Introduction&Konrad Ehlich-Johannes Wagner 1
Part Ⅰ:Business negotiation as discourse type 7
What makes a discourse a negotiation?&Johannes Wagner 9
Negotiation,decision-making and formalism:The problem of formand substance in negotiation analysis&David Francis 37
Part Ⅱ: Discourse structures in business negotiations 65
International sales talk&Jochen Rehbein 67
The management of discourse in international seller-buyer negotia-tions&Helen Marriott 103
Telenegotiation and sense-making in the"virtual marketplace"&Alan Firth 127
Organisational power in business negotiations&Mirjaliisa Charles 151
Part Ⅲ:Simulating business negotiations 175
Negotiation discourse and interaction in a cross-cultural perspec-tive:The case of Sweden and Spain&Lars Fant 177
Dyadic and polyadic sequencing patterns in Spanish and Danish negotiation interaction&Annette Grindsted 203
English and Danish communicative behaviour in negotiation simu-lations:On the use of intratextual and intertextual repetition&Flemming G.Andersen 223
An analysis of language use in negotiations:The role of context and content&Joyce Neu-John L.Graham 243
Part Ⅳ:Politeness and disagreement in business negotiations 273
The expression of disagreement&Judith Stalpers 275
Culturally determined facework priorities in Danish and Spanish business negotiation&Anette Villemoes 291
Politeness in French/Dutch negotiations&Per van der Wijst-Jan Ulijn 313
References 349
Index 373