《中国气功养生学第一分卷 中国气功学术发展史》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王卜雄
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

Introduction 1

绪论 1

第一章 先秦时期(公元前206年前) 20

Chapter One The Period Bbfore the Qin Dynasty 20

1.Dance 22

Section 1 The origin of Daoyin 22

第一节 导引的起源 22

一、舞蹈 22

2.Wrestle and boxing 23

二、角力与拳击 23

3.Gymnastics 25

三、体操 25

第二节 吐纳的起源 27

Section 2 The origin of exhalation and inbalation techniques 27

Section 3 The origin of massage 33

第三节 按摩的起源 33

Section 4 The meaning of Qi in ancient tirncs and its evolutlon 35

第四节 “气”的古义及其演变 35

Section 5 The life preserving ideas of the scholars lived before the Qin Dynasty 36

第五节 先秦诸子的养生思想 36

一、老子 37

1.Lao-tsu 37

二、孔子 48

2.Confucius 48

三、列子 50

3.Lie Yukou 50

四、管子 54

4.Guan Zhong 54

五、庄子 58

5.Zhuang Zhou 58

6.Xun Kuang 69

六、荀子 69

7.The school of Zi Si and Mencius 76

七、思孟学派 76

第六节 《内经》的养生思想 82

1.To live a plain life with one s spirit retained in interior 83

一、恬?虚无,精神内守 83

二、阴平阳秘,精神乃治 84

2.Peacoful yin and closed yang resulting in spirits remaining in proper order 84

Section 6 The life preserving ideas recorded in The Canon of Medicine 86

三、法天则地,调于四时 87

3.To capitalise on principies of Heaven and Earth, one should adjust himsolf to fout seasons 87

4.Elght Bencflts, seven injuries and premature senility 90

四、七损八益与早衰 90

五、“移精变气”与静功用“意”的渊源 93

5.“Transforming essence into Qi”and the origin of using“consciousness”in the static practice 93

六、关于《素问》遗篇《刺法论》的气功方法 96

6.The Qigong techniques in the chapter of acupuncture skills-an addendum of Suwert (Plain Questions 96

第二章 两汉三?时期(公元前206年—公元264年) 98

Chapter Two The Period from the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties to the Three Kingdoms 98

Section 1 The rise and fall of the external elixir technique (alchemy)-setbacks and lessons in China 101

第一节 外丹术的兴衰——中国养生史上的挫折与教训 101

第二节 《周易参同契》与内丹术 104

Section 2 Ingenious Integration of Alchemy in Book of Change and internal elixir technique (concentr 104

第三节 马王堆导引图与华佗五禽戏 110

Section 3 Daoyin chart excavated from the Mawangtui Tomb and Huato s Five-Animal Gymnastics 110

Section 4 Classic of the Taiping Era by Yu Ji 116

第四节 于吉《太平经》 116

Section 5 Exhalation-inhaiation technique and bionics 120

第五节 吐纳“仿生” 120

Section 6 Thesis of Life Preserving by Ji Kang 125

第六节 嵇康《养生论》 125

Section 7 Hundred sports in the Han Dynasty 129

第七节 汉代百戏 129

第三章 两晋南北朝时期(公元265年-公元580年) 131

Chapter Three The Perlod from the Western and Eastern Jin to the Northern and Southertn Dynasties 131

Section 1 Go Hong and his writing Bao Pu Zi 134

第一节 葛洪与《抱朴子》 134

Section 2 Tao Honjing s contribution to Qigong science 141

第二节 陶弘景对气功学的贡献 141

Section 3 Classic of Reform Sinew and Classic of Cleaning Marrow 145

第三节 《易筋经》与《洗髓经》 145

Section 4 The relationship between Taoist music and inducing quiet-entering state 150

第四节 《道乐》及其与入静诱导的关系 150

第五节 《黄庭经》与气功 154

Section 5 Classic of Yellow Court and Qigong 154

1.Classic of Yellow Court s Outer Space of the Superior Lucid Sect Lucid 156

一、《上清黄庭外景经》 156

2.Classic of Yellow Court s Inner Space of the Superior Lucid Sect 157

二、《上清黄庭内景经》 157

Chapter Four The Perlod from the Sut, the Tang to the Five Dynasties 162

第四章 隋唐五代时期(公元581年-公元959年) 162

Section 1 Visualization technique of Tiantai Sect and six marvellous skills 166

第一节 天台宗止观法与六妙法门 166

Section 2 Discussion on Origin oj Symptoms in Illness-the first medical book introducing Qigong syst 174

