《中国书业 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨虎,肖阳著
  • 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787508513140
  • 页数:206 页

Preface:Three-thousand-year History of Books in China 1

A Long-standing and Well-established History 15

The Origin of Chinese Characters 16

The Appearance of Books and Compilations 20

From Oracle Bone to Paper:Media of Ancient Books 23

The Evolution of Publishing 35

Classical Ancient Books 45

Selected Content and Editing Format of Ancient Books 46

Printing and Transcription:Reproduction of Ancient Publications 51

Common Development and Prosperity—Five Major Publishing Systems 60

From Bamboo Strips to Stitched Binding:The Ancient Art of Bookbinding and Layout 71

The Course of Inheritance 83

Bibliophiles and Book-collecting House 85

Effective Ways to Protect Books 93

The Circulation of the Ancient Books 98

Crystallization of Chinese Culture 105

The Thirteen Confucian Classics 107

The History of the Twenty-five Dynasties 111

Yongle Encyclopedia 113

The Compendium of Works of the Past and the Present 116

Siku Quanshu and Revised Continuation of Siku Quanshu 117

Poetry Anthologies of People from the Tang Dynasty:Complete Collection of Tang Poetry and Three Hundred Tang Poems 121

Anthology of Ci of People from the Song Dynasty:Complete Collection of Song Ci 125

Collections of Yuan Qu:The Complete Collection of Yuan Sanqu and The Anthology of Yuan Qu 127

Novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasty:"Four Great Classical Novels"and"Three Collections and Short Stories" 129

Encyclopedia of China 133

The Progressive Vicissitude 135

The Introduction and Application of Mechanical Printing 137

The Rise of New Publishing Houses 140

The Emergence of New Publications 147

The Social Transition Promoted by New Publishing 149

Carrying forward the Cause and Forging into the Future 155

The Scale of Publication has Enlarged Yearly and Publishing Strength Increased Quickly 156

Publishing Technology Advances and the Rapid Development of Digital Publishing 161

The Commercialization of Publishing System Speeds up in an Improving Legal Environment. 164

Publication Talent Groups have Enlarged with Remarkable Accomplishments in Professional Education and Research 168

Publishing Industries in Mainland of China,Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao have Bloomed,Forming the Pattern of Diversity in Unity for Chinese-language Publishing 170

Road of Books 173

The Spread of Papermaking Technique 174

The Spread of Printing in Other Countries 179

Exchanges between Domestic and Foreign Books 187

Intensive Exchange of Publishing between Home and Abroad in Modern Times 192

Copyright Trade and International Exchange in Publishing Industry in Contemporary Times 196

Appendix Ⅰ:A Brief Chronicle of China's Publishing Events 203

Appendix Ⅱ:Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties 206