《英语修辞写作 语法修辞篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:徐鲁亚,从莱庭,刘统霞编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787300144993
  • 页数:307 页
图书介绍:本书讨论各语言层级的修辞功能,培养谋篇、组段、构句和遣词能力,侧重语言通达、表义准确清晰,突出认知功能;结构上采用从“大”到“小”(语篇--句法--词法)的顺序,这样更符合写作实践过程中的构思及操作规律。主要内容如下: 第一部分讨论语篇组织,包括语篇结构、语篇质量要求、语篇展开模式及整个语篇的构建。 第二部分讨论正确有效构句,句法修辞的正确与有效既要求句子的语法正确,也要求句子具有修辞效果。修辞效果包含语法正确基础上的语法修辞,也包含偏离语法常规的辞格修辞。本部分包括语法修辞和辞格修辞。 第三部分讨论正确有效用词,正确有效用词包括语法用词、语义用词、文体风格选词和词法辞格使用(辞格用词)。语法用词是指语法结构上的正确搭配;语义用词是指用词语义正确、准确;文体风格选词是指选用体现文体风格的本义词(词义不变的同义选择);词法用格是指使用语义发生偏离的词语,即辞格用词。

Chapter Ⅰ Coherent Organization of Discourse 1

Section 1 The Structure of Discourse(1):The Paragraph,the Discourse and the One-paragraph Discourse 2

Ⅰ.Sample:1 A Paragraph from"The Love of Beauty" 2

2 An Abstract of a Defining Article"Abstract" 3

3 A Summary of"Exploring Moderators of Gender Differences:Contextual Differences in Door-holding Behavior" 3

Ⅱ.Lecture:The Paragraph,the Discourse,and the One-paragraph Discourse 4

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 9

Ⅳ.Writing 10

Section 2 The Structure of Discourse(2):The Multi-paragraph Discourse 11

Ⅰ.Sample:The World's First Completely Automatic Railway 11

Ⅱ.Lecture:The Multi-paragraph Discourse 13

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 20

Ⅳ.Writing 22

Section 3 The Qualities of Discourse(1):Unity,Coherence,Clarity and Brevity 23

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Good Bad Books 23

2 Speech by IPC President Craven at Beijing Paralympics Opening Ceremony 26

Ⅱ.Lecture:Unity,Coherence,Clarity and Brevity 28

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 37

Ⅳ.Writing 41

Section 4 The Qualities of Discourse(2):Substantiality,Emphasis,Balance,Variation and Appropriateness 42

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Majora Carter 42

2 A Leaf from Heaven 43

Ⅱ.Lecture:Substantiality,Emphasis,Balance,Variation and Appropriateness 46

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 53

Ⅳ.Writing 56

Section 5 Composing a Discourse:Outlining and Drafting 57

Ⅰ.Sample:Time's Person of the Year:You 57

Ⅱ.Lecture:Outlining and Drafting 60

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 64

Ⅳ.Writing 67

Section 6 Modes of Discourse(1):Descriptive 68

Ⅰ.Sample:1 The Landscape of Wiltshire 68

2 The Middle Passage Ship 69

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Description 71

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 77

Ⅳ.Writing 78

Section 7 Modes of Discourse(2):Narrative 79

Ⅰ.Sample:I Am Prepared to Die 79

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Narration 82

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 85

Ⅳ.Writing 86

Section 8 Modes of Discourse(3):Expository-Deduction,Induction and Definition 87

Ⅰ.Sample:1 H1N1 Virus Attacks Deep into the Lungs 87

2 The Newtonian Relativity Principle 88

3 Nonrenewable Resources 89

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Deduction,Induction and Definition 90

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 97

Ⅳ.Writing 98

Section 9 Modes of Discourse(4):Expository—Classification and Exemplification 99

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Science and Ethics 99

2 A Man to Remember 101

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Classification and Exemplification 101

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 107

Ⅳ.Writing 109

Section 10 Modes of Discourse(5):Expository—Comparison/Contrast and Cause-Effect 110

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Japan and the USA:Different but Alike 110

2 A Scientific Experiment 111

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Comparison/Contrast and Cause-Effect 113

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 120

Ⅳ.Writing 121

Section 11 Modes of Discourse(6):Argumentative—Organization 122

Ⅰ.Sample:The Neanderthal Should Be Classified as a Subspecies of Modern Man 122

Ⅱ.Lecture:Structural Organization of Argumentative Writing 125

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 130

Ⅳ.Writing 131

Section 12 Modes of Discourse(7):Argumentative—Development 132

Ⅰ.Sample:Letter from Birmingham Jail 132

Ⅱ.Lecture:Developing Paragraphs by Argumentation 135

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 141

Ⅳ.Writing 143

Chapter Ⅱ Correct and Effective Construction of Sentences 145

Section 1 Correct Use of Sentences in Grammar:Avoiding Syntactical Faults 146

Ⅰ.Sample:Carlyle Sharpe:A Campus Mainstay 146

Ⅱ.Lecture:Avoiding Syntactical Faults 148

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 156

Ⅳ.Writing 158

Section 2 Grammatical Structure with Rhetorical Effect(1):A Rhetorical Process of Sentence Construction 159