第二节 第一本系统介绍气功疗法的医籍——《诸病源候论》 174

Section 3 Sun Simiao s idea for Hfe preserving 180

第三节 孙思邈的养生思想 180

第四节 司马承祯对气功学的贡献 186

Section 4 Sima Chengzheng s contribution to Qigong science 186

第五节 女气功家胡?的气功疗法专著——《黄庭内景五脏六腑补泻图》 192

Section 5 Chart of Yellow Court s Inner Space-tonification and sedation of five solid and six hollow 192

第六节 内丹术系统的形成 196

Section 6 The formation of the system of interior elixir technique 196

第七节 《道敷》的纂修 204

Section 7 Compilation and revision of Taoist books 204

第八节 隋唐时期的健身运动 206

Section 8 Gymnastics in the Sui and the Tang Dynasties 206

第五章 两宋金元时期(公元960年—公元1368年) 209

Chapter five Tshe Period from the Song, the Jin to the Yuan Dynastles 209

Section 1 Theses of life preserving written by medical practitioners in the Song and the Yuan Dynast 212

Written by Liu Wansu 212

一、刘完素 212

第一节 宋元医学家论气功养生 212

二、张从正 214

Written by Zhang Congzheng 214

三、李果 216

Written by Li Gao 216

四、朱震亨 217

Written by Zhu Zhengheng 217

五、申甫、王希逸等 219

Written by Shen Fu, Wang Xiyi et al 219

Section 2 Chen Tuan and the founding of lateral sleeping Qigong 222

第二节 陈抟与侧卧式睡功的创立 222

Section 3 Taoist books of the Song-Yuan Dynasties and the Bamboo Slips in Cloud-like Book Case 226

第三节 宋元《道藏》与《云筴七签》 226

Zhang Boduan 231

第四节 南宗炼养派与内丹术系统的发展 231

一、张伯端 231

Section 4 Training and Nursing Sect (south) 237

Shi Tai 242

二、石泰 242

Xue Daoguang 245

三、薛道光 245

四、陈楠 246

Chen Nan 246

五、白玉蟾 250

Bal Yuchan 250

Section 5 Genuine Training and Nursing Sect (north), its founding and its Qigong idea 254

第五节 北宗(全真)炼养派的创立及其气功学术思想 254

Section 6 Scholars advocated life preserving and their writings on Qigong 261

Su Shi (Su Ce included) 261

第六节 文人养生家及其气功论著 261

一、苏轼(附:苏辙) 261

Huang Tingjian 270

二、黄庭坚 270

三、陆游 271

Lu You 271

Section 7 Sitting quietly and the Song Dynasty scholars 273

第七节 宋儒与静坐 273

Zhou Dunying 275

一、周敦颐 275

二、程颢、程颐 278

Chen Hao and Cheng Ying 278

三、朱熹 280

Zhu Xi 280

第八节 集南宋前气功大成的《道枢》 284

Section 8 Taoist Pivot-a collection of Qigong writings before the Southern Song Dynasty 284

第九节 四时摄生与季节导引 291

Section 9 Seasonal regime and Daoyin techniquep 291

第十节 布气法及其源流 295

Section 10 Distribution of Qi and its origin and sireams 295

一、蒲?贯《保生要录》 298

第十一节 诸家气功养生论著 298

Section 11 Writings on life preserving by different scholars 298

1.Important Record of Life Protection by Pu Qiangua 298

2.Record of Trifles by Wen Ge and Chen Ye 299

二、温革、陈哗《琐碎录》 299

三、赵佶《圣济经》 300

3.Classic of Sage s Relief by Zhao Ji 300

五、俞琰《周易参同契发挥》 303

四、?元靓《事林广记》 303

5.Elaborated Ingenious Integration of Alchcmy in Book of Change by Yu Tan 303

4.Comprehensive Record of World Affairs by Chen Yuanliang 303

六、陈直、邹铉《寿亲养老新书》 309

6.A New Book for Providing parents with Longevity by Chen Zhi and Zou Xian 309

8.Reference Book for Life Prolongation by Li Pengfei 310

7.Major Thesis for Life Preserving with Perfect Composure by Wang Gui 310

七、王?《泰定养生主论》 310

八、李鹏飞《三元参赞延寿书》 310

第十二节 中国气功在日本的传播 310

Section 12 The Propegation for Chinese Qigong in Japan 313

Chapter Six The Period from the Ming-Qing Dynastles to the Founding of People s Republic of China 313

