Section Ⅰ.Enzymes of Protein Metabolism 1
1.Swine Pepsin and Pepsinogen&ROGER M.HERRIOTT 3
2.Chymotrypsinogens and Chymotrypsins&M.LASKOWSKI 8
3.Trypsinogen and Trypsin&M.LASKOWSKI 26
4.Naturally Occurring Trypsin Inhibitors&M.LASKOWSKI 36
5.Plant Proteolytic Enzymes&D.M.GREENBERG 54
6.Cathepsin C from Beef Spleen&G.DE LA HABA,P.S.CAMMARATA,and J.S.FRUTON 64
7.Purification and Assay of Rennin&N.J.BERRIDGE 69
8.Carboxypeptidase and Procarboxypeptidase&HANS NEURATH 77
9.Aminopeptidases&EMIL L.SMITH 83
10.Dipeptidases&EMIL L.SMITH 93
11.Dehydropeptidases from Kidney&JESSE P.GREENSTEIN 109
12.Aminoacylase&SANFORD M.BIRNBAUM 115
13.Penicillinase&E.P.ABRAHAM 120
14.Renin from Kidney&ERWIN HAAS 124
15.Renin Substrate(Hypertensinogen)from Hog Serum&ARDA A.GREEN 135
16.Enzymes in Blood Clotting&DANIEL L.KLINE 139
17.Enzymatic Degradation of Cytochrome c&HERSCHEL K.MITCHELL and LEONARD A.HERZENBERG 167
18.Transaminases in Bacteria&I.C.GUNSALUS and JOHN R.STAMER 170
19.Estimation of Animal Transaminases&PHILIP P.COHEN 178
20.Amino Acid Decarboxylases of Bacteria&VICTOR A.NAJJAR 185
21.Amino Acid Decarboxylases of Plants&OTTO SCHALES and SELMA S.SCHALES 190
22.Amino Acid Decarboxylases of Animals&OTTO SCHALES 195
23.D-Amino Acid Oxidase from Kidney&KENNETH BURTON 199
24.L-Amino Acid Oxidases(Mammalian Tissues and Snake Venom)&S.RATNER 204
25.Amino Acid Racemases&W.A.WOOD 212
26.Amino Acid Reductases&R.M.JOHNSTONE and J.H.QUASTEL 217
27.L-Glutamic Dehydrogenase from Liver&HAROLD J.STRECKER 220
28.Glycine Oxidase&S.RATNER 225
29.Histidase and Urocanase&HERBERT TABOR and A.H.MEHLER 228
30.Tryptophan Synthetase from Neurospora&CHARLES YANOFSKY 233
32.Tryptophan Oxidation&W.E.KNOX 242
33.Methionine-Activating Enzyme,Liver&G.L.CANTONI 254
34.Methyl Acceptor Systems&G.L.CANTONI(parts A,B)and P.J.VIGNOS,JR.(part B) 257
35.γ-Glutamyltransferase(Plants)&P.K.STUMPF 263
36.Glutamotransferase(γ-Glutamyltransferase)(Mammalian and Bacterial)&HEINRICH WAELSCH 267
37.Cleavage of Aromatic Rings with Eventual Formation of β-Ketoadipic Acid&R.Y.STANIER 273
38.Enzymes Involved in Conversion of Tyrosine to Acetoacetate&W.E.KNOX(parts A to F)and S.W.EDWARDS(parts D to F) 287
39.Enzymes of Aromatic Biosynthesis&BERNARD D.DAVIS,CHARLES GILVARG,and SUSUMU MITSUHASHI 300
40.Cystathionine Cleavage Enzymes(Mammalian)&FRANCIS BINKLEY 311
41.Desulfhydrases and Dehydrases&C.V.SMYTHE 315
42.Sulfatases and Desulfinases&CLAUDE FROMAGEOT 324
43.Rhodanese&B.H.SORBO 334
44.Glutamine Synthesis&W.H.ELLIOTT 337
45.Enzymatic Synthesis of Glutathione&JOHN E.SNOKE and KONRAD BLOCH 342
46.Hippuric Acid Synthesis&H.CHANTRENNE 346
47.Enzymatic Citrulline Synthesis&SANTIAGO GRISOLIA 350
48.Enzymatic Synthesis of Arginine(Condensing and Splitting Enzymes)&S.RATNER 356
49.Arginase&D.M.GREENBERG 368
50.Arginine Dihydrolase&EVELYN L.OGINSKY 374
51.Urease&JAMES B.SUMNER 378
52.Glutaminase,Asparaginase,and α-Keto Acid-ω-amidase&ALTON MEISTER 380
