
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:顾琦一著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787560091617
  • 页数:364 页
图书介绍:本研究为实验性博士论文,旨在探索教学环境下成人外语学习过程中,输入与输出对语言能力发展的作用。研究者着重从理论视角对外语习得进行探讨,运用Anderson(1983,2000,2004)的思维适应性控制理论(Adaptive Control of Thought),把第二语言能力发展界定为程序性知识逐步建构的过程。

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Present Study 1

1.1.1 Status of Research into Input and Output in SLA 1

1.1.2 Characteristics of Instructed EFL Learning 3

1.2 Scope of the Present Study 5

1.3 Research Methodology 6

1.4 Significance of the Study 7

1.5 Outline of the Dissertation 8

1.6 Definition of the Terms 9

Chapter 2 Foreign Language Development:A Construction Process of Procedural Knowledge 13

2.1 Introduction 13

2.2 Language and Language Acquisition 14

2.2.1 Modular Positions 14

2.2.2 Non-modular Positions 15

2.2.3 Position of the Present Study 18

2.3 Theoretical Framework:The ACT Theory 21

2.3.1 Declarative Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge 23

2.3.2 Stages of Knowledge Development 24

2.3.3 A Problem with the ACT Theory 26

2.4 Supportive Arguments from Studies of L2 Knowledge 27

2.4.1 Bialystok's Theory 28

2.4.2 McLaughlin's Theory 34

2.4.3 Convergence of Anderson,Bialystok and McLaughlin 37

2.5 Declarative Knowledge in the Development of Procedural Knowledge 39

2.5.1 The Non-interface Positions 39

2.5.2 The Interface Positions 41

2.5.3 Position on the Interface Issue in the Present Study 47

2.6 Summary 68

Chapter 3 Input-based and Output-based L2 Learning Theories 70

3.1 Introduction 70

3.2 Input-based Learning Theories 71

3.2.1 The Input Hypothesis 72

3.2.2 The Input Processing Model and Processing Instruction 73

3.3 Output-based Learning Theories 95

3.3.1 Early Theories Incorporating Output into L2 Acquisition 95

3.3.2 The Comprehensible Output Hypothesis 97

3.4 A Preliminary Reanalysis of the Role of Input and Output 110

3.4.1 Inseparability of Output from Input 110

3.4.2 De Bot's Speculation About Output in Proceduralization 113

3.5 Summary 116

Chapter 4 English Relative Clauses and Acquisition Studies 119

4.1 Introduction 119

4.2 English Relative Clauses 121

4.2.1 Restrictive and Nonrestrictive English Relative Clauses 121

4.2.2 Grammatical Description of the Restrictive Relative Clauses 123

4.2.3 Types of Restrictive Relative Clauses in English 126

4.3 The Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy 128

4.4 The Acquisition of English Relative Clauses 131

4.4.1 L1 Acquisition of English Relative Clauses 131

4.4.2 L2 Acquisition of English Relative Clauses 133

4.5 Instructional Intervention in the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses 137

4.5.1 Instructional Effects on L1 Acquisition 138

4.5.2 Instructional Effects on L2 Acquisition 139

4.6 Summary 144

Chapter 5 Research Methodology 146

5.1 Introduction 146

5.2 Research Questions and Hypotheses 146

5.3 Rationale for the Research Design 150

5.4 Overall Design 157

5.5 Pilot Studies 157

5.5.1 A Case Study 159

5.5.2 A Controlled Pilot Study 165

5.6 Research Design 172

5.6.1 Subjects 172

5.6.2 Experimental Schedule 175

5.6.3 Treatment 176

5.6.4 Instruments 186

5.6.5 Scoring and Analysis 196

5.7 Summary 202

Chapter 6 Results 203

6.1 Introduction 203

6.2 Examination of Pretreatment Equivalence 204

6.3 Analysis of the Offline GJT 206

6.4 Examination of the 12 Research Hypotheses 210

6.4.1 Results of the Immediate Posttest 210

6.4.2 Results of the Follow-up Posttest 227

6.5 Further Analysis 245

6.5.1 Effect Size Analysis 246

6.5.2 Comparison Between the Comprehension and the Production Tasks 248

6.5.3 Comparison Between the Online GJT and the Offline GJT 250

6.6 Summary 251

Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusion 256

7.1 Introduction 256

7.2 Role of Input and Output in the Construction of Procedural Knowledge 258

7.2.1 Role of Input and Output in Promoting Comprehension 258

7.2.2 Role of Input and Output in Promoting Production 262

7.2.3 Role of Input and Output in the Metalinguistic Tasks 268

7.2.4 Role of Input and Output Rephrased 270

7.3 Implications for L2 Pedagogy 275

7.4 Limitations of the Present Study 278

7.5 Directions for Further Research 279

7.6 Summary 281

Appendix 1 Subjects'Background Questionnaire 284

Appendix 2 Treatment Materials 286

Appendix 3 Assessment Instruments:Set 1 319

Appendix 4 Assessment Instruments:Set 2 328

Appendix 5 Assessment Instruments:Set 3 335

References 342

Table 2.1 Types of knowledge 44

Table 3.1 Principles of input processing 79

Table 3.2 A summary of research into processing instruction 87

Talble 4.1 Relative pronouns 124

Table 4.2 Example sentences for the various relative clause structures in English 127