第六章 明清至中华人民共和国成立时期(公元1368年-公元1949年) 313

Section 1 The wide application and development of Qigong in medlclne 315

第一节 气功在医学中的广泛应用与发展 315

一、中医基本理论对气功学术的指导与发展 319

1.The role of the basic science of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in directiong and developing 319

2.The role of Qigong theory in enriching and developing TCM theory 323

二、气功理论对中医理论的扩充与发展 323

3.The role of Qigong technique in substantiating the contents of TCM therapeutics 328

三、气功方法对中医治疗学的充实 328

Section 2 The evolution and development of the technique of sitting quietly 336

第二节 静坐法的演变与发展 336

Section 3 The Taoist books in the Ming-Qing Dynasties 348

第三节 明清《道藏》 348

第四节 导引术的发展 350

一、导引术的变迁及其类别 350

Section 4 The development of Daoyin technique 350

1.Evolution of Daoyin technique and its development 350

2.The formation of the system of Eight Precious Exercise and its development 353

二、八段锦系统的形成与发展 353

三、武术与导引术的结合——易筋经系统的形成 383

3.The integration of martial aris and Daoyin technique ——Formation of Sinew Reform Classic system 383

一、六字气法的形成及其学术思想的演变 396

1.Formation and evolution of the 6 methods 396

第五节 吐纳六字气法的形成与发展 396

Section 5 Formation and Development of 6 methods of exhalating and inhalating 396

2.Its development 404

二、六字气法的发展 404

Section 6 Evolution of massage-formation and development of tapping amethod 407

第六节 按摩的演变——拍击法的形成与发展 407

第七节 存想的发展——经络导引(意气功) 413

Section 7 Development of visualization-directing Qi circulating along meridians 413

一、确定任督脉为经络导引的主线,下丹田为气机升降的枢纽 420

1.To determine the conceptional and governor vessels as the major pathways, the lower elixir field 420

二、由任督脉分别向四肢延伸——全身经络遍导法的建立 428

2.The founding of directing Qi circulating along the entire meridian system-propagation of Qi form 428

3.Directing Qi along meridians for treatment on the basis of symptom-sign differentiation 435

