《Protein Metabolism Influence of Growth Hormone》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Anabolic Steroids
  • 出 版 社:Springer-Verlag
  • 出版年份:1962
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:521 页

Protein metabolism.Some problems brought into focus&Opening remarks by A.QUERIDO 1

Action of hormones at the cellular level 8

The effect of growth hormone on protein synthesis&by A.KORNER 8

Discussion:Dreyfus,Korner,Laron,Staehelin 22

Regulation of protein synthesis by androgens and estrogens&by J.D.WILSON 26

Discussion:Aschkenasy,Kassenaar,Korner,Wilson 41

Histological aspects of the action of androgens and oestrogens&by J.A.SZIRMAI 45

Discussion:Aschkenasy,Desaulles,Leathem,Querido,Szirmai,Tanner 75

General Discussion: 78

Introduction:The importance of experimental conditions for the demonstration of hormone effects in vitro and in vivo&by W.DIRSCHERL 78

Arias,Korner,Laron,Leathem,Querido,Raben,Szirmai,Tuchmann-Duplessis,Wilson 86

Factors influencing protein metabolism in the organism 90

Protein malnutrition and replenishment with protein in man and animals&by J.C.WATERLOW 90

Discussion:Aschkenasy,Fraser,Hoffenberg,Querido,Rundles,Schreier,Waterlow 105

The bearing of the plane of nutrition on growth and endocrine development&by R.A.McCANCE and E.M.WIDDOWSON 109

Discussion:Bauer,McCance,Prader,Schreier Tanner,Waterlow 118

Metabolic effects of growth hormone in man&by M.S.RABEN,P.R.MINTON,M.L.MITOHELL,and H.JUAREZ-PENALVA 121

Discussion:Ikkos,Querido,Raben,Young 134

Nitrogen balance studies:the relation of protein metabolism to excessive shifts of sodium and potassium&by P.S.BLOM,J.DE GRAEFF,A.A.H.KASSENAAR,and H.A.SONNEVELDT 137

Studies of protein metabolism in humans with the aid of N15-labelled glyeine&by A.HAAK,A.A.H.KASSENAAR,and A.QUERIDO 150

Discussion:Blom,Fraser,Haak,kassenaar,Querido,Tremolières,Waterlow 158

General Discussion: 161

Introduction:Homoeostasis in protein metabolism&by J.TREMOLIEBES 161

Ikkos,Laron,Prader,Raben,Schreier,Staehelin 167

Evaluation and mode of action of anabolic steroids 170

Differentiation of action of various anabolic steroids&by P.A.DESAULLES and C.KRAHENBUHL 179

Evaluation of long-acting anabolic steroids&by G.A.OVERBEEK,J.VAN DER VIES,and J.DE VISSER 185

Discussion:Aschkenasy,Desaulles,Fraser,Gross,Kassenaar,Korner,Overbeek,Querido,Raben 196

The influence of nutrition and nutritional status on the effect of androgens and anabolic agents&by J.H.LEATHEM 202

Discussion:Korner,Leathem,Overbeek,Querido,Sala,Waterlow,Young 219

Effects of anabolic steroids on nucleic acid and protein metabolism&by A.A.H.KASSENAAR,A.QUERIDO,and A.HAAK 222

Discussion:Arias,Dirscherl,Dreyfus,de Jongh,Kassenaar,Korner,Overbeek,Querido,Szirmai,Tremolières,Wilson 234

Effect of steroids on bone formation&by K.KOWALEWSKI 238

Discussion:Desaulles,Dymling,Gross,Kowalewski,Laron,Overbeek,Vermeulen 263

General Discussion: 268

Introduction:Effects of protein deficiency on the endoerine system&by A.ASCHKENASY 268

Aschkenasy,Desaulles,Dreyfus,Gross,Overbeek,Querido,Tanner,Vermeulen 272

Protein metabolismm in human pathological states 275

The effect of injury upon human protein metabolism&by J.M.KINNEY 275

Discussion:Fraser,Gemzell,Ikkos,Kinney,McCance,Tuchmann-Duplessis,Young 297

Human liver cirrhosis secondary to nutritional deficiency&by R.SUBRAMANLAM 300

Discussion:Arias,Hoffenberg,Kowalewski,Prader,Subramaniam,Tremolières,Waterlow 310

I131-albumin metabolism in human adults after experimental protein depletion and repletion&by R.HORRENBERG,S.SAUNDERS,G.C.LINDER,E.BLACK,and J.F.BROOK 314

Discussion:Arias,Aschkenasy,Fraser,Hoffenberg,Ikkos,Querido,Schreier,Waterlow 323

Muscular protein metabolism in normal and diseased states&by J.-C.DREYFUS,J.KRUH,and G.SCHAPIRA 326

Discussion:Arias,Dreyfus,Kassenaar,Korner,Prader,Querido,Stachelin 350

General Discusson: 352

Introduction:Some aspcets of protein metabolism in surgical trauma and injury&by K.SCHREIER 352

Blom,Dreyfus,Kinney,Korner,Querido,Rittenberg,Sohreier,Tremolières,Waterlow,Wilson,Young 355

The effects of anabolic agents in man 361

The evaluation of growth and maturity in children&by J.M.TANNER 361

Use of anabolic agents in disorders of growth&by A.PRADER and R.ILLIG 383

Discussion:Gemzell,Haak,Laron,Prader,Querido,Raben,Tanner,van der Werff tan Bosch 398

Definition,aetiology,and effects of osteopenia&by G.C.H.BAUER 405

Anabolic steroids in the treatment of osteopenia&by J.-F.DYMLING,B.ISAKSSON,and B.SJOGREN 412

Discussion:Bauer,Dymling,Hoffenberg,McCance,Querido 424

General Discussion: 427

Introduction:Some endocrine aspects of growth and bone&by T.R.C.FRASER 427

Bauer,Fraser,Tanner 431

The effects of anabolic steroids on liver function&by I.M.ARIAL 434

Discussion:Arias,Dreyfus,Gross,Leathem,Mandema,Overbeek,Subramaniam,Vermeulen 446

Anabolic steroids in the treatment of renal failure&by J.HESS THAYSEN 450

Discussion:Aschkenasy,Labhart,McCance,Querido,Thaysen,Waterlow 479

Action of anabolic steroids on red-cell production&by R.W.RUNDLES 482

Discussion:Arias,Aschkenasy,Desaulles,Gemzell,Gross,Kassenaar,Leathem,Mandema,Prader,Rundles 488

Concluding Discussion: 494

Desaulles,Dreyfus,Korner,Laron,Leathem,McCance,Overbeek,Preader,Querido,Raben,Thaysen,Tremolières,Wilson 494

Summing up&by F.G.YOUNG 500

List of authors 506

Subject index 507