《雅思真题词汇速成 口语》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘薇编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京语言大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787561928196
  • 页数:238 页

一、个人基本信息 2

1.Name 2

Meaning of Name 2

Personal Information 2

2.Hobby 4

Sports 4

Reading 5

Others 7

3.Hometown 8

4.Lifestyle 12

5.Birthday 13

二、衣食住行 18

1.Clothing 18

Types of Clothing 18

Material 20

Shopping 20

Price 21

2.Food 23

Vegetables 23

Fruits and Nuts 23

Drinks and Beverage 24

Meat 25

Food from Different Countries 26

Nutrition 27

Food Description 28

Meals 29

Cooking 29

3.Housing 31

Residence 31

Hotel 33

Furniture 35

4.Transportation 36

Public Transport 36

Roads 38

Traffic Problems 39

三、人 44

1.Appearance 44

Figure 44

Face and Hair 44

2.Character 48

Positive Characters 48

Nagative Characters 51

3.Occupation 53

四、动物与植物 60

1.Pets 60

2.Animals 61

3.Birds 66

4.Flowers 68

Types of Flower 68

Symbolic Meaning 68

五、天气与环境 72

1.Weather 72

Seasons and Temperature 72

Rain and Wind 73

Snow and Fog 74

Bad Weather 75

Good Weather 76

2.Environment 77

3.Pollution  82

六、工作与学习 86

1.Jobs and Responsibilities 86

Institutions and Related Vocabulary 86

Positions 86

Departments 87

Others 88

2.Schools and Diplomas 92

Schools and Education 92

Subjects 94

Students and Faculty 94

Degrees 96

Campus Facilities 96

七、地点与建筑 100

1.City 100

Location and Climate 100

Cultural and Historic Places 100

Population 104

City vs.Countryside 105

2.Countries 108

Names of Countries 108

Geography 109

Alternative Names 110

3.Buildings 112

Exterior 112

Interior 115

4.Tourist Attractions 116

Domestic 116

Foreign 118

八、物品与抽象事物 124

1.Shape 124

2.Color 125

3.Material 128

4.Food Processing 128

5.Geometry and Pattern 130

6.Comments 132

九、媒体与新闻 140

1.Newspaper 140

2.Magazine 142

3.TV 143

Programmes 143

Advantages and Disadvantages 145

4.Radio 148

5.Advertisement 149

Types of Advertisement 149

Advantages and Disadvantages 150

Others 152

6.News 153

十、娱乐与艺术 156

1.Film 156

Types of Film 156

Film Industry 156

2.Music 159

Genre 159

Instruments 160

Others 162

3.Fine Art 163

4.Photography 165

5.Dance 167

6.Folk Art 169

十一、运动与健康 174

1.Spots 174

Athletic Events 174

Sportsmen 175

2.Health 177

十二、经历与事件 182

1.Time 182

2.Sports Events 183

3.Cultural Events 185

4.Family Events 186

十三、旅游与度假 190

1.Ticket Booking 190

2.Tourism 191

Benefits 191

Harm 193

3.Vacation 195

十四、科技 198

1.Internet and Computer 198

2.Electric Appliances 200

3.Telephone 202

4.Technology 204

十五、节日与风俗 208

1.Festivals 208

Traditional Chinese Festivals 208

Western Festivals 209

2.Customs 210

3.Wedding Ceremony 213

十六、社会问题 218

1.Family 218

2.Children 220

3.Senior Citizens 223

4.Friendship 228

5.Crime 231

6.Unemployment 235