洲Passage Two Touring Yellowstone National Park游览黄石国家公园Unit 10 Health Is a Jewel健康最宝贵 177

Part One Warm-up Activities 178

Part Two Dialogs 181

Dialog One Work Won't Kill,but Worry Will工作不伤身,忧虑愁煞人Dialog Two It's Easier Said than Done说起来容易做起来难Dialog Three At the Doctor's Office有病看医生Part Three Passages 189

Passage One How Much Water Do We Need Each Day每天该喝多少水Passage Two Dealing with Stress应对压力Glossary 196