Ⅰ.Sample:Yahooligans at the Window 159

Ⅱ.Lecture:A Rhetorical Process of Sentence Construction 161

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 169

Ⅳ.Writing 171

Section 3 Grammatical Structure with Rhetorical Effect(2):Rhetorical Use of Sentences in Grammatical Patterns 172

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Man and Food 172

2 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 172

3 The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies 173

4 I Have a Dream 173

5 Spots Narrative—Track State Champion 174

6 Inspection(Prior to Palpation) 174

Ⅱ.Lecture:Rhetorical Use of Sentences in Grammatical Patterns 175

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 184

Ⅳ.Writing 186

Section 4 Grammatical Structure with Rhetorical Effect(3):Rhetorical Division of Sentences 187

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Google Yourself—And Enjoy It 187

2 Of Studies 189

Ⅱ.Lecture:Rhetorical Division of Sentences 190

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 195

Ⅳ.Writing 196

Section 5 Figurative Use of Sentences(1):Deviated from Norm,Appropriate in Style(A) 197

Ⅰ.Sample:I Have a Dream 197

Ⅱ.Lecture:Schemes and Related Syntactical Devices 201

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 208

Ⅳ.Writing 209

Section 6 Figurative Use of Sentences(2):Deviated from Norm,Appropriate in Style(B) 210

Ⅰ.Sample:1 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 210

2 We Shall Fight on the Beaches 211

3 Nine ETA Bombing Suspects Arrested 212

4 Children's Rhyme 213

Ⅱ.Lecture:More Schemes and Related Syntactical Devices 213

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 221

Ⅳ.Writing 222

Chapter Ⅲ Correct and Effective Use of Words 223

Section 1 Grammatical Use of Words:Correct in Grammar 225

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Haley Huddles with Top GOP Strategists 225

2 Bomb Went Off 226

3 Welcome to Pride in Diversity 226

4 A Northwest Distaste for Nuclear Power 227

5 Cairngorm Funicular Severely Criticized by Public Audit Committee 227

6 70 Percent of Chinese Women Content with Their Lives 228

Ⅱ.Lecture:Correct Use of Words in Grammar 228

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 237

Ⅳ.Writing 238

Section 2 Semantic Use of Words:Correct and Accurate in Meaning 239

Ⅰ.Sample:1 A Guide to Understanding Animals'Scientific Names 239

2 NAACP's New Chairwoman Hopes to Broaden Group's Base 241

Ⅱ.Lecture:Correct and Accurate in Meaning 242

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 248

Ⅳ.Writing 250

Section 3 Stylistic Choice of Words(1):Correct in Grammar,Appropriate in Style 251

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Where Else Dogs and Cats Are Eaten 251

2 Everybody Got Their Something 252

3 In the Workplace,Loyalty Is a Sometime Thing 252

4 Oscar Awards Portrayed an America Without Hope 253

5 Six Principles for Making New Things 253

Ⅱ.Lecture:Correct in Grammar,Appropriate in Style 254

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 263

Ⅳ.Writing 264

Section 4 Stylistic Choice of Words(2):Proper in Meaning,Appropriate in Style 265

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Job Application Letter 265

2 Personal Letter 267

Ⅱ.Lecture:Proper in Meaning,Appropriate in Style 268

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 273

Ⅳ.Writing 275

Section 5 Figurative Use of Words(1):Deviated from Norm,Appropriate in Style(A) 276

Ⅰ.Sample:1 All Quiet on the Western Front 276

2 We Are as the Deer 277

3 Call of the Mild 278

4 Rosa Multiflora 279

5 Romeo and Juliet 280

Ⅱ.Lecture:Tropes and Related Lexical Devices 280

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 287

Ⅳ.Writing 289

Section 6 Figurative Use of Words(2):Deviated from Norm,Appropriate in Style(B) 290

Ⅰ.Sample:1 Argument of H.S.Fitch,esq 290

2 Obama:Clinton MLK Comments"Ludicrous" 291

3 On Nature and Science 292

4 A Telephone Call 292

Ⅱ.Lecture:More Tropes and Related Lexical Devices 293

Ⅲ.Meditation and Exercises 299

Ⅳ.Writing 301

Reference Books and Articles 303