
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国军事科学学会国际军事分会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:军事科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787802373310
  • 页数:463 页

一、主题演讲 3

Keynote Speeches 3

深化非传统安全领域的务实合作积极维护人类的共同安全&刘成军 3

Deepening Practical Cooperation in Non-traditional Security and Vigorously Preserving Common Security of Mankind&Liu Chengjun 7

国际安全与军事合作&马晓天 12

International Security and Military Cooperation&Ma Xiaotian 17

两岸合作 共创双赢&安民 24

Cooperation across the Straits for Win-Win Results&An Min 27

二、开幕词与闭幕词 35

Opening and Closing Speeches 35

开幕致辞&年福纯 35

Opening Speech&Nian Fuchun 36

闭幕致辞&黄星 38

Closing Speech&Huang Xing 41

三、国外代表论文 47

Papers Presented by Overseas Participants 47

非传统安全挑战与国际合作——菲律宾的视角&卡洛斯·阿古斯丁 47

Non-traditional Security Challenges and International Cooperation:The Philippine Perspective&Carlos L Agustin 56

台海信任建立措施——抓住机遇&拉尔夫·科萨 69

Taiwan Strait Confidence Building Measures:Seizing the Opportunity&Ralph A.Cossa 74

对与军事转型有关的某些陈词滥调的批判&安图利奥·埃切瓦里亚二世 81

Challenging Transformation's Clichés&Antulio J.Echevarria Ⅱ 95

水火无情——中美两军在应对禽流感方面开展合作的缘由与机遇&安德鲁·艾立信 113

Disasters Know No Boundaries:Rationale and Opportunities for U.S.-China Military Cooperation to Combat Avian Influenza&Andrew S.Erickson 120

安全事务领域的信任建立&冯德威 130

Confidence Building in Security Affairs&David M.Finkelstein 134

战略合作伙伴关系框架下的中韩军事关系&黄载皓 140

ROK-China Military Relations under the Strategic Cooperative Partnership&Jaeho Hwang 145

东北亚安全形势及其对韩国的影响——韩国的视角&金兴圭 153

Northeast Asia Security Situation and Implication to Korea:A Korean Perspective&Heungkyu Kim 158

核能源和国防开支——目前的信任建立问题&安东尼奥·马蒂亚斯 165

Nuclear Energy and Defense Spending:Conridence Building Issues At Hand&Antonio F.Matias 169

新版《法国防务与安全白皮书》——聚焦亚洲安全&瓦莱丽·尼凯 174

The New"French White Paper on Defence and Security":Focus on Asia Security&Valerie Niquet 180

在安全事务中建立信任&桑德胡 188

Confidence Building in Security Affairs&P.J.S.Sandhu 197

亚洲的地区关系与地区安全——传统与非传统挑战&沈大伟 209

Regional Relations and Regional Security in Asia:Traditional and Non-traditional Challenges&David Shambaugh 217

1988—2007年的东亚军费&彼得·斯塔伦海姆 226

Military Spending in East Asia 1988-2007&Petter St?lenheim 235

亚太地区的集团犯罪活动——合作与挑战&尼可拉斯·斯万斯特伦 247

Organized Crime in Pacific-Asia:Cooperation and Challenges&Niklas Swanstr?m 256

非传统安全问题——挑战与应对&陈成财 269

Non-traditional Security Issues:Challenges and Responses&Tan Seng Chye 278

亚太地区军事政治形势——俄罗斯方面的观点&格里戈里·季先科 291


The Politico-Military Situation in the Asia-Pacific Region:Russia's Perspective& Grigory Grigoryevich Tishchenko 294

非传统安全威胁——伊斯兰恐怖主义、国际犯罪活动、海洛因与战争&奥拉·图南德 296

Non-traditional Security Threats:Islamic Terrorism,International Crime,Heroin and War&Ola Tunander 311

四、国内代表论文 331

Papers Presented by Domestic Participants 331

亚洲地区安全发展:态势、议题和努力方向——一个中国学者的观点&陈东晓 331

Development of Security Situation in Asia:Features,Issues and Orientation&Chen Dongxiao 337

朝鲜半岛和平机制与东北亚安全机制建设——立场与构想&刘鸣 346

Building the Korean Peninsular Peace Mechanism and Northeast Asian Security Mechanism:Position and Visions&VLiu Ming 352

对东北亚地区安全机制的几点思考&刘惜戈 361

Reflections on the Security Mechanism in Northeast Asia&Liu Xige 366

“整体安全”概念与亚太安全合作&苏浩 373

Concept of Integrative Security and the Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation&Su Hao 382

东亚安全共同体的现实基础与未来出路&孙学峰 397

Practical Foundations and Prospects for the Establishment of a Security Community in East Asia&Sun Xuefeng 405

合作应对非传统安全威胁&张军社 416

Cooperation in Countering Non-traditional Security Threats&Zhang Junshe 419

中国人民解放军毫不动摇地坚持和平合作与促进和平发展&张治平 尚金锁 423

Chinese PLA will Unswervingly Stick to Peaceful Cooperation and Promote Peaceful Development&Zhang Zhiping & Shang Jinsuo 432

五、论坛概况 449

About the Forum 449

中国军事科学学会第二届香山论坛概述&陈学惠 449

Brief Introduction to the Second Xiangshan Forum of CAMS&Chen Xuehui 453

代表名单 459

Lists of Participants 459