Introduction 1
Section Ⅰ:Concepts and issues 3
1 A conceptual overview of writing 5
1.1 Text-oriented research and teaching 6
1.2 Writer-oriented research and teaching 22
1.3 Reader-oriented research and teaching 33
1.4 Conclusion 48
2 Key issues in writing 49
2.1 How is writing different from speech? 49
2.2 How is writing related to literacy? 53
2.3 What is an expert writer? 59
2.4 How do genres differ? 61
2.5 How does writing express identity? 65
2.6 How does writing express social relationships? 69
2.7 What is the impact of new technologies on writing? 73
2.8 How should we teach writing? 78
2.9 Conclusion 84
Section Ⅱ:Applying writing research 85
3 Research-based writing courses 87
3.1 Writ 101:process in practice 87
3.2 Genre in primary classrooms:the New South Wales(NSW)K-6 syllabus 96
3.3 Go for Gold:writing for a reason 103
4 Research-based materials.methods and resources 112
4.1 Research writing:an advanced EAP textbook 112
4.2 WordPilot 2000:corpora-assisted writing 120
4.3 Writing networks:interaction in an ESL computer workshop 128
4.4 Writing portfolios:pedagogy and assessment 137
Section Ⅲ:Researching writing 147
5 Research practices and research issues 149
5.1 Practitioner research 149
5.2 Researching texts 151
5.3 Researching writers 154
5.4 Researching readers 159
6 Research cases 163
6.1 Questionnaire research on readers' beliefs and practices 164
6.2 Experimental research on peer-response training 168
6.3 Text analysis research on email business correspondence 172
6.4 Learner corpora research on hedging and boosting 175
6.5 Interview research on the writing needs of nurses 179
6.6 Protocol research on the writing process 183
6.7 Diary research on the research process 187
6.8 Case-study research of workplace writing 191
6.9 Ethnographic research on teacher written feedback 195
6.10 Literacy practices research among adolescent groups 199
6.11 Conclusion 202
Section Ⅳ:References and resources 205
7 Key areas and texts 207
7.1 Literacy 207
7.2 Rhetoric 208
7.3 Sociology of scientific knowledge/social constructionism 209
7.4 Professional communication/ESP 211
7.5 First-language writing 212
7.6 Second-language composition teaching 213
7.7 Pragrnatics 214
7.8 Translation studies 216
7.9 Literature 217
7.10 Mass print media 219
8 Key sources 221
8.1 Books 221
8.2 Journals 222
8.3 Professional associations 224
8.4 Principal writing conferences 225
8.5 Email lists and bulletin boards 225
8.6 Internet sites 226
8.7 Databases 228
Glossary 229
References 233
Author Index 245
Subject Index 247