简·爱 1
Act Ⅰ Scene 1 The drawing-room,Gateshead 1
Scene 2 The drawing-room,Gateshead 6
Scene 3 Lowood School 10
Scene 4 Lowood School 12
Scene 5 Lowood School 16
Scene 6 Lowood School 19
Act Ⅱ Scene 1 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 21
Scene 2 Woodland near Thornfield Hall 24
Scene 3 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 26
Scene 4 A corridor,Thornfield Hall 31
Scene 5 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 34
Scene 6 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 37
Scene 7 A corridor,Thornfield Hall 45
Scene 8 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 47
Scene 9 The drawing-room,Gateshead 51
Scene 10 Woodland near Thornfield Hall 55
Scene 11 Church near Thornfield Hall 59
Act Ⅲ Scene 1 The kitchen,Moor House 66
Scene 2 The kitchen,Moor House 68
Scene 3 The kitchen,Moor House 72
Scene 4 Woodland near Thornfield Hall 78
Scene 5 The drawing-room,Thornfield Hall 81
Scene 6 Thornfield Hall 86
Looking back at the play 87
部分练习参考答案 89