55.Amino Acid Amidase from Hog Kidney&SANFORD M.BIRNBAUM 397
56.Nitroethane Oxidase&HENRY N.LITTLE 400
57.Organic Nitrate Reductase&LEON A.HEPPEL 403
58.Nitroaryl Reductase from Neurospora crassa&MILTON ZUCKER and ALVIN NASON 406
59.Nitrate Reductase from Neurospora&ALVIN NASON and HAROLD J.EVANS 411
60.Hydroxylamine Reduetase from Neurospora crassa&MILTON ZUCKER and ALVIN NASON 416
61.Nitrite Metabolism&VICTOR A.NAJJAR 420
Section Ⅱ.Enzymes of Nucleic Acid Metabolism 425
62.Ribonucleases&MARGARET R.MCDONALD 427
63.Deoxyribonucleases&MARGARET R.MCDONALD 437
64.Preparation of Nucleoside Phosphorylase from Calf Spleen&VINCENT E.PRICE,M.CLYDE OTEY,and PAUL PLESNER 448
65.Nicotinamide Riboside Phosphorylase&ARTHUR KORNBERG 454
66.Hydrolytic Nucleosidases&T.P.WANG 456
67.Nucleoside Transdeoxyribosidase from Bacteria&WALTER S.MCNUTT 464
68.5-Adenylic Acid Deaminase from Muscle&GORDON NIKIFORUK and SIDNEY P.COLOWICK 469
69.Specific Adenosine Deaminase from Intestine&NATHAN O.KAPLAN 473
70.Nonspecific Adenosine Deaminase from Takadiastase&NATHAN O.KAPLAN 475
71.Cytosine Nucleoside Deaminase from Escherichia coli&T.P.WANG 478
72.Guanase&LOUIS SHUSTER 480
73.Xanthine Oxidase from Milk&B.L.HORECKER and L.A.HEPPEL 482
74.Uricase&ENZO LEONE 485
75.Pyrimidine Oxidase and Related Enzymes&OSAMU HAYAISHI 490
76.Adenosine Phosphokinase&ARTHUR KORNBERG 497
77.Nucleotide Synthesis by Tissue Extracts&MURRAY SAFFRAN 501
78.Some Methods for the Study of de Novo Synthesis of Purine Nucleotides&DAVID A.GOLDTHWAIT and G.ROBERT GREENBERG 504
Section Ⅲ.Enzymes in Phosphate Metabolism 521
79.Acid Prostatic Phosphatase&GERHARD SCHMIDT 523
80.Intestinal Phosphomonoesterase&LEON A.HEPPEL 530
81.Phosphomonoesterase of Milk&ROBERT K.MORTON 533
82.Phosphomonoesterase of Bone&ELLIOT VOLKIN 539
83.Glucose-6-phosphatase from Liver&MARJORIE A.SWANSON 541
84.Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase from Liver&R.W.MCGILVERY 543
85."5"Nucleotidases&LEON A.HEPPEL and R.J.HILMOE 546
86.3′-Nucleotidase from Rye Grass&LOUIS SHUSTER and NATHAN O.KAPLAN 551
87.Preparation and Properties of Acetyl Phosphatase&D.E.KOSHLAND,JR. 555
88.Transphosphorylation by Phosphatases&ROBERT K.MORTON 556
89.Phosphodiesterase from Snake Venom&G.C.BUTLER 561
90.Spleen and Intestinal Phosphodiesterases&LEON A.HEPPEL and R.J.HILMOE 565
91.Inorganic Pyrophosphatase from Yeast&LEON A.HEPPEL 570
92.Metaphosphatase&INES MANDL and CARL NEUBERG 577
93.Triphosphatase&INES MANDL and CARL NEUBERG 580
94.Myosin Adenosinetriphosphatase&S.V.PERRY 582
95.Mg-Activated Muscle ATPases&W.WAYNE KIELLEY 588
96.Potato Apyrase&P.S.KRISHNAN 591
97.Mitochondrisl ATPase&W.WAYNE KIELLEY 593
98.Insect ATPase&DARCY GILMOUR 595
99.Adenylate Kinase(Myokinase,ADP Phosphomutase)&SIDNEY P.COLOWICK 598
100.ATP-Creatine Transphosphorylase&LAFAYETTE NODA,STEPHEN KUBY,and HENRY LARDY 605
101.Coupling of Phosphorylation with Oxidation&F.EDMUND HUNTER,JR. 610
