Unit 1-Choosing Foods 3
Topics 3
What's your Favorite Food? 3
May I Take your Order? 6
What's Good to Eat? 8
What's a Healthy Diet? 12
How Much Fat?An Investigation 20
How did the Potato get to North America? 21
How do you eat a Hot Fudge Sundae? 24
Unit 2-Sending Messages 33
Topics 33
Forms of Communication 33
Nonverbal Communication 34
Communication Problems:A Folktale 37
Communication Problems:A Poem 44
Making Sounds:An Investigation 48
Sending Messages with Music 51
A Message from Students at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf 56
Unit 3-Setting Goals 71
Topics 71
What are your Goals? 71
Reaching your Goals:A Folktale 76
Reaching your Goals:A Song 82
Career Goals 86
The Goals of the U.S.Government 94
Unit 4-Making Changes 109
Topics 109
Moving to a New Place:An Autobiographical Account 109
Inventions that Changed the Way we Live 113
A Changing Population 123
Working for Social and Political Change:Rosa Parks 130
Unit 5-Resolving Conflict 147
Topics 147
What's the Conflict?A Cartoon 147
Dealing with Conflict:A Folktale 149
Dealing with Conflict:A Poem 156
Finding a Win-Win Solution:Peer Mediation 158
Looking at Both Sides of a Conflict 165
Making Peace:The Iroquois Confederacy 168
Vocabulary 178