Welcome 1
Keynote Address 3
Session Ⅰ Petroleum Refining Guidelines 17
"Establishment of Petroleum Effluent Guidelines"&Allen Cywin 19
"The Role of the Effluent Standards and Water Quality Advisory Committee"&Martha Sager 29
"The Role of the National Commission of Water Quality (NCWQ)&Joe G.Moore,Jr 39
"Economic Impact of Wastewater Effluent Guidelines for Petroleum Refining"&Robert T.Denbo 51
Session Ⅱ "Permits for the Point-Source Category" 57
"The Environmental Protection Agency's Permit System"&Carl J.Schafer 59
"Current Approach to Refinery Permits"&Robert F.Silvus 63
"Petroleum Industry Experience With The NPDES Permit System"&William K.Lorenz 69
"The Enforcement of Permits"&Harless R.Benthul 77
"Measuring the Parameters Specified in Permits"&F.T.Weiss 91
Banquet Proceedings and Address 105
Session Ⅲ Biological Treatment 113
"Activated Sludge Treatment of Petroleum Refinery Wastewaters an Overview"&W.Wesley Eckenfelder 115
"A New Perspective on the Role of the Activated Sludge Process and Ancillary Facilities"&James F.Grutsch 127
"Case History on Biological Treatment of a Petroleum Refinery Wastewater"&Charles E.Ganze 153
"Optimization of the Activated Sludge Process Through Automation"&Mohammed A.Zeitoun 159
"The National Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Characterization Study"&Fred M.Pfeffer 183
Session Ⅳ Sludge Management 197
"Sludge Handling Methodology for Refinery Sludges"&Carl E.Adams,Jr 199
"Processing of Waste Oily Sludges"&Jacoby A.Scher 233
"Oily Waste Disposal by Soil Cultivation"&C.B.Kincannon 257
"The Disposal of Oily Wastes by Land Faming"&R.L.Huddleston 273
Session Ⅴ Activated Carbon Treatment 293
"Current State of the Art of Activated Carbon Treatment"&Davis L.Ford 295
"Cautions and Limitations on the Applications of Activated Carbon Adsorption to Organic Chemical Wastewaters"&C.T.Lawson 345
"Case History:Use of Powdered Activated Carbon in an Activated Sludge System"&Joyce A.Rizzo 359
"Pilot Plant Activated Carbon Treatment of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater"&Leon H.Myers 375
"Activated Carbon Treatment of Combined Storm and Process Waters"&M.A.Prosche 399
Session Ⅵ Miscellaneous Topics 411
"Inherent Variability in Wastewater Treatment"&Lial F.Tischler 413
"Reuse of Refinery Wastewater"&R.T.Miltigan 433
"Biological Monitoring of Petroleum Refinery Effluents"&Sterling L.Burks 445
"API - Sour Water Stripper Studies"&Ronald G.Gantz 459
Session Ⅶ Future Research 483
"The EPA's Role in Future Research"&Wilson K.Talley 485
"The Industry's Role"&Arne E.Gubrud 497
"The University's Role in Future Research"&Joseph F.Malina 501
Summary 509