《澳门学引论 首届澳门学国际学术研讨会论文集 上》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郝雨凡,吴志良,林广志主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:社会科学文献出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:7509726549
  • 页数:416 页

上册 1

研究澳门文化,弘扬澳门精神&许嘉璐 1

推动澳门学研究,打造澳门“文化名片”&赵伟 3

加强合作,共同推动澳门学研究的发展&金莉 5

作为本土知识体系而构建的澳门学&吴志良 7

Macao: An Essential Part of the World&Jose Lus de SALES MARQUES 10

澳门学的范式及意义&郝雨凡 11

澳门学与基督宗教研究&卓新平 15

A Polymorphic Approach to An Historical and Dynamic Phenomenon&Antonio Vasconcelos De Saldanha 25

澳门学的起源及分期&汤开建 29

学科特征与学科体系(The Academic Charactenistics and System of Macaology) 38

整合学术,确保长期繁荣稳定&杨允中 38

再议建设澳门学&陈树荣 45

澳门学的重要内容:西文历史文献的整理&张西平 55

互动—相生:人类文明发展的澳门模式——近20年澳门学研究述评及其他&林广志 71

澳门学视域中的澳门文学&朱寿桐 84

关于编纂澳门历史地图集的初步构想&郭声波 93

交汇·内化·升华——兼论澳门学形成之样态&王杰 114

澳门与澳门学(Macao and Macaology) 131

Macaology: The Intellectual Roots/The Rise of Print Capitalism&Geoffrey C.Gunn 131

The Roots of the Present Macaology (Historigraphical Perspective): Macao’s Historigraphical Renewal of the Late 20th Century&Tereza Sena 165

Felipe B.Nery (1920-) and Macao: A Lifetime of Memories in the Diaspora&Joseph Abraham Levi 185

Becoming Mexican in Macao: Mexican Chinese Community and Diasporic Identity Formation in the Portuguese Colony, 1930s-early 1960s&Julia Maria Schiavone Camacho 226

Sephardic Jews: Enterprise and Settlement in Asia (1530-1620)&Liucio de Sousa 247

The Place of Macao in American Literary Studies: Visualizing Romance in the Diaries of Harriett Low and Commodore Matthew C.Per&KendallJohnson 289

New Christian Merchants and Commerce between Portugal, Brazil and Macao in the Modern Age&Angelo Adriano Faria de Assis 317

The Circulation of Animals and Animal Products in the South and East China Seas(Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods)&Roderich Ptak 338

The Inquisition in Goa and Macao in the 16th Century: The Untold Story of Leonor da F onseca, A Macanese New Christian (1593-1595)&Isabel Morais 342

Studying the 1918 Influenza Epidemic in Macao&John Robert Sheperd 364

The Year of the Death of Montalto de Jesus&Paul Spooner 385