
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邬岚主编;吴艳群,孙丽芳,林丽副主编
  • 出 版 社:人民交通出版社股份有限公司
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787114125317
  • 页数:140 页

Part Ⅰ 基础篇 2

Chapter 1 Introduction to Traffic Engineering 2

Text A Transportation Systems and Their Function 2

Text B Elements of Traffic Engineering 4

Vocabulary and Glossary 6

Exercises 7

Reading Material:Traffic Engineering's Role and Objectives 9

Chapter 2 Transportation System Issue 13

Text A Traffic Problems and Challenges 13

Text B Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing 15

Vocabulary and Glossary 17

Exercises 18

Reading Material:Ten-day Chinese Traffic Jam 19

Part Ⅱ 专业篇 24

Chapter 3 Traffic Flow 24

Text A Traffic Flow Parameters 24

Text B Traffic Flow Theory 26

Vocabulary and Glossary 30

Exercises 31

Reading Material:Travel Time Studies 32

Chapter 4 Traffic Control 34

Text A Introduction to Traffic Control 34

Text B Road Traffic Control 36

Vocabulary and Glossary 41

Exercises 42

Reading Material:Traffic Signal Control Systems 43

Chapter 5 Traffic Planning 48

Text A What Will Our Community Look Like in the Future? 48

Text B What Are the Travel Patterns in the Future? 50

Vocabulary and Glossary 55

Exercises 56

Reading Material:Why are Planning Models Important? 57

Chapter 6 Traffic Safety 60

Text A Introduction to Traffic Safety 60

Text B Human Factors and Traffic Safety 61

Vocabulary and Glossary 63

Exercises 64

Reading Material:Measures to Improve Traffic Safety 66

Chapter 7 Public Transportation 68

Text A History of Public Transportation 68

Text B Dial-A-Ride 70

Vocabulary and Glossary 72

Exercises 72

Reading Material:Carpooling 73

Chapter 8 Intelligent Transportation System 76

Text A Advanced Traveler Information Systems 76

Text B Electronic Toll and Vehicle Classification 78

Vocabulary and Glossary 80

Exercises 81

Reading Material:Applying ITS Technologies to TDM 83

Part Ⅲ 技巧篇 88

翻译技巧 88

技巧一:词类的转译 88

技巧二:被动句的译法 90

技巧三:省译与增译 95

技巧四:长句的译法 101

技巧五:数字的译法 102

论文写作技巧 106

技巧六:语法技巧 106

技巧七:论文的题目与作者 109

技巧八:摘要与关键词 110

技巧九:论文主体 115

技巧十:英文参考文献的写法 119

技巧十一:论文撰写规范 121

Key to Exercises 126

Part Ⅰ 126

Chapter 1 126

Chapter 2 126

Part Ⅱ 127

Chapter 3 127

Chapter 4 127

Chapter 5 128

Chapter 6 129

Chapter 7 129

Chapter 8 130

参考文献 131

附录:交通专业英语网址选编 134

索引 135