Section Ⅳ.Coenzyme and Vitamin Metabolism 617
102.Pantothenate-Synthesizing Enzyme&G.DAVID NOVELLI 619
103.Thiaminase&AKIJI FUJITA 622
104.Folic Acid Conjugase&HARRY P.BROQUIST 629
105.d-Biotin Oxidase&J.H.QUASTEL 631
106.Pantetheine Kinase&G.DAVID NOVELLI 633
107.Thiaminokinase&H.G.K.WESTENBRINK 636
108.Flavokinase&EDNA B.KEARNEY 640
109.Pyridoxal Kinase from Brewer's Yeast&I.C.GUNSALUS and W.E.RAZZELL 646
110.Dephospho-CoA Kinase from Pigeon Liver&T.P.WANG 649
111.DPN Kinase from Pigeon Liver&T.P.WANG 652
112.Nucleotide Pyrophosphatase&ARTHUR KORNBERG 655
113.Animal Tissue DPNase(Pyridine Transglycosidase)&NATHAN O.KAPLAN 660
114.Neurospora DPNase&NATHAN O.KAPLAN 664
115.Dephospho-CoA Pyrophosphorylase&G.DAVID NOVELLI 667
116.DPN Pyrophosphorylase&ARTHUR KORNBERG 670
117.FAD Pyrophosphorylase&ARTHUR KORNBERG 673
118.UDPGlucose Pyrophosphorylase from Yeast&AGNETE MUNCH-PETERSEN and HERMAN M.KALCKAR 675
Section Ⅴ.Respiratory Enzymes 679
119.Pyridine Nucleotide Transhydrogenase&NATHAN O.KAPLAN 681
120.DPNH Cytochrome c Reductase(Ahimal)&HENRY R.MAHLER 688
121.DPNH Cytochrome c Reductase(Bacterial)&ARNOLD F.BRODIE 693
122.TPNH Cytochrome c Reductase from Yeast&ERWIN HAAS 699
123.TPNH Cytochrome c Reductase(Liver)&B.L.HORECKER 704
124.Diaphorases&HENRY R.MAHLER 707
125.Triphosphopyridine and Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide Oxidases&ERWIN HAAS 712
126.Glutathione Reductase(Plant)&BIRGIT VENNESLAND 719
127.Glutathione Reductase(Liver and Yeast) &E.RACKER 722
128.Pyridine Nucleotide Quinone Reductase from Pea Seeds&WALTER D.WOSILAIT and ALVIN NASON 725
129.Hydrogenase from Clostridium kluyveri&SEYMOUR KORKES 729
130.Cytochromes a,a1,a2,and a3&LUCILE SMITH 732
131.Cytochrome b(Mammals)&ELMER STOTZ 740
132.Cytochrome b Group(Bacteria)&A.M.PAPPENHEIMER,JR. 744
133.Cytochrome c(Mammals)&KARL-GUSTAV PAUL 749
134.Cytochrome c(Ustilago)&J.B.NEILANDS 755
135.Cytochrome c and Cytochrome c Peroxidase from Pseudomonas fluorescens&HOWARD M.LENHOFF and NATHAN O.KAPLAN 758
136.Assay of Catalases and Peroxidases&BRITTON CHANCE and A.C.MAEHLY 764
137.Liver Catalase&JAMES B.SUMNER and ALEXANDER L.DOUNCE 775
138.Blood Catalases&ROGER K.BONNICHSEN 781
139.Catalase from Bacteria(Micrococcus lysodeikticus)&DENIS HERBERT 784
140.Plant Catalase&ARTHUR W.GALSTUN 789
141.Peroxidase(Liver)&MARGARET J.HUNTER 791
142.Myeloperoxidase&A.C.MAEHLY 794
143.Plant Peroxidase&A.C.MAEHLY 801
144.Lactoperoxidase&B.DAVID POLIS and H.W.SHMUKLER 813
145.Plant Tyrosinase(Polyphenol Oxidase)&CHARLES R.DAWSON and RICHARD J.MAGEE 817
146.Mammalian Tyrosinase&AARON BUNSEN LERNER 827
147.Ascorbic Acid Oxidase&CHARLES R.DAWSON and RICHARD J.MAGEE 831
148.Carbonic Anhydrase(Plant and Animal)&E.ROY WAYGOOD 836
149.Dehydroascorbic Reductase&M.A.JOSLYN 847
150.Cypridina and Firefly Luciferase&WILLIAM D.MCELROY 851
151.Bacterial Luciferase&ARDA A.GREEN and WILLIAM D.MCELROY 857
152.Assay and Properties of Hydrogenases&ANTHONY SAN PIETRO 861