Chapters 1
1.Colonial America 11
2.Edwards·Franklin·Crevecoeur 27
3.American Romanticism·Irving·Cooper 40
4.New England Transcendentalism·Emerson·Thoreau 56
5.Hawthorne·Melville 70
6.Whitman·Dickinson 88
7.Edgar Allan Poe 104
8.The Age of Realism·Howells·James 116
9.Local Colorism·Mark Twain 130
10.American Naturalism·Crane·Norris·Dreiser·Robinson 141
11.The 1920s·Imagism·Pound 154
12.T.S.Eliot·Stevens·Williams 171
13.Frost·Sandburg·Cummings·Hart Crane·Moore 195
14.Fitzgerald·Hemingway 213
15.The Southern Renaissance·William Faulkner 229
16.Anderson·Stein·Lewis·Cather·Wolfe 240
17.The 1930s·Dos Passos·Steinbeck 254
18.Porter·Welty·McCullers·West·The New Criticism 269
19.American Drama 283
20.Postwar Poetry·Poets of the 1940s Generation 312
21.The Confessional School·The Beat Generation 345
22.The New York School·Meditative Poetry·The Black Mountain Poets 379
23.Postwar American Novel(Ⅰ) 411
24.Postwar American Novel(Ⅱ) 455
25.Multiethnic Literature(Ⅰ) 503
26.Multiethnic Literature(Ⅱ) 536
Notes and References 567
Index 599