Table 4.3 A summary of previous research into English relativization 142

Table 5.1 Summary of the research hypotheses 150

Table 5.2 Descriptive data for total test scores in the pilot study 167

Table 5.3 Comparison between IG and IOG in posttest in the pilot study 168

Table 5.4 Within-group comparison between pretest and posttest in the pilot study 169

Table 5.5 Information about the subjects in each group 172

Table 5.6 Experimental schedule 175

Table 6.1 Descriptive statistics of the pretest results 205

Table 6.2 Results of the MANOVA on the pretest results 205

Table 6.3 Descriptive statistics of the offline GJT 207

Table 6.4 Descriptive statistics of the immediate posttest SIT results 211

Table 6.5 Summary of the results ofthe ANOVA on the immediate posttest:the SIT 213

Table 6.6 Summary of the results of the paired sample T test on the SIT results:pretest and the immediate posttest 214

Table 6.7 Descriptive statistics of the PCSCT and the SCT in the immediate posttest 215

Table 6.8 Summary of the results of the ANOVA on the immediate posttest:the PCSCT and the SCT 218

Table 6.9 Summary of the between-groups comparison in the production tasks 219

Table 6.10 Summary of the results of the paired sample T test on the PCSCT and the SCT results:pretest and the immediate posttest 220

Table 6.11 Descriptive statistics of the immediate posttest online GJT results 222

Table 6.12 Summary of the results of the ANOVA on the immediate posttest:the online GJT 223

Table 6.13 Summary of the results of the paired sample T test on the online GJT results:pretest and the immediate posttest 225

Table 6.14 Descriptive statistics of the SIT in the follow-up posttest 228

Table 6.15 Summary of the results of ANOVA on the follow-up posttest:the SIT 229

Table 6.16 Summary of the results of repeated measures analysis of variance on the SIT 230

Table 6.17 Descriptive statistics of the PCSCT and the SCT in the follow-up tests 234

Table 6.18 Summary of the results of ANOVA on the follow-up posttest:the PCSCT and the SCT 237

Table 6.19 Summary of the results of repeated measures analysis of variance on the PCSCT 238

Table 6.20 Summary of the results of repeated measures analysis of variance on the SCT 239

Table 6.21 Descriptive statistics of the online GJT in the follow-up posttest 240

Table 6.22 Summary of the results of ANOVA on the follow-up posttest:the online GJT 242

Table 6.23 Summary of the results of repeated measures analysis of variance on the online GJT 243

Table 6.24 Effect sizes of the IOG and IG practice 246

Table 6.25 Summary of the results of the paired sample T test on comprehension and production 249

Table 6.26 Results of the comparison between the online GJT and the offline GJT 250

Table 6.27 Summary of the test results 252

Figure 2.1 Two dimensions of language proficiency 30

Figure 2.2 The weak interface position 45

Figure 2.3 Hierarchical classification of memory 48

Figure 2.4 Schematic representation of the interrelationship between declarative and procedural memory 53

Figure 3.1 VanPatten's SLA model 74

Figure 3.2 Output and second language acquisition 106

Figure 5.1 Treatment procedures for the IG and IOG 179

Figure 5.2 An example of the PCSCT items 190

Figure 5.3 Assessment instruments of the present study 196

Figure 6.1 The SIT accuracy gain scores in the immediate posttest 212

Figure 6.2 The SIT processing time gain values in the immediate posttest 212

Figure 6.3 The PCSCT accuracy gain scores in the immediate posttest 216

Figure 6.4 The PCSCT processing time gain values in the immediate posttest 216

Figure 6.5 The SCT accuracy gain scores in the immediate posttest 217

Figure 6.6 The SCT processing time gain values in the immediate posttest 217

Figure 6.7 The online GJT accuracy gain scores in the immediate posttest 222

Figure 6.8 The online GJT processing time gain values in the immediate posttest 223

Figure 6.9 The SIT accuracy scores in the three tests 228

Figure 6.10 The SIT processing time in the three tests 229

Figure 6.11 The PCSCT accuracy scores in the three tests 234

Figure 6.12 The PCSCT processing time in the three tests 235

Figure 6.13 The SCT accuracy scores in the three tests 235

Figure 6.14 The SCT processing time in the three tests 236

Figure 6.15 The online GJT accuracy scores in the three tests 241

Figure 6.16 The online GJT processing time in the three tests 241