三、经络导引法的辨证施治 435

1.Experience in Saving Life, Pocket Book of Secret Technigue by Qu Xian 436

Section 8 Life preserving articles written by Qigong masters 436

第八节 诸家气功养生论著 436

一、膠仙《活人心法》、《神隐肘后》 436

二、冷谦《修龄要旨》 438

2.The Gist for Longevity by Leng Qian 438

Classified Important Seoret for Practice by Hu Wenhuan 440

3.Life Preserving Daoyin Technique 440

三、胡文焕《养生导引法》、《类修要诀》 440

4.Experience for Life Protection by Iron Peak Lay Buddhist 441

四、铁峰居士《保生心鉴》 441

五、混沌子《锦身机要》 442

5.Confidential Elements for Health by Hundun Zi 442

6.Collection of Regime by an unknown author 444

六、佚名《摄生集览》 444

8.Important Secret for Essential Training by an unknown author 445

7.Collection of Important Similar Disorders in Medical Circles by Wang Mi 445

八、佚名《修真秘要》 445

七、王玺《医林类证集要》 445

9.Important Significance of Regime by River Band Old Man 446

九、河滨丈人《摄生要义》 446

十、龚廷贤《寿世保元》 448

10.How to Live Long and protect Body Essence by Gong Tingxian 448

十一、龚居中《红炉点雪》 450

11.Snowflakes in Blazing Oven by Gong Juzhong 450

十二、罗洪先《万寿仙书》 452

12.Fairy Book for Longevity by Luo Hongxian 452

13.Compilation for Longeyity by Cao Yongji 453

十三、曹永吉《寿世编》 453

十五、王文禄《医先》 454

十四、愈辨《续医说》 454

14.A Talk on Continued Medicine by Yu Bian 454

15.Medical Ancestors by Wang Werlu 454

十七、李梃《医学入门》 455

16.Ancient and Modern Medical Gatherings by Xu Chunfu 455

十六、徐春甫《古今医统》 455

十八、高濂《遵生八笺》 457

17.Elementary Medicine by Li Yan 457

十九、周履管《夷门广牍》 459

18.Eight Sheets of Comments to be Followed in Life Preserving by Gao Lian 459

19.Comprehensive Documents from Abroad by Zhou Liqing 459

二十、陈断儒《养生肤语》 461

20.A Superficial Talk on Life Preserving by Chen Jiru 461

二十一、袁黄《摄生三要》、《静坐要诀》 462

21.Three principles For Regime Important Secret for Sitting Queitly by Yuan Huang 462

22.Four Essentials for Life Preserving by Wan Quan 465

二十二、万全《养生四要》 465

24.Daoyin Technique-A Shortcut to Perfect Practice by an unknown author 467

23.The Union of Three Forces-Heaven , Earth and Men by Wang Qi 467

二十四、佚名《修真捷径之导引术》 467

二十三、王折《三才图会》 467

26.Classic of Category Supplementary Classic of Category by Zhang Jiabing 468

25.Collected Reoords for Life Preserving by Hu Zonghe 468

二十五、胡宗鹤《养生集录》 468

二十六、张介宾《类经》、《类经附翼》 468

28.Important Secret to Protect Life by Cao Shiheng 473

27.Important Record of Regime by Shen Shi 473

二十八、曹士珩《保生秘要》 478

二十七、沈仕《摄生要录》 478

30.New compilation for Longevity by You Cheng 479

29.General Essentials for Regime by Hong Ji 479

三十、尤乘《寿世青编》 479

二十九、洪基《摄生总要》 479

三十二、汪昂《勿药无诠》 481

三十一、钟山逸叟《陶朱公致富全书》 481

31.Duke Taozhu s Complete Book for Getting Rich by Leisure Old Man in Zhongshan Mountain 481

32.Vital Annotation for Not Using Medicine by Wang Ang 481

三十三、冯?《颐养诠要》 484

33.Important Annotation for Life Preserving by Feng Xi 484

三十五、徐文弼《寿世传真》 486

三十四、陈梦雷等《古今图书集成·医部全录》 486

34.Compendium of Ancient and Modern Books (The Part of Medicine) by Chen Monglei et al 486

35.Robust Longevity by Xu Wenbi 486

36.Mexim for Caring the Old by Cao Tingdong 488

三十六、曹庭栋《老老恒言》 488

37.Colored Chart for Daoyin by Kun Lan 491

三十七、昆岚《彩墨画导引图》 491

38.Nine Alternative Methods to Prolong Life by Yan Wei 492

三十八、颜伟《延年九转法》 492

39.Classic for the Old by Wang Zheng 493

三十九、汪?《寿人经》 493

四十二、潘?《卫生要术》 494

40.Secret Essenrials for Life Preserving by an unknown author 494

四十、佚名《养生秘旨》 494

四十一、佚名《养生至论》 494

41.Essential Treatise on Life Preserving by an undnown author 494

42.The Reguiremen.of Protecting Life by Pang Wei 494

四十四、李九华《调气圭泉图说》 495

43.Illustration for Getting Rid of Illness by Means of Swallowing Qi by an unknown author 495

44.Illustration for Regulating Qi Criterion by Li Jiuhua 495

四十三、佚名《服气祛病图说》 495

四十五、席锡藩《内外功图说辑要》 499

四十六、丁福保《静坐法精义》 499

45.Illustration for Compiled Essentiols for Internal and External Qigong Prac?ice by Xi Xifan 499

46.Precise Meaning of Sitting Queitly by Ding Fubao 499

47.Detailed Exposition of Consciousness Qigong by Wang Xianbing 500

四十七、王贤宾《意气功详解》 500

四十八、陈师诚《养生导引术》 501

48.Daoyin for Life Preserving by Chen Shicheng 501

四十九、蒋维乔《因是子静坐卫生实验谈》 503

49.A Pracrical Talk on Life Protection by Means of Sitting Queitly by Jiang Weiqiao 503

Section 9 The propagation and development of Qigong in Japan 504

第九节 中国气功在日本的传播与发展 504

Chapter Seren The Period After the Foundios of People s Republic of China 509

第七章 中华人民共和国成立以后(公元1949年—) 509