《Lectures in Topology》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Raymond L.Wilder and William L.Ayres
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1941
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:316 页

Abstract complexes&SOLOMON LEFSCHETZ 1

Uniform local connectedness&R.L.WILKER 29

Regular cycles of compact metric spaces&N.E.STEENROD 43

Extension and classification of continuous mappings&SAMUEL EILENBERG 57

On the topology of differentiable manifolds&HASSLER WHITNEY 101

Triangulated manifolds and differentiable manifolds&STEWART S.CAIRNS 143

Periodic and nearly periodic transformations&P.A.Smith 159

Transformation groups&LEO ZIPPIN 191

Extensions of homeomorphisms on the sphere&SAUNDERS MAC LANE AND V.W.ADKISSON 223

The role of local separating points in certain problems of continuum structure&O.G.HARROLD,JR 237

Uniformity in topological space&L.W.COHEN 255

On the reduction of topological functions&E.W.CHITTENDEN 267

Homology local connectedness&EDWARD G.BEGLE 287

Two theorems on solvable topological groups&CLAUDE CHEVALLEY 291

Topological invariants of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann type&RALPH H.FOX 293

Concerning the decomposition of continua&O.H.HAMILTON 297

Differentiability of regular curve families on the sphere&WILFRED KAPLAN 299

On topology in function spaces&ERICH ROTHE 303

Compactness in general spaces&JOHN W.TUKEY 307

Remark on the address of S.S.Cairns&E.R.VAN KAMPEN 311

Relations between the fundamental group and the second Betti group&HEINZ HOPF 315