《实用英语 泛读教程 2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7040152126
  • 页数:98 页

Passage A:Communications of the Future 1

Passage B:"High Tech"and"State of the Art" 5

Passage C:What's So Good About the I nformation Age? 6

Passage A:Protection for Consumers in USA 10

Passage B:Getawy People Use XYZ Petrol 13

Passage C:Scan This Web Site 15

Passage A:Buses Are Good Test of Virtue 17

Passage B:Get the Job You Want(Speed Reading) 21

Passage C:Job Hunting 24

Passage A:Making a Cultural Change 28

Passage B:The British Family Life(Speed Reading) 32

Passage C:The Sacred"Rac" 35

Passage A:How to Tell If Someone Is Lying 38

Passage B:My Educational Experience at Illinois 43

Passage C:Don't Believe Everything You Hear 46

Passage A:The Email Murderer 49

Passage B:Television:How It Affects Us(Speed Reading) 53

Passage C:When the Computer Is Down 55

Passage A:Animal Education 59

Passage B:Talk to the Animals(Speed Reading) 63

Passage C:Tobermory:The Talking Cat 66

Passage A:The Virtue Called Devotion 69

Passage B:Clone Ewe,but Not You 73

Passage C:Personal Relationships 76

Glossary 80

Phrases and Expressions 92

Key to the Exercises 94