
  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:广东商学院等编
  • 出 版 社:汕头:汕头大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7810366173
  • 页数:591 页

Chapter One Early and Medieval English Literature 1

Section Ⅰ Introduction 1

Section Ⅱ Beowulf 12

Section Ⅲ Chaucer 16

SectionⅣ Early English Drama:Miracle Play,Mystery Play and Morality Play 21

Chapter Two English Literature of the Renaissance 27

Section Ⅰ Introduction 27

Section Ⅱ Thomas More 32

Section Ⅲ Shakespeare 35

Section Ⅳ Francis Bacon 47

Chapter Three English Literature of the 17th Century 55

Section Ⅰ Introduction 55

Section Ⅱ John Donne 57

Section Ⅲ John Milton 59

Section Ⅳ John Bunyan ane John Dryden 66

Chapter Four English Literature of the 18th Century 74

Section Ⅰ Introduction 74

Section Ⅱ Pope,Addison and Steele 76

Section Ⅲ The Beginning of English Realistic Novels Defoe,Swift and Fielding 80

Section Ⅳ Sentimentalism and Its Representatives 84

Section Ⅴ Pre-Romanticists:Blake and Burns 86

Chapter Five English Literature of the Romantic Period 91

Section Ⅰ Introduction 91

Section Ⅱ William Wordsworth 101

Section Ⅲ Samuel Taylor Coleridge 115

Section Ⅳ Lord George Gordon Byron 128

Section Ⅴ Percy Bysshe Shelley 145

Section Ⅵ John Keats 161

Section Ⅶ Hazlitt and Lamb 173

Chapter Six English Literature of the Victorian Age 191

Section Ⅰ Introduction 192

Section Ⅱ Charles Dickens 199

Section Ⅲ William M.Thackeray 218

Section Ⅳ Jane Austen and Bronte Sisters 231

Section Ⅴ Alfred Tennyson 261

Section Ⅵ Working Class Literature 267

Chapter Seven English Literature at the Turn of the Century 272

Section Ⅰ Introduction 272

Section Ⅱ Thomas Hardy 274

Section Ⅲ John Galsworthy 278

Section Ⅳ Bernard Shaw 290

Section Ⅴ The Schools of Naturalism,Neo-Romanticism and Aestheticism 295

Section Ⅵ Oscar Wilde 299

Chapter Eight English Literature Between the Two World Wars 302

Section Ⅰ Introduction 302

Section Ⅱ William Butler Yeats 310

Section Ⅲ Virginia Woolf 312

Section Ⅳ Edward Morgan Forster 315

Section Ⅴ David Herbert Lawrence 317

Section Ⅵ William Somerest Maugham 325

Section Ⅶ Thomas Steams Eliot 328

Chapter Nine English Literature after the Second World War 340

Section Ⅰ Introduction 340

Section Ⅱ Samuel Beckett 345

Section Ⅲ Larkin and"the Movement" 353

Section Ⅳ Kingsley Amis 358

Section Ⅴ William Golding 366

Section Ⅵ Dorris Lessing 381

Section Ⅶ Ted Hughes 388

Chapter One American Romanticism 395

Section Ⅰ Introduction 395

Section Ⅱ Washington Irving 398

Section Ⅲ James Fenimore Cooper 402

Section Ⅳ Edgar Allan Poe 406

Section Ⅴ Ralph Waldo Emerson 411

Section Ⅵ Henry David Thoreau 417

Section Ⅶ Nathaniel Hawthorne 422

Section Ⅷ Herman Melville 427

Section Ⅸ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 434

Chapter Two American Literature of the Realism 438

Section Ⅰ Introduction 438

Section Ⅱ Walt Whitman 440

Section Ⅲ Emily Dickinson 443

Section Ⅳ H.B Stowe and Mark Twain 446

Section Ⅴ O.Henry 452

Section Ⅵ Henry James 462

Section Ⅶ Jack London 468

Section Ⅷ Theodore Dreiser 475

Chapter Three American Literature Between the Two World Wars 480

Section Ⅰ Introduction 480

Section Ⅱ Ezra Pound and Imagism 485

Section Ⅲ E.E cummings 491

Section Ⅳ Ernest Hemingway 495

Section Ⅴ F.Scott Fitzgerald 506

Section Ⅵ Sinclair Lewis 510

Section Ⅶ William Faulkner 514

Section Ⅷ John Steinbeck 519

Section Ⅸ Eugene O'Neil 524

Chapter Four American Literature After the Second World War 530

Section Ⅰ Introduction 530

Section Ⅱ "The Beat Generation"and Allen Ginsberg 541

Section Ⅲ Black Writers:Hughes and Wright 545

Section Ⅳ Modern American Drama 550

Section Ⅴ John Updike 566

Section Ⅵ The Jewish Writers:Bellow and Mailer 568

Section Ⅶ The Feminist Writers:Porter and Plath 576

Section Ⅷ Black Humour:Joseph Heller 584