《英美文学赏析教程 诗歌 戏剧与散文卷》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:罗选民主编;张少雄,张跃军副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787302435822
  • 页数:449 页

Part One Poetry 3

导读 3

Ⅰ.Introduction 5

1.Attempts to Define Poetry 5

2.The Externals of Poetry:Versification and Prosification 6

3.The Internals of Poetry:Imagery,Subject Matters and Themes 18

4.The Genres of Poetry 24

5.Approaches Towards Poetry Text Analyses 27

Ⅱ.Selected Readings 29

Unit 1 Epic 29

Paradise Lost 32

Unit 2 Ballad 39

To the Cuckoo 41

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 43

I Travelled Among Unknown Men 44

Unit 3 Sonnet 49

Ozymandias 53

England in 1819 54

Unit 4 Elegy 58

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 61

Elegy on Thyrza 65

Elegy 68

Unit 5 Ode 73

Ode on a Grecian Urn 76

To Autumn 79

Ode to a Nightingale 81

Unit 6 Dramatic Monologue 88

The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 91

Unit 7 Hymanal Stanza 100

Because I Could Not Stop for Death 105

The Soul Selects Her Own Society 107

Unit 8 Lyrics(Ⅰ) 111

Kubla Khan 114

Unit 9 Lyrics(Ⅱ) 120

Sailing to Byzantium 124

Leda and the Swan 127

Unit 10 Lyrics(Ⅲ):Pastoral 132

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 135

Neither out Far nor in Deep 136

Unit 11 Free Verse(Ⅰ) 142

Song of Myself 144

I Sit and Look Out 148

Unit 12 Free Verse(Ⅱ) 152

In a Station of the Metro 155

Dancing 156

The Red Wheelbarrow 157

[L(a] 158

Sunset 159

Unit 13 Asian American Poetry 164

Eating Alone 168

Part Two Drama 175

导读 175

Ⅰ.Introduction 183

Ⅱ.Selected Readings 191

Unit 1 Tragedy(Ⅰ) 191

King Lear 194

The British Camp,near Dover 195

Unit 2 Tragedy(Ⅱ) 214

Death of a Salesman 219

Unit 3 Comedy(Ⅰ) 247

August Does His Bit:A True-to-life Farce 249

Unit 4 Comedy(Ⅱ) 274

Ah,Wilderness 279

Unit 5 Drama of Modernism(Ⅰ) 295

Look Back in Anger 299

Unit 6 Drama of Modernism(Ⅱ) 313

The Glass Menagerie 316

Part Three Essay 339

导读 339

Ⅰ.Introduction 340

Ⅱ.Selected Readings 343

Unit 1 Classic Essay 343

C?Studies 345

Of Beauty 347

Of Wisdom for a Man's Self 349

Unit 2 Periodical Essay 354

Sir Roger at Church 357

Unit 3 Philosophical Essay(Ⅰ) 362

Nature 365

Unit 4 Philosophical Essay(Ⅱ) 375

Civil Disobedience 377

Walden,or Life in the Woods 382

Unit 5 Biographical Essay 392

The Life of Milton 396

Milton 401

Unit 6 Literary Criticism and Comment(Ⅰ) 411

An Essay on Criticism 414

Unit 7 Literary Criticism and Comment(Ⅱ) 421

The Art of Fiction 424

Unit 8 Literary Criticism and Comment(Ⅲ) 434

The Philosophy of Composition 436