旅游序曲篇 3
出 Leaving a country 3
飞 Traveling by Air 14
入 Entering a country 23
服务指南篇 33
银 At the bank 33
邮 At the post office 46
交 Transportation 55
馆 At the restaurant 74
宿 Accommodation 93
医 In the hospital 113
轻松休闲篇 129
聊 Small talks 129
食 Food and drink 144
淘 Shopping 160
娱 Entertainment 174
世界风情篇 197
亚 The tour in Asia 197
非 The tour in Africa 204
欧 The tour in Europe 208
美 The tour in America 213
洋 The tour in Oceania 218
附录:旅游常识 225
世界各国及城市别称 225
世界名胜常用语 227
中国名胜常用语 232
常见公共标语 234
通关的基本常识 238
世界各地时差 240