《3维超大规模集成电路 2.5集成方案》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邓仰东,(美)马利著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787302211655
  • 页数:194 页

1 Introduction 1

1.1 2.5-D Integration 5

1.2 Enabling Technologies 8

1.2.1 Fabrication Technology 8

1.2.2 Testing Methodology and Fault Tolerance Technique 9

1.2.3 Design Technology 10

1.3 Objectives and Book Organization 13

References 16

2 A Cost Comparison of VLSI Integration Schemes 21

2.1 Non-Monolithic Integration Schemes 22

2.1.1 Multiple-Reticle Wafer 23

2.1.2 Multiple Chip Module(MCM) 23

2.1.3 Three-Dimensional(3-D)integration 24

2.2 Yield Analysis of Different VLSI Integration Approaches 26

2.2.1 Monolithic Soc 28

2.2.2 Multiple-Reticle Wafer(MRW) 28

2.2.3 Three-Dimensional(3-D)Integration 30

2.2.4 2.5-D System Integration 31

2.2.5 Multi-Chip Module 34

2.2.6 Summing Up 35

2.3 Observations 37

References 38

3 Design Case Studies 42

3.1 Crossbar 43

3.2 A 2.5-D Rambus DRAM Architecture 46

3.2.1 Tackle the Long Bus Wire 46

3.2 2 Serialized Channel in the 3rd Dimension 48

3.3 A 2.5-D Redesign of PipeRench 50

3.3.1 The 2.5-D Implementation 52

3.3.2 Simulation Results 54

3.4 A 2.5-D Integrated Microprocessor System 56

3.4.1 A 2.5-D Integrated Microprocessor System 57

3.4.2 An Analytical Performance Model 62

3.4.3 Detailed Performance Simulation for Reduced Memory Latency 66

3.5 Observations 69

References 71

4 An Automatic 2.5-D Layout Design Flow 74

4.1 A 2.5-D Layout Design Framework 75

4.1.1 2.5-D Floorplanning 77

4.1.2 2.5-D Placement 78

4.1.3 2.5-D Global Routing 78

4.2 Observations 81

References 81

5 Floorplanning for 2.5-D Integration 83

5.1 Floorplan Level Evaluation—Category 2 Circuits 87

5.1.1 Technique 87

5.1.2 Results 89

5.2 Floorplan Level Evaluation—Category 3 Circuits 91

5.2.1 Technique 91

5.2.2 Results 92

5.3 Thermal driven floorplanning 93

5.3.1 Chip Level Thermal Modeling and Analysis for 2.5-D Floorplanning 95

5.3.2 Coupled Temperature and Leakage Estimation 99

5.3.3 2.5-D Thermal Driven Floorplanning Techniques 105

5.3.4 Experimental results 107

5.4 Observations 111

References 113

6 Placement for 2.5-D Integration 117

6.1 Pure Standard Cell Designs 119

6.1.1 Placement Techniques 120

6.1.2 Benchmarks and Layout Model 123

6.1.3 Evaluation of Vertical Partitioning Strategies 125

6.1.4 Wire length scaling 126

6.1.5 Wire length reduction 129

6.1.6 Wire Length vs.Inter-Chip Contact Pitch 133

6.2 Mixed Macro and Standard Cell Designs 134

6.2.1 Placement Techniques 136

6.2.2 Results and Analysis 138

6.3 Observations 140

References 142

7 A Road map of 2.5-D Integration 144

7.1 Stacked Memory 145

7.2 DRAM Integration for Bandwidth-Demanding Applications 147

7.3 Hybrid System Integration 151

7.4 Extremely High Performance Systems 155

7.4.1 Highly Integrated Image Sensor System 155

7.4.2 Radar-in-Cube 158

References 160

8 Conclusion and Future Work 164

8.1 Main Contributions and Conclusions 165

8.2 Future Work 168

8.2.1 Fabrication Technology for 2.5-D Systems 169

8.2.2 Testing Techniques for 2.5-D Integration 171

8.2.3 Design Technology for 2.5-D Integration 173

References 186

Index 188

Figure 1.1 Actual chip complexity increases faster than Moore's law 2

Figure 1.2 An imaginary 2.5-D system(see colour plate) 5

Figure 2.1 Total consumed silicon area of multiple-reticle wafer 30

Figure 2.2 Silicon area of the 2.5-D implementation with 4 slices of chips 33

Figure 2.3 Silicon area of the 2.5-D implementation 34

Figure 2.4 Silicon area of the MCM implementation 35

Figure 2.5 Silicon area comparison of different integration schemes 36

Figure 2.6 System planning for future VLSI systems 38

Figure 3.1 Stick diagram of a monolithic crossbar(see colour plate) 44

Figure 3.2 Stick diagram of a 2.5-D crossbar(see colour plate) 45

Figure 3.3 Rambus DRAM 46

Figure 3.4 2.5-D Rambus DRAM 48

Figure 3.5 RDRAM memory system 49

Figure 3.6 3-D Rambus DRAM:4-channel configuration 50

Figure 3.7 Original monolithic implementation of PipeRench 51

Figure 3.8 Critical path of PipeRench system 52

Figure 3.9 The 2.5-D re-design of PipeRench(see colourplate) 53

Figure 3.10 Alpha 21364 floorplan and memory bus placement 58

Figure 3.11 A 2.5-D stacked microprocessor and DRAM 60

Figure 3.12 A diagram of computer system 60

Figure 3.13 CPI calculation 63

Figure 3.14 CPI with regard to main memory latency and L2 cache miss rate(see colour plate) 65

Figure 3.15 IPC Speedup by reduced memory latency 68

Figure 4.1 A 2.5-D layout synthesis framework 76

Figure 4.2 2.5-D routing graph 79

Figure 5.1 2.5-D floorplanning 87

Figure 5.2 A floorplan example 89

Figure 5.3 Insert a 0-weight cell 91

Figure 5.4 2.5-D thermal-driven floorplanning flow 95

Figure 5.5 A 3-D IC with two stacked chip layers in a package 96

Figure 5.6 Thermal interactions between a region of the top transistor layer to all other regions on both transistor layers(not all interactions are drawn) 98

Figure 5.7 Thermal simulation of a set of floorplans with varying total area and aspect ratio(only one stacked layer is shown for each case) 99

Figure 5.8 Modeling the temperature dependency of the leakage power using a linear model 101

Figure 5.9 Leakage power distribution is confined within the placed circuit blocks 103

Figure 5.10 The distribution of wire length and temperature gradient 109

Figure 5.11 Temperature snapshots of the thermal driven floorplanning with Benchmark AMI49.Both the maximum temperature and the temperature gradient are reduced during the optimization(see colour plate) 111

Figure 6.1 2.5-D placement problem(see colour plate) 119

Figure 6.2 2.5-D placement process 121

Figure 6.3 Wire length reductions vs.vertical partitioning 126

Figure 6.4 Monolithic and 2.5-D placements for the same design 127

Figure 6.5 A profile of wire length reduction 128

Figure 6.6 Wire length reductions of standard cell placement 130

Figure 6.7 Wire length distribution of one design 132

Figure 6.8 Interconnect power comparison—2-D and 2.5-D solutions 133

Figure 6.9 Wire length vs.pitch of inter-chip contact pitch 134

Figure 6.10 Block splitting during mixed placement 138

Figure 6.11 Wire length reductions of mixed placement 140

Figure 7.1 Road map for the development of 2.5-D ICs 145

Figure 7.2 Flash memory capacity in cellular phones(adapted from) 146

Figure 7.3 Peak memory bandwidths of major NVidia GPUs 148

Figure 7.4 Intel's wire-bonded stacked Chip Scale Packaged flash memory(courtesy of Intel Corporation) 148

Figure 7.5 Normalized clock rate vs.peak memory bandwidth of NVidia 149

Figure 7.6 Tile-based multiprocessor architecture 151

Figure 7.7 A multi-chip wireless handset solution(courtesy of Texas Instruments) 152

Figure 7.8 Passive components in package 155

Figure 7.9 An image sensor system digram 156

Figure 7.10 A 2.5-D camera/IR sensor system 158

Figure 7.11 Computational demands for military radar systems(adapted from) 159

Figure 7.12 Block diagram of a radar system 159

Figure 7.13 2.5-D implementation of a radar system 160

Figure 8.1 Area power I/O for 2.5-D integration(see colour plate) 168

Figure 8.2 MEMS based inter-chip contact(see colour plate) 170

Figure 8.3 Design flow for 2.5-D ICs 184

Table 1.1 Design variables involved in designing a 2.5-D system 11

Table 2.1 Wafer bonding based 3-D integration technologies 25

Table 2.2 Values for the major parameters of our cost model 28

Table 3.1 SPICE simulation on the critical path 55

Table 3.2 Configuration of target microprocessor 58

Table 3.3 SPEC2000 benchmark programs under study 67

Table 3.4 IPC improvement by Reduced Memory Latency 68

Table 5.1 2-D and 2.5-D floorplans for Category 2 designs 90

Table 5.2 2-D and 2.5-D floorplans for Category 3 designs 93

Table 5.3 2.5-D thermal-driven floorplans with different weighting factors for thermal cost 108

Table 5.4 3-D floorplans with and without thermal concern 110

Table 6.1 Placement benchmarks 123

Table 6.2 Worst-case wire length reduction for nets with large fan-out 129

Table 6.3 Wire length comparison of standard cell placements 131

Table 6.4 Mixed Layout Benchmarks 135

Table 6.5 Wire length characteristics of mixed placement 139