《环境科学工程基础 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郑爽英主编;(越南)阮金泰副主编
  • 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787564338244
  • 页数:233 页

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Important Definitions 1

1.2 Development of Environmental Problems 2

1.3 Sustainable Development 5

1.4 What is Environmental Science? 11

1.5 What is Environmental Engineering? 12

Chapter 2 Ecological Basis 14

2.1 Introduction to Ecosystem 14

2.2 How Do Ecosystems Work? 18

2.3 Ecosystem Balance and Imbalance 35

Chapter 3 Water Pollution 46

3.1 Water and Water Pollution 46

3.2 Measurement of Water quality 50

3.3 Effluent Standards and Water Quality Requirements 59

3.4 Sources of Water Pollution 62

3.5 Principles of Wastewater Treatment 63

3.6 Municipal Wastewater Treatment System 69

Chapter 4 Air Pollution 89

4.1 Get to Know Air Pollution 89

4.2 Control of Air Pollution 99

4.3 Air Pollution Meteorology 114

4.4 Predicting Air Pollutant Concentrations 122

Chapter 5 Solid Wastes 131

5.1 Characterization of Solid Wastes 131

5.2 Disposal 135

Chapter 6 Noise Pollution 148

6.1 Sound 148

6.2 Effects of Noise 155

6.3 Rating Systems 159

6.4 Noise Control 163

Chapter 7 Climate Change and Global Warming 178

7.1 Terminologies/Definitions 178

7.2 Causes of Climate Change 180

7.3 Global Climate Change and Vietnam 184

7.4 Impacts of Climate Change on Environment 187

7.5 Response to Climate Change in Vietnam 191

Appendix Special Words and Phrases 